Colitis and gastritis - treatment and diet

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of various parts of the digestive system causes disruption of their functioning and leads to the development of serious pathologies. With lesions of the thick intestine, the disease is called colitis, the stomach - gastritis. The causes of these disorders may be external or internal and act primarily in a complex.

Colitis and gastritis can be acute or chronic. In the first case, the disease is of a short-term, but strongly pronounced nature. With prolonged exposure to pathological factors or poor-quality treatment of acute inflammation, it goes into a chronic stage.

Colitis and gastritis impair the absorption of food. This is accompanied by abdominal pain, stool disorder, heartburn, vomiting, flatulence and other symptoms. When colitis occurs, edema of the colon and impaired mucus production. In the stomach, the work of the glandular cells and the balance of the acidity of its parts are disrupted. Consequences of colitis and gastritis are fever, weakness, fatigue, ulcer, cancer.

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Treatment of colitis and gastritis

The variety of types of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and the similarity of their symptoms necessitate a thorough diagnosis. Such methods of research are used:

  • analysis of feces( with colitis) or gastric juice( with gastritis);
  • ultrasound;
  • X-ray;
  • endoscopy.

Further the doctor the gastroenterologist appoints treatment of a colitis and a gastritis which includes:

  • reception of medical products;
  • course of physiotherapy;
  • diet.

If inflammation occurs as a result of the action of pathogenic microorganisms or helminths, then antibiotics or anthelmintics are needed. Also in the treatment use local agents: No-Shpu, Imodium, Loperamide, Festal. To restore cells of mucous membranes, anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs are prescribed. If the cause of the disease was excessive use of drugs, then they should be deleted.

In complex cases, therapy is performed in a hospital. The doctor's actions are aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease and restoring the cells of the mucous membrane of the affected organ. After improvement, the patient should continue to adhere to the diet.

Diet for gastritis and colitis

Relaxation in diet with gastritis and colitis is possible in case of remission. It is important to follow the diet and eat fractional - at least 6 times a day, thoroughly chewing food. Vitamin-mineral complexes are useful.

General contraindications:

  • is oily, fried, overly salty and spicy food;
  • alcohol and smoking.

Diet for gastritis depends on the form of the disease: with increased acidity, the specificity of the products is aimed at lowering it, with a decreased - for activation of the secretion of cells of the gastric epithelium. In the case of acute colitis, the first two days should be abandoned food, and then go to a diet regime.

Do not use:

  • products that cause flatulence;
  • fungi;
  • fatty and hard meat;
  • fresh bread and buns;
  • smoked meat and pickles;
  • excessively hot and cold dishes.

Authorized products in the treatment of gastritis and colitis:

  • eggs soft-boiled, scrambled;
  • low-fat fish and steamed meat;
  • boiled or baked fruit;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • boiling porridge;
  • mineral water, tea, rose hips, compotes, kissel;
  • vegetable purees, soups, salads.

Food should be subjected to maximum heat treatment and grinding, so as not to injure the inflamed mucosa of the stomach and intestines. It should be diverse and contain 100 g of protein and fat components, 500 g of carbohydrate and 15-20 g of salt.

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