The pancreas hurts - symptoms and signs, how is pain manifested in pancreatitis, what kind of treatment if it hurts?

Symptoms of pancreatic disease in the early stages is vomiting on an empty stomach in the morning, or during a meal. The intensity and frequency of pain is weak.

In later stages of the disease or during exacerbation, sudden severe pains localized in the left hypochondrium, having a girdling character, appear. Sensation of aches spread throughout the body. In addition, nausea, hiccough and vomiting are added. Often the gag reflex occurs due to acute manifestations of this symptom. After the allocation of vomit, having an acidic or bitter medium, the condition improves slightly. Their Ph score is also a sign of a certain stage of the disease.

Another symptom, if the pancreas hurts - the sensation of the patients increases in the left hypochondrium, a feeling of bursting inside, which makes it harder for a person to breathe. It is not rare that the body temperature rises to 38 degrees or more;increased heart rate and a decrease or increase in blood pressure.

Signs of pancreatic pain in pancreatitis

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One of the signs of pancreatic pain is the patient's forced position. When pancreatitis, the patient has to curl up and lie so still. Or to be bent sitting on a chair, holding hands a sore point. In such positions, the pain subsides. But when the body changes to its original position, it returns again.

In addition, the stronger this pain symptom in pancreatitis, the more frequent the patient has attacks of vomiting. Spasmolytic drugs do not bring relief. The main sign of chronic and acute pancreatitis is the result of a biochemical blood test that diagnoses an elevated level of amylase.

Pain symptoms in pancreatitis and their treatment

The main treatment and first aid for symptoms of pancreatitis are:

  • calling the doctor at home;
  • hunger - giving up food for a few days;
  • cold - applying a warmer with ice or filled with cold water to the abdominal region;
  • rest - providing bed rest and absence of nervous overexcitation.

During hospitalization to ease the pain symptom doctor prescribes spasmolytic drugs intramuscularly or intravenously - Papaverin, No-shpa, etc. are administered. Intravenous injections of saline solutions are performed to remove intoxication. Also the following therapy is organized:

  • for 3-5 days - refusal of food and reception of warm mineral water without gas;
  • in the future allowed to drink yogurt, then add a little fat-free cottage cheese and gradually the patient is transferred to a diet table No. 5P.
  • for prevention of pancreatic edema and elimination of toxic substances - diuretics;
  • prescription medications - Creon, Mezim, Pancreatin or Festal, containing the enzymes of the pancreas - they provide a state of rest for the diseased organ;
  • shows a complex intake of B vitamins, and if there are no contraindications, then vitamin C;
  • in case the treatment is ineffective, the question of surgical intervention is being decided.

How is pancreatic pain manifested?

The manifestation of pancreatic pain may resemble the symptoms of the following diseases:

  • perforated ulcer;
  • of osteochondrosis;
  • of an attack of cholecystitis;
  • appendicitis;
  • kidney disease.

Not to confuse the symptoms will help to know the manifestations of pain in various diseases. With the perforated ulcer the stomach becomes strained and hard. With pancreatitis it is mild.

To distinguish the signs of osteochondrosis, light strokes with the palm of the hand on the vertebral column will help. Disease of the back will immediately manifest itself as unpleasant sensations in this area. Pain with cholecystitis gives to the right side, right down to the scapula;The pancreas is in the left region.

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