Glycolic hemoglobin: the norm in diabetes mellitus

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Diabetes mellitus is a dangerous disease that involves the constant monitoring of blood glucose levels by passing certain tests. One of these types of research is the analysis for glycated hemoglobin, since its norm in diabetes mellitus indicates that the treatment methods are correctly selected. What this analysis is like, how to take it and what results provide for a normal state, should be considered in detail.

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Glycated hemoglobin: what is

What does the result of this analysis show? It helps to determine the average sugar content in the blood last 3 months. This is one of the most informative methods of research, even compared to the analysis for sugar. It should be carried out not only for people with diabetes, but also for a healthy person with a suspicion of the disease. The main symptoms in which a patient is referred for such a study are:

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  • constant thirst;
  • frequent and excessive urination;
  • rapid overstrain;
  • impaired functioning of the visual apparatus;
  • decreased immunity;
  • a rapid increase in body weight.

Advantages of the study for glycated hemoglobin are:

  • analysis can be performed regardless of time of day, not necessarily on an empty stomach;
  • helps to identify the disease at an early stage of its development;
  • procedure does not take much time;
  • does not require any special preparation;
  • the accuracy of the result does not depend on irritant factors such as emotional stress or nerve strain;
  • before taking tests can take medication.

As regards the shortcomings of this analysis, these are:

  • high cost of the study compared to other analyzes;
  • anemia can adversely affect the accuracy of the result;
  • not all laboratories carry out this analysis;
  • , a hormonal imbalance may give an increased rate, even if the glycated hemoglobin in the patient is normal.

It's important to remember! In order to obtain the most accurate results, the study is required to be conducted in the same laboratory!

Normal for a healthy person

In a person who does not suffer from diabetes, usually the result of the analysis for glycated hemoglobin ranges between 4-6.5%.The norm for women is given in the table:

No. Age Norm
1 Up to 30 years 4-5%
2 30-50 years 5-7%
3 Over 50 years Not less than 7%

A significant increase in this indicator indicates the development of sugardiabetes. In such cases, it is required to begin treatment immediately.

Regarding the rate of glycated hemoglobin in men by age, these data are given below:

No. Age Norm
1 Up to 30 years 4.5-5.5%
2 30-50 years 5.5-6.5%
3 Over 50 years 7%

Men need special control after 40 years. Excess weight or obesity also requires regular delivery of this analysis.

Pregnancy rate

Pregnancy is a very exciting and joyful period in the life of every woman. In order to tolerate a healthy baby, the expectant mother needs to closely monitor her health, regularly visit a gynecologist and take a series of tests to detect possible pathologies in a timely manner.

The result of the analysis for glycated hemoglobin in pregnant women should be less than 6.5%.In future mothers who are already suffering from diabetes, this study is required to be carried out every 2 months. This will help to affect the disease in a timely manner with a sharp increase in the indicator. When deciphering these figures, one should take into account the fact that women often have anemia, a decline in strength, frequent vomiting during pregnancy. These factors can affect the result. Indicators and their decoding usually look like this:

  1. Less than 5.7%.This means that metabolic processes do not have disorders, the risk of developing diabetes is minimal.
  2. 5.7-6%.The risk of diabetes increases, in such cases it is required to begin to observe a special diet, which consists in using the minimum amount of carbohydrates.
  3. 6.1-6.4.The maximum risk of developing diabetes. It is necessary to revise the daily routine and observe a strict low-carb diet.
  4. More than 6.5.This indicator provides for the establishment of a preliminary diagnosis - diabetes mellitus. In this situation, a number of additional studies are required.

Analysis for glycated hemoglobin does not always show a reliable result. This is due to the restructuring of the body and its adaptation to new conditions. Regular deviations from the norm of this indicator indicate such violations:

  • large weight of the future baby;
  • violation of the integrity of blood vessels;
  • impaired renal function;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the visual apparatus, in a pregnant woman there is either short-sightedness or farsightedness.

In the late pregnancy period, this analysis can no longer be taken, since the result is usually unreliable.

Diabetes norm

This disease involves a blood test for glycated hemoglobin every 3 months. The norm for type 1 diabetes is 6.5-6.9%.This indicates effective treatment. If this indicator increases, it means that the patient develops a type 2 disease.

A significant increase in the indicator indicates that the patient is inadequate treatment or is following an incorrect diet.

Complications for abnormalities

What is dangerous for reduced or elevated glycosylated hemoglobin? Such deviations gradually cause damage to internal organs, namely:

  1. . Blood vessels. Their walls gradually lose their elasticity, the lumen narrows. The body gets insufficient oxygen, which can lead to heart attack, stroke and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Renal system. The kidneys begin to function improperly, which gradually leads to kidney failure.
  3. Skin. As a result of poor blood supply, the patient slowly heals even minor wounds, trophic ulcers begin to form. This leads to diseases of the skin of an infectious nature.
  4. Central nervous system. The upper and lower limbs lose their sensitivity, there is a constant heaviness and weakness of the arms and legs.

Therefore, for any deviation from the norm of glycated hemoglobin, it is required to begin treatment immediately.

Score normalization

An elevated index can lead to the development of diabetes. How to lower glycated hemoglobin. For this it is required to carry out such activities:

  1. Follow the diet. Proper nutrition with high glycohemoglobin provides for the consumption of a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, milk and sour-milk products, fish and nuts. Exclude from the diet of fatty foods and snacks.
  2. Regular moderate exercise. You should give at least 30 minutes a day to training. Useful will be aerobic exercise, swimming, walking.
  3. Avoid stressful situations and emotional stress.
  4. Visit your doctor regularly. He will assess the general condition of the body, the level of glycosylated hemoglobin, if necessary, make adjustments to the treatment regimen.

Reduced glycohemoglobin also adversely affects the health and condition of a person. What can you raise this indicator? To do this, you need to eliminate the reason for its decline. The most common prerequisites for lowering glycated hemoglobin are:

  • excessive use of drugs that reduce blood sugar;
  • a prolonged debilitating low-carb diet;
  • regular physical fatigue, which caused chronic fatigue;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal glands.

Having eliminated the above problems, this indicator is normalized. Also, it should be remembered that elevated hemoglobin should be reduced gradually - no more than 1% per year. In this case, it is necessary to take this analysis once every 3 months. But we should not forget that its results do not show sharp changes in the level of glycoglymoglobin in the blood.

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