How children undergo periodontal treatment of baby teeth

1 Home help: what to do

Treatment at home will not allow you to get rid of the cause of the disease, but you can alleviate the condition of the child. Nevertheless, you need to see a doctor for help. It is recommended to consult with a specialist before using the tools and procedures of .

  1. To reduce the pain syndrome, you need to use the drugs Ibuprofen and Paracetamol.
  2. A solution of soda is used for disinfection. It is necessary to take 1 tsp.and dissolve in a glass of boiled water. Rinse the oral cavity in the affected part. Do not heat the area of ​​inflammation and use warming compresses. This will lead to an increase in the scale of inflammation, which will significantly worsen the situation of a small patient.
  3. For rinsing, you can take antiseptics and solutions, but you need to clarify the dosage of a specialist. High efficiency is characterized by Chlorhexidine, which does not lead to irritation of mucous membranes and fights well with pathogenic microorganisms. During the development of periodontitis, a 0.05% solution of the drug is used.
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  5. Dimexide has an anti-inflammatory effect. It allows to improve the penetration of drugs into tissues. In addition, the drug effectively eliminates discomfort. Use the drug can be no more than 3 times a day.
  6. To reduce pain, an ordinary iodine solution is suitable. The component penetrates to the focus of the inflammatory process and reduces the pain syndrome. It is necessary to take a glass of boiled water and add a few drops of iodine to it. The mouth is rinsed with a solution 3-4 times a day.

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2 Therapy of different forms of

The need for a doctor's visit is dictated not only by the importance of discovering the causes, but also by determining the degree of development of the disease and its form. Further treatment will depend on these indicators. Often there is an acute type of periodontitis. Excess of exudate is of great importance in this form. Do this kind of exercise should only the doctor, otherwise there is a possibility of damage to soft tissues.

After the removal of the contents proceed to endodontic treatment. It is mandatory to wash the root canals released from the exudate, for which medicinal compounds are used. At the stage of exudation, a tampon is placed in the root of the tooth, which is impregnated with an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic composition.

It is impossible to achieve a positive result during one visit, so several visits to the dentist's office will be required. During the next procedure, the upper part of the tooth is formed with a lining of medical components, so that lysis of the tissues takes place effectively. In this gasket, hydrolytic and proteolytic enzymes must be present.

For anesthesia, the doctor appoints not only the previously named Ibuprofen and Paracetamol, but also Analgin, Amidopyrin and acetylsalicylic acid. After eliminating inflammation, they begin filling the crown and canals. The patient should rinse using the following decoctions:

  1. Eucalyptus.
  2. Sage.
  3. Romashkovoy.

If treatment is not performed or only traditional medicine is used, then the pain will disappear. This does not indicate a recovery, but it is due to the development of a chronic form. Therefore, starting treatment in a timely manner is an important condition for recovery.

Elimination of the chronic stage has its own characteristics. Mechanical treatment is needed to remove infected dentin and decaying tissues. Deletion of content is carried out in fractional portions. During the procedure, the following antiseptics are necessarily used:

  1. Iodopyrone solution 1%.
  2. Chloramine solution is 0.5-1%.
  3. Alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt 1%.
  4. Solutions of Iodinol or Chlorhexidine 1%.

After treatment, treatment is performed to eliminate inflammation and stimulate the recovery process. To neutralize toxins apply solutions Hymopsin, Chymotrypsin, Terrylitin or Trypsin. In the future, you will need to visit a doctor to control the affected area.


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3 Surgical intervention

Conservative technique does not always help the patient to get rid of pathology. With advanced and progressive periodontitis, surgeon intervention may be required. There are several types of operations, and all of them will help to get rid of the problem.

Often resort to the help of a patchwork operation, in which small incisions are made on the gums. This will allow you to expose the roots of the tooth, remove the formed stone and perform cleaning. The duration of the procedure is several hours. All actions are carried out under local anesthesia.

If the bone has been destroyed by the pathological activity of the bacteria, it may be necessary to transplant this element. The transplant can be not only donor, but also consist of small fragments of your own bone. In addition, resort to the help of controlled regeneration, which allows you to build a bone.

Another treatment technique involves applying a special formulation to the root surface of the affected tooth. The composition contains components that are present in the developing enamel. The use of similar formulations makes it possible to activate the growth of tissues and bones.

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Thus, for the successful treatment of a child, you need to contact the medical institution in a timely manner.

There is a high probability of complications or the transition of pathology to a chronic form, so you can not delay. It is not recommended to eliminate periodontitis independently, as the recipes of folk techniques can not provide complete treatment of inflamed areas, which will lead to the development of lesions.

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