Oncocytology of the cervix, what it is: the analysis of the analysis, the algorithm for taking a smear, the price

Oncocytology is a microscopic examination that allows timely detection of oncological pathologies.

A swab is taken from the cervix and cervical canal. During the procedure, a biomaterial is examined from different layers of tissue that lines the cervix.

Study of the structure of the epithelium allows you to determine how healthy the cells are, whether there are mutants among them.

Analysis reveals not only an oncological component, but also various inflammatory processes. Thanks to timely diagnostics, most ailments are successfully treated.


Oncocytology is recommended for anyone who is over 18 years old. Usually the study is performed by a gynecologist during routine examination, as well as during pregnancy.

The study is relevant not only for manifestations of any illness, but also for preventive purposes.

If the doctor has a suspicion of oncology, then the analysis is appointed forcibly. But a woman can always refuse to study.

Indication for the study is the planning of pregnancy. It is mandatory in the second and third trimester. Results are entered in the exchange card and are taken into account when choosing the method of delivery. If the cervix is ​​damaged during delivery, then it is necessary to carry out diagnostics several times a year.

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Direct indications for the study are:

  • menstrual irregularity,
  • erosion,
  • papillomavirus,
  • presence of cancer patients among the next of kin.

Special attention to their health should include representatives of the weaker sex who smoke, have various immunodeficiencies, infections of the organs of the reproductive system. Indications for diagnosis are deficiency of vitamins A and C.

Sometimes you may hear that after the onset of menopause, genital tract diseases can disappear. This opinion is erroneous: women of Balzac and older age should undergo cytology every 12 months.

If the requirement is not met, cancer cells can be found, which is difficult or impossible to cure.

Types of cytology

There are two main types of diagnostics:

  • simple,
  • liquid.

They differ in the technique of carrying out, using special equipment.


This kind consists in applying biomaterial to the glass. A smear is taken only from a certain area. The disadvantage of the method is that it can show the presence or absence of the disease, but it is not always possible to infer the quantitative characteristics of the virus.

Specificity of the study is that the doctor takes the material and makes a "smear-imprint".This is done by brushing the entire surface of the slide. After drying, put in a package and sent to a laboratory.


It differs from the previous version in that the material is completely immersed in a container with a special composition. This preserves the morphological and biological properties of the cell. You can store this material any amount of time.

The liquid medium in which the material is placed protects cells from bacteria, premature drying and damage. Such material remains resistant to changes in temperature. There is a kind of conservation inside the liquid, so the biomaterial is transformed into an even layer of washed cells.

Preparation for analysis of

The study does not guarantee an accurate result if the study was performed against the backdrop of an inflammatory process. It is recommended to take it after treatment and not during menstrual bleeding.

Technique for taking a smear on oncocytology

A gynecologist nips a small amount of epithelium from the surface of the cervix. At the same time, there are no pains or painful sensations.

After collection of the analysis, in rare cases, small red markings are noted.

They usually do not require correction, end on this day or the next.

A special cervical brush or spatula is used as a tool. They are inserted into the vagina, and after taking the analysis, the material is placed on a glass or in a container with a liquid.

What are the results of oncology, decoding and norm

There are five classes of cervical status:

Class Features Norm / pathology
1 There are no single atypical cells, all elements of a normal size. Normal.
2 There are cells indicating an inflammatory process, but there are no criteria indicating the presence of tumors. Re-examination and diagnostics are required using other methods.
3 There is a small number of atypical cells. Study is assigned in dynamics.
4 There are malignant cells in the smear. Cells are evidence of cancer, additional research and treatment is required.
5 A large number of malignant cells are noted. The patient is sent to the oncologic dispensary.

The result of oncocytology is positive and negative. In the first case, cells are carefully studied to determine the type of pathology. The final diagnosis is made based on the results of a comprehensive diagnosis.

Cytological studies may contain information about:

  • Smear from the cervical canal. Then the cells of the cylindrical epithelium are normally found to be unchanged. Occasionally, a small amount of metaplastic epithelium appears. It is considered a variant of the norm. They testify that the analysis is taken from the transition zone.
  • Smear from the vaginal part. In it, cells of multilayer flat epithelium are considered to be the norm.

If any changes are found, the cytologist must describe them in detail. When identifying atypical cells, colposcopy is performed. This method allows you to study the cells under a microscope.

How many days are the results prepared?

In the laboratory, the oncocytology analysis is prepared from 3 to 5 days to obtain a general picture. If there is a change in cells, then the study goes on in several stages.

Therefore, we will have to wait at least a week at best. Cytology in municipal polyclinics is usually ready within two weeks.

Diagnostic price

The test is carried out in almost all clinics. In municipal and federal pass the diagnosis can be free of charge on a medical policy. To do this, you must first make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Oncocytology allows to identify cancer cells even at the very beginning of the disease. With a positive result, a more thorough approach to the examination of the body is required.

Video about the analysis for oncology of HPV and PAP test:

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