Treatment of gastritis Helicobacter pylori( Helicobacter pylori, Helicobacter pylori), regimen of antibiotics, diet

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What is the connection Helicobacter pylori with such an inflammatory stomach disease as gastritis? And what treatment methods are best used to completely get rid of this microbe? Such questions, as well as many similar ones, can be heard from patients who have encountered this problem firsthand.

First, it is worthwhile to understand what problems Helicobacter pylori can bring to our organism, and secondly, to find out the effectiveness of the methods of drug therapy that can get rid of this disease.

When a person infects a person in the body, a real chain reaction occurs, which can be expressed by the following menacing scheme:

Helicobacter pylori infection = & gt;an inflammatory process that began in the organs of the digestive tract and is represented by such types of diseases as gastritis or ulcer = & gt;atrophic changes in the gastric mucosa = & gt;the process of metaplasia in the epithelial cells of this organ = & gt;formation of a malignant tumor.

As can be seen from the developmental stages of the pathology caused by this bacterium, the forecast is completely disappointing, therefore, at the first suspicions of infection, it is necessary to undergo the necessary research consisting of several stages, and start, without losing time, treatment in order to prevent the possibility of progressing gastritis with Helicobacterpylori.

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What is the treatment for Helicobacter pylori?

To achieve recovery of a person affected by this bacterium, it is necessary to use only complex treatment that is carried out for a long time.

Numerous studies that have been conducted in the field of medicine in connection with human infection with this microorganism have shown the greatest efficacy in the treatment of gastritis Helicobacter pylori with antibiotics such as Tetracycline, Furazolidone, Metronidazole, Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin.

But it should be strictly remembered that the appointment of any of these drugs, as well as the use of self-treatment in the fight against Helicobacter pylori is not only strictly forbidden, but it can lead to the most severe consequences!

Therapy of the disease with only one of the above is usually ineffective, so in modern medicine, several schemes have been developed that allow the patient to forget the gastric Helicobacter forever after the course of treatment has been completely passed.

It is therefore very important to follow all the instructions of a specialist in the application of the antibiotic regimen developed by him. All the errors and deviations from it will not only delay the desired recovery, but will not give the expected result in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori gastritis.

Medication for gastritis Helicobacter?

The effectiveness of treatment with these methods directly depends on how sensitive is the strain of the microbe present in the human body to the selected antibiotics, as well as on the form of the disease in the patient( ulcer or gastritis).

But it should be remembered that timeliness of appointments and accuracy of their performance always leads to complete recovery, and without consequences for human health. In the event that the disease takes a chronic or atrophic form, the desired result is more difficult to achieve.

And on time treatment of such types of gastritis Helicobacter pylori is much longer. Although there is undeniable evidence that even if there are atrophied cells in the stomach after the microorganism has been completely destroyed, the dead parts of the mucosa will not be restored, but their degeneration will cease. And, therefore, the risk of developing malignant neoplasms in the stomach will be significantly reduced.

It should also be taken into account that after the end of the course of treatment of gastric Helicobacter, a doctor will receive a second examination in about a month. This is necessary for the reason to check the effectiveness of the course of therapy and, if necessary, to appoint an additional treatment regimen.

Only with all precautions in the treatment of this disease and diet, the patient will forever forget not only the infection Helicobacter pylori, but also about the unpleasant symptoms and the terrible consequences of the gastritis caused by it.

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