Alcohol and pressure: causes of low and high blood pressure

Alcohol intoxication takes place in several stages, on each of which blood pressure may decrease or increase. So, several spoons of cognac, added to coffee, often cause a decrease in blood pressure. However, large doses of ethanol provoke the opposite effect.

Alcohol and pressure

In general, the effect of alcohol on pressure indicators is unstable. From the point of view of medicine, BP( blood pressure) increases not ethanol itself, but a complex of factors, among which:

  • the age of a person;
  • state of health;
  • drinking alcohol the day before;
  • medication;
  • stress;
  • power supply;
  • lifestyle.

So, in a state of binge, a person develops hypertension, because alcohol stimulates the central nervous system. However, the method of increasing the pressure with alcohol is quite controversial and should be applied only on the advice of a doctor. A reliable fact is that any alcohol speeds up the heartbeat. As a result, blood pressure rises.

With a sharp decrease in pressure, the patient begins to feel dizzy, there is weakness and pain in the heart. This may indicate an allergy to alcohol or serious heart problems, including myocardial infarction.

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Reasons for

After the first drink, alcohol sometimes causes an attack of hypotension.

Decrease in pressure is caused by the following reasons:

  • Decreased vascular tone.
  • Accelerated movement of blood in the ventricles.
  • Addiction to alcohol toxins.

Immediately after ingestion of ethanol, the vessels expand. They lose their tone and become elastic, so the blood encounters more resistance. As a consequence, blood pressure is reduced.


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Normally, the ventricles should push the blood out, but with the dilated blood vessels, the passage of blood flow through them is accelerated. This also affects the lowering of blood pressure. As a result, oxygen ceases to flow to the fingers and other distant parts of the body.

Cardiovascular pathologies and chronic hypotension exacerbate the negative effects of alcohol. Therefore, with such diseases, alcohol consumption is not recommended.

What alcohol lowers the pressure

A marked decrease in pressure provokes cognac and white wine. This statement is not an axiom, since the indicators of blood pressure depend to a greater extent on the attendant factors. A true fact is that any alcohol speeds up the heartbeat. As a result, the pressure rises. However, sometimes alcohol can lower blood pressure. This occurs most often as a result of using a small dose of cognac - about 1.5 st.l., which are added to coffee or tea.

This drink expands blood vessels, and blood when moving along them has to deal with increased resistance. As a result, the pressure decreases.

Help with

If alcohol has been drastically reduced in humans, blood pressure should be placed on the bed. Under the patient's legs, a folded blanket or pillow should be placed so that they are above the level of the head.

To access oxygen, open the window and unfasten the tight clothes on the person. As the blood pressure drops and the temperature decreases, the patient needs to be wrapped in a blanket. To increase blood pressure, he can brew a strong tea with sugar, dripping into it 10-15 drops of tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus or aralia.

Every 15 minutes the patient should measure pressure with a tonometer. If it continues to decline, and a person falls into fainting, you need to call an ambulance faster.


Although sometimes from a small dose of alcohol the pressure may decrease, it often rises from the very beginning of the feast. This is due to the fact that ethanol increases the frequency of heart contractions.

All chronic alcoholics suffer from hypertension. In this case, even a relatively healthy person who has a tendency to this disease, alcohol can increase blood pressure by 10-30 points. Very often hypertension is diagnosed in the elderly, so there is no answer to the question whether it is possible to drink alcohol at elevated blood pressure, and if you really want, then with extreme caution.

The high pressure is indicated by dizziness, tachycardia, increased sweating, red face, chills and anxiety. With these symptoms, a person urgently needs help because the hypertensive crisis can trigger a heart attack or stroke. Also on its background, kidney failure develops.

Reasons for

After the first 60 g. Of alcohol, as a rule, the pressure starts to increase.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Stimulation of the nervous system.
  • Rapid heart rate.
  • Violation of the regulation of enzymes and hormones.
  • Kidney disorders.

With regular use of alcohol, especially in large volumes, ethanol accumulates in the body, stimulating the sympathetic nervous system. In addition, after a large dose of alcohol, the heart rate increases, which naturally increases blood pressure. The more a person drinks, the higher his blood pressure rises.

At some point, ethanol provokes the release of norepinephrine, renin and hypertensin into the bloodstream. A consequence of disturbed regulation of enzymes and hormones is increased pressure.

Another cause of high blood pressure after alcohol is impaired kidney function. As the urination becomes more frequent, the liquid-electrolyte balance is disturbed. The body has to raise blood pressure.

Which alcohol increases the pressure of

Red wine, beer and champagne have the property of increasing pressure. However, the attack of hypertension often causes cognac. If in a small amount it often lowers blood pressure, then when the dose is exceeded in 80 g, the opposite effect is observed.

Fusel oils, which are part of cognac, disrupt the functioning of the kidneys, liver, CNS.As a result, complications occur on the heart.


Alcohol at high blood pressure, namely hypertensive crisis can threaten serious complications on the heart, so the first thing you need to measure a person's blood pressure. If it is increased by 10 or more points, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Before the arrival of the physicians, the patient needs to help take a semi-sitting position. He should not lie, because the risk of suffocation increases.

If this is not the first attack, a person should be given his usual medication. However, preparations not customary for a patient before arrival can not be used. To relieve pain in the heart, he needs to put nitroglycerin under the tongue.

What else should I do after the pressure after alcohol? In the room you need to open the window to provide oxygen access to the room. You can make a patient a hot foot bath - this will take some of the blood to the periphery.

In a hypertensive crisis, a person has panic attacks and anxiety. He needs help to calm down, convinced that his health will be all right, and the doctor will soon arrive.

Doctors will deliver an intravenous injection of the drug against hypertension. They will decide the need for hospitalization.


It is impossible to say exactly in what cases alcohol lowers blood pressure, and in what cases - it increases. Pressure factors are affected by multiple factors. In particular, individual characteristics of the body are of great importance, therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how alcohol affects the pressure.

In most cases, reduces the pressure of a little cognac mixed with coffee or tea. This drink expands blood vessels and is even used to normalize high blood pressure. Starting with the second glass, any alcohol, as a rule, accelerates the pulse and increases the pressure.

However, it is always important to consider the attendant factors. So, in case of an allergic reaction to ethanol, a person can sharply drop the pressure not only from cognac, but also from another drink. If he suffers or even is just inclined to hypertension, alcohol with a high probability will provoke hypertensive crisis.

Effect of alcohol on the heart and blood vessels:

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