Decaris with pinworms( enterobiosis), why did not treatment help against worms, how do tablets work, how many helminths die?

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Patients infected with enterobiosis are always looking for a good medication that helps to cope quickly with this disease. Specialists most often recommend taking Decaris. With pinworms that cause this disease, this medication works very effectively. Thanks to the proper treatment for it against invasion, parasites leave the intestines in a short time. On the question of how much time the pinworms die after Decaris, the doctors note that this usually occurs during the first day, but in the case when a person with enterobiasis feeds on fixing and fatty food, the last dead pinworms leave on the fourth day after taking Decaris. This is due to the fact that the delayed peristalsis of the intestine can not in time lead out dead or weakened parasites in a natural way. To prevent such a situation, and the medicine helped in a timely manner, during the treatment with this drug, the diet should be adjusted to include a large number of foods containing fiber.

In case the patient complains that Decaris did not help with pinworms and they do not pass this medication on the third or fourth day after the therapy with enterobiasis and are still alive, experts note 2 factors of the problem:

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  • The therapeutic course was violated,and the drug was taken in a dose that did not correspond to the weight of a person;
  • The rules of hygiene necessary to reduce the risk of repeated infection with enterobiosis( regular washing of hands with antibacterial soap, boiling and double-sided ironing of bed and underwear, wet cleaning of living premises with the use of disinfectants) were not observed.

How does Dekares act on pinwheel?

In these strong tablets the active substance is levamisole, which disrupts the flow of bioenergetic processes in round worms, and provokes the development of paralysis of the neuromuscular system. Within 24 hours after the ingestion of the components of Decaris, they die in the organism of pinworms. To put an enema cleansing or to drink laxatives after use for the treatment of enterobiasis of this remedy is not required, since the drug removes weakened parasites naturally with feces. The only thing that is necessary is to ensure that during the helminthic treatment with this drug a person does not have stool delays that will not allow the worms to be withdrawn from the intestine in time.

The great advantage of Decaris tablets in the treatment of pinworms is that it has an immunostimulatory effect, that is, it helps to restore weakened parasites immunity. The main part of this medicine comes out with the calves, and when it has sucked into the blood and enters the liver it decomposes into metabolites and is removed with urine. Purpose for enterobiasis Decaris should be performed only by a specialist, since this medicine can cause a person who gets rid of it with pinworms, the appearance of side effects, which with proper administration of the drug occur very rarely. Among them most often are the following:

  • Disorders of appetite and stool, nausea, vomiting;
  • Increased temperature, weakness and catarrhal phenomena;
  • Virtually all patients who get rid of pinworms with the help of Decaris, there is general weakness, apathy and dizziness.

In order that this symptomatology does not appear, the medicine for worms should be taken only under the prescription of the doctor and in the doses that he will prescribe. Any deviation from the prescribed course will either not destroy helminths or cause side reactions. Also, you should carefully consider the general rules for taking Decaris. To effectively destroy pinworms, you should drink it after a meal, and within a day after that it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol. A second course of therapy is given after 2 weeks.

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