Espumizan with constipation in newborns, whether there can be disturbances in the stool after it in the baby, does it help how to give babies?

Espumizane with constipation in newborn babies helps with colic and increased gas production caused by drugs based on lactulose, which are always prescribed to babies for problems with stool. Worried about the condition of crumbs, young mothers can give Espumizan from the first month of life. This drug is a real "first aid" for parents, because it effectively eliminates many of the problems of the intestine in newborns. But still this is not the reason to begin self-treatment of this means of infants. It is necessary to consult the district pediatrician before starting treatment with Espumizan! Usually experts warn that from a medicine there can be troubles with an intestine and strengthening of locks, and also select the most effective methods of struggle against them in this situation.

Pediatric practice shows that infants should be given a drug in the form of a liquid emulsion. Simektion, which is its main active substance, helps to remove gases from the body. Getting into the intestines of newborns, Espumizan absorbs gas bubbles, which during constipation sometimes form there in large quantities. Emulsion is also necessary in the case when the stool retention causes colic in a baby. This drug is completely safe for most babies, since it helps to cope with intestinal problems without being absorbed into the blood. Due to the fact that the drug is taken out unchanged, it usually does not cause side effects. But some neonatal babies from Espumizan may have allergic reactions. They begin with a lesion of the intestinal mucosa, which leads to the development of diarrhea or constipation. Further violations occur in most life systems. Basically, this applies to the respiratory system and skin.

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How to give Espumizan to children with constipation?

It is recommended to take a medicine against colic to the newborns before going to bed, and also before or during feeding. It should be strictly adhered to the dosage indicated on the package of the drug, otherwise it can be harmful to the baby. Before using Espumizana for constipation in a child, a jar of emulsions should be very well shaken and only then drip into a teaspoon prescribed by a specialist, depending on the age and weight of the baby number of drops. It is best to dilute the drug with breast milk or a mixture for feeding, and in this form, pour into the baby's mouth or dig in with a pipette.

Take Espumizane, designed to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms caused by constipation, it is necessary at least 3 times a day. Older children sometimes refuse to drink a useful, but not very tasty medicine. In this case, give it is right after eating, offering to drink with water or juice. The drug is taken until the elimination of unpleasant symptoms. Also, the mothers of infants who are breastfed, while treating Espomizan problems caused by their children with constipation, can eat a large amount of prunes. This will help ensure that the baby's stool remains normal.

In spite of the fact that this drug helps the baby effectively enough, without causing any side effects in most babies and bringing quick relief, in any case, the consultation of the pediatrician is required before taking Espomizan. Also, during therapy with this drug, you should closely monitor the stool of the crumbs, and when any hints of constipation appear, consult a specialist.

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