Bath at a pancreatitis: whether it is possible to be soared in a sauna?

Baths and saunas are often used to treat a wide variety of diseases, as they strengthen the immune system and improve the performance of many internal organs. They have a beneficial effect on many systems and organs, including the gastrointestinal tract. It must be remembered that the digestive system is one of the most important systems of our body, and that the effect on it of the ferry will affect the entire body. However, before you start to visit the sauna or sauna, you need to consult your doctor, as with certain pathologies of the pancreas it is absolutely impossible and contraindicated. The therapist will determine the presence or absence of pancreatitis, the stage of the process, as well as the suitability and safety of visiting the steam room.

It's definitely impossible to feel the sweetness of relaxation and euphoria from bath procedures to patients with acute pancreatitis. This form of the disease involves strong pain sensations, as well as negative processes that are only intensified by exposure to high temperatures. Visiting a steam bath or sauna in this case will only lead to an increase in inflammation and, instead of easing the patient with pancreatitis, will feel, perhaps, even more severe pain.

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Chronic pancreatitis places fewer restrictions on a person, due to periods of exacerbations and remissions. Disease in a state of remission allows you to visit the sauna or sauna without undue consequences and new bouts of pain. It is advisable only to be wrapped around with a dry towel to protect the body surface from possible hot steam streams.

Do not completely abandon visits to the sauna or bath because of pancreatitis. After visiting the steam room, the work of sweat and sebaceous glands is activated, the metabolic processes( protein, fat, carbohydrate) are accelerated, lactic acid, urea and metabolic products are released from the body in large amounts. Under the influence of high temperatures and steam, blood circulation also improves, and blood from the central organs flows to the peripheral ones.

In addition to the known healing properties, both baths and saunas raise the mood, increase stress resistance and relieve nervousness, which also directly affects the course of pancreatitis. And coupled with the refusal to drink alcohol and moderate nutrition, the effect can be truly astounding. However, remember that everything is fine in moderation! Do not abuse and constantly consult your doctor.

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