Infection with the human bovine chain when eating meat, other ways and sources, how can you get infected by larvae( Finns), as transmitted by the shadowarhynchus?

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Infection of a person with a bovine chain occurs by food. This is the only possible way, while the person is the ultimate master. A mature individual of this pathogen parasitizes in the intestines, leading to various pathological reactions( inflammation, impaired absorption, etc.).

Contact with a sick person is not dangerous, becausethe disease is never transmitted by means of a household contact. However, it is worth considering how many larvae secrete infected patients into the environment, being the source of this helminthiasis. Statistical data is disappointing:

  • for the year is allocated 2.5 thousand segments of bovine tapeworm, falling into the soil and plants, leading to infection of cattle;
  • in each segment of bovine tapeworm contains approximately 150,000 eggs;
  • the lifespan of a parasite in the intestine of an infected patient reaches 25 years.

Simple mathematical operations allow you to calculate the role that a person performs for the transmission of the pathogen. Outdated eggs of bovine tapeworms fall into different media:

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  • water;
  • agricultural plantations on which grazing is carried out.

The cases of bovine egg eggs detection in gull feces are described. These birds are infected by them, eating segments in those places where the discharge of waste water into the sea occurs. Seagulls carry the disease for very long distances, presenting a serious danger, even in the absence of endemic foci in a particular area.

Bovine Chain in Meat

The way a person is infected with a bull chain leading to a shadowarhinosis is eating meat that contains Finns. The latter exhibit tropism to the skeletal muscles of cattle( calves, cows, bulls), where they persist for a long time. Most often, the source of infection with a bull chain is beef.

There is a natural question, what does bull tartin look like in meat? The photo shows that it is not easy to determine it visually. When a massive infection of the animal occurred Finns in large numbers fall into the muscles. These cases are most often detected when inspecting meat. Externally, Finns have the appearance of whitish impregnations, when feeling which determines the high density. However, those situations where beef is minimally invaded, during normal examination it is impossible to identify( the photo confirms this).Therefore, in order to prevent infection with a bull chain, a veterinary examination of meat is conducted. It involves taking samples and examining them under a microscope.

The peculiarities of the national cuisine impose a significant imprint on the prevalence of shadowarhynchosis in a certain territory. Therefore, two types of regions are distinguished:

  1. , infection with a person's bull chain is observed sporadically( sporadic cases);
  2. people are infected regularly and the incidence rate is high( endemic regions).

Infection factors in the food path are:

  • use for the preparation of shish kebabs of large pieces of meat. These sizes of meat contribute to the preservation of the bull tie in a living condition, tk. The influence of high temperatures in the thickness of the piece is insignificant. Such an infection path is common in the Transcaucasus and Central Asia, where the use of shish kebabs of this size is a common national tradition;
  • use of stroganina( jerky meat), common in northern regions of Russia;
  • use of a bouler. This is a national dish, distributed among the Mongols and Buryats. Its danger is that large pieces of meat are used for cooking. They boil, but not enough, so some larvae remain viable;
  • reception in food poses. This dish is a baked forcemeat in a fresh test. It is common in the trans-Baikal regions.

Sources of infection with bovine chain

No less dangerous is the sample of raw minced meat when cooking cutlets and other dishes. This is the fault of many mistresses. And in some areas this can be a national feature. This culinary habit increases the likelihood of infection by bullish chain. It happens by chance - a person, as a rule, never thinks about it.

The prevalence of the disease is highest in high mountain regions in comparison with the plains. And there is a scientific explanation for this. As the altitude rises, the boiling point changes, which reduces the efficiency of heat treatment and increases the probability of infection with a bull chain. So, every kilometer upwards reduces the boiling point of water by 4 ° C.

Teniarinhoz shows a certain seasonality. Infection of a person can occur with the greatest probability in the autumn and winter. This is due to the mass slaughter of large cattle raised for these purposes, as well as the willingness to use stroganina.

After the transferred disease, a person can be re-infected. Bovine tapeworm does not lead to the formation of persistent immunity. Therefore, hitting the body the next time, the immune system can not immediately destroy dangerous worms. And while antibodies and toxic cells are being developed, time will pass. It will promote the manifestation of the pathogenic properties of the parasite, which has already firmly attached to the intestinal mucosa.

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