Hydradenitis in the groin in women and men: treatment, autopsy, symptoms

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Human hair is located not only on the top of the head, but also in the cavities under the armpits, inguinal area. Men also have vegetation on the face, chest, back, buttocks, limbs. However, the density of hair in the groin and armpits is more frequent than in other places.

In addition to hair density, these areas are characterized by a high density of sweat glands located near the hair follicles. Inflammatory processes inside bulbs and these sweat glands, called apocrine, received in medicine the name of the pathology - "hydradenitis."The autopsy and treatment with antibiotics of hydradenitis in the groin( inguinal) in women and men, its symptoms and features will be described in this article.

Features of hydradenitis in the groin

The prevalence of inguinal hydradenitis is the same as that of the axillary. The popular name for inguinal and axillary hydradenitis is the "bony udder". The age of the sick person has a direct link to the disease.

There are no sex differences in the course of the disease. Men and women of childbearing age are equally susceptible to the pathological process in the apocrine sweat glands. Localization of the lesion focus is not limited only to the inguinal region, the disease spreads in women to the large labia, in men - to the scrotum.

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Purulent type of hydradenitis is fraught with complications in the form of sepsis. A competent and timely treatment of hydradenitis guarantees prevention of life-threatening complications, but can not be prevented from relapse.

Since the main cause of inguinal hydradenitis is associated with an infectious agent, the treatment should be carried out with the appointment and competence of a dermatologist. Cases of the use of conspiracies or suggestions to lick a bitch in a stricken place must go away in the last era for which the medicine was in its infancy.

The following video will describe this hydraenitis in the groin:


Morphological symptoms of inguinal hydradenitis differ in several types:

  1. Purulent type .Characteristic development as a result of the closure of sweat and sebaceous glands. Usually it develops in people prone to rare courtship of the genital area. The patient feels a loss of strength, burning and other pain in the area of ​​the affected groin. The temperature mark of the thermometer can reach 37.5 degrees or more. Untimely treatment threatens the occurrence of dangerous consequences.
  2. Inguinal Hydradenitis .Often, this type of disease occurs after not very careful shaving of the inguinal zone. Staphylococcal bacteria can penetrate into penetrating small wounds, which are the cause of the development of hydradenitis from redness and painful touch to the formation of pustules. Movement of the limbs gives pain, not always comfortable underwear. This type of disease is typical for underarm shaving.
  3. The recurrent type of is named because of a prolonged inflammation accompanied by the release of purulent masses. The scale of the affected area is gradually increasing, capturing new areas. A dangerous complication that can be expected as a result of the lack of treatment is sepsis.

Stages of

The pathological process of damaging the sweat glands of the groin takes place in stages for 10 days.

  1. The initial stage of the disease is characterized by the formation of small knots, dense to the touch. Touching the knots is accompanied by an easy soreness. The nodes at this stage are mobile under the skin.
  2. The second stage is the development of knots in size and soldering them with the skin. In this case, the skin changes color to red-blue, touching the skin becomes very painful. If the large nodal formations are close to each other and their capsules coalesce, a large abscess forms, giving pain in absolute rest( without touch and movement).
  3. The third stage is determined by the opening of abscesses, the density of which becomes lower. The thickened whitish mass with splashes of blood bursts out. After treatment from the holes of ulcers, scar tissue remains. The untimely appeal to the doctor contributes to the growth of the lesion, turning the disease into a chronic form.

The reasons for the appearance of hydradenitis in the groin will be described below.

Causes of

The causative agent of the disease penetrating into the sweat and sebaceous glands, hair bulbs is a coliform bacterial colony - Staphylococcus aureus. Penetration occurs with inaccurate shaving, insufficient personal hygiene. Less frequently, streptococcal and other prokaryotes are found in lesions.

Not every contact with a dangerous bacterium ends with hydradenitis. To activate pathogenic bacteria requires the action of one or more factors, which include:

  • age hormonal surge, hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, childbirth;hormonal diseases;
  • excessive sweating;
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • decreased immune forces of the body;
  • synthetic tight clothing, including - underwear;
  • permanent wearing of synthetic clothing;
  • inadequate personal hygiene.

Symptoms of

In accordance with the steps described above, the pain sensations increase, the temperature rises. It is worth noting that, regardless of the number of abscesses with holes, necrotic rods in each of them are absent. Often patients with inguinal hydraenitis complain of headache and feverish attacks.

The disease can seize subcutaneous adipose tissue, in which case phlegmon is added to the hydraenite. If lymphatic vessels are involved in the affected area, lymphadenitis develops.

In the chronic form of hydradenitis, lesions are noted that are at different stages of progress. Lack of medical care for chronic hydradenitis sometimes resulted in death.


The diagnostic set of methods is small, since bright symptoms show the specificity of the disease. Differentiation of the diagnosis of "inguinal hydra" is followed by furunculosis. This requires a medical examination and palpation of lesions. Similarity of diseases will be in the hyperemic area, the allocation of purulent masses, but it is enough not to see and not probe the necrotic rods to state not in favor of furunculosis.

With kollikvativnym tuberculosis, hydradenitis will differ in the course of the course of the disease( in collibacative tuberculosis the period of development of pathology is slower) and the degree of soreness of the nodes. With tuberculosis, red-blue nodes during touch and palpation do not cause painful sensations.

Laboratory methods of blood testing revealed a characteristic for the disease increase in the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation and leukocytosis. If there are numerous relapses of the disease, it is necessary to identify the characteristics of the resistance of the organism to different substances with the help of an immunogram.

About what doctor to apply, having hydradenitis in the groin, we will tell below.



Varieties of therapeutic techniques in the treatment of inguinal hydraderitis are carried out only under conditions of medical supervision:

  • autohemotherapy;
  • immunotherapy with prescription of medicinal products for general strengthening effect on the body;
  • ultrasound and ultraviolet irradiation;
  • dry heat;
  • walks in nature.

On how to treat purulent hydradenitis in the groin, inguinal area, we will tell below.


The medical direction should take into account the patient's condition, the stage of development. The usual treatment regimen includes antibacterial agents, nitrofurans, sulfonamides.

At the stage of purulent discharge and in its precursor, 2 times a day of applying lozenges from ichthyol ointment to affected lesions are used.


Surgery is performed only if there is an abscess. To do this, it is opened and washed with antiseptic solutions. Further treatment will be directed to the exclusion of rubbing pus into the skin, so the wounds are not bandaged using cotton wool, and the bactericidal plaster is applied to the site of the operation and the entire affected area.

In the initial stage of the disease, independent treatment is possible, if at the end of the disease a proper effect is observed. To this end, the dry heat method is used: a hot terry towel, ironed with an iron, is applied to the groin area. The procedure is carried out for 15 minutes several times in laziness( at least 3).

To prevent the spread of the disease to neighboring areas, it is better to shave all the inguinal area or at least the affected areas. During the treatment of hydradenitis, hot baths should not be taken because of the rapid spread of the infection. It is advisable to take a slightly warm shower with a patch applied to the affected groin.

Folk methods

In contrast to therapy, folk treatment of affected areas is carried out with alcohol tinctures of sophora, St. John's wort, eucalyptus and sea buckthorn oils, and Kalanchoe juice.

Prevention of

A personal hygiene measure is considered to be the first measure to prevent hydradenitis. Obese people are desirable to lose weight, normalize the diet.

The process of shaving the groin should be neat and avoid irritation. With close synthetic clothing is better to leave.

Complications of

There are many complications after hydradenitis( sepsis, chronic form).The most dangerous of them is a lethal outcome in the absence of treatment.


The prognosis of the disease at any stage is favorable, but treatment will quickly return the patient to the relief of symptoms in early treatment.

Even more useful information about hydradenitis in the groin contains this video:

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