Lentigo: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, folk remedies

Having found brown spots on the skin, people are frightened, knowing how many different diseases of the dermis exist. It is not necessary to be afraid. All that is required of you is to seek the help of a specialist. He will provide you with answers to all sorts of exciting questions. Due to his extensive experience of work, medical practice, he will appoint the treatment that suits you. Pigmented spots that refer to a benign are called lentigo. They arise due to the concentration of melanin( pigment) in the basal layer of the epidermis, chromatophores of the dermis.

Features of the disease

Lentigo specialists are usually referred to nevi( skin tumor, which can be congenital, acquired).On the skin, the disease manifests itself in the form of spots of brown color. These spots have clear boundaries, their shape is round. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that it can develop into cancer.

  • Specialists conducted studies, according to which it was found that the main risk group are women, and more specifically, fair-skinned representatives of the fair sex.
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  • Disease is observed in the elderly, most often over 60 years.
  • In men, this pathology is considered very rare, but it is more severe.

Lentigo on the face( photo)


Specialists have created the classification of lentigo. According to this classification, the main varieties are distinguished:

  1. The youth lentigo .The researchers did not establish the exact cause of the occurrence. The only thing experts are sure of is that the sun has nothing to do with the formation of such pigmentation. The spots are not very large( diameter 3-15 mm).Most often affected by mucous membranes, skin. Spots appear on the dermis at birth, in childhood.
  2. The old .Lentigo occurs with prolonged exposure to sunlight, age-related changes in the human body. With age, the amount, the size of the spots increases noticeably, and their color becomes darker. Often this form is manifested after menopause, which is characterized by hormonal restructuring. Pathology often occurs in such areas: hands, face. The boundaries of such formations are blurred, the spots are very large( diameter reaches 1 cm).Spots differ in multiple characters.
  3. Solar .This form is the most common. The reason for its occurrence is the prolonged exposure to the sun's rays. Localized defeat mainly on such areas: palms, hands, neck, legs, face, décolletage, upper back. Pigmentation spots with this form of the disease are small( their diameter reaches 5 mm).The color of the spots varies from dark brown to black.

The following 2 types of disease are considered less common, which are attributed to genetic anomalies, because they are inherited:

  1. Turentine lentiginosis Turena central .There is a lesion of the center of the face: the rim of the lips, nose, cheeks( occasionally).Sometimes the disease affects the shoulders. The resulting spots are similar to nodules, moles. The disease occurs with a delay in development, urinary incontinence, epileptic attacks. There is a pathology in young children.
  2. Periodic Lentiginosis .Diseases are characterized by the appearance of dark brown spots in the mouth area, the edges of the lips. Sometimes the lesion spreads to the oral mucosa, the mucous eye. With age( period 5 - 30 years), the patient's body is depleted because of the presence of numerous polyps in the stomach, intestines, abdominal pain.

Why the lentigo spots appear, you will learn from this video:

Causes of

The brown spots that are formed in people of different age, sex, are called lentigo. In this disease, spots can also have a blue color( very rarely).These pigmented spots are considered benign. It looks like the disease is not aesthetic, but there is no threat of development of malignant education. Most often the cause of the manifestation of pigmentation is the long-term action of the sun's rays.

The appearance of lentigo is provoked by the following factors:

  1. Weak immunity.
  2. Uncontrolled division of melanocytes.
  3. The presence of HIV infection.
  4. Hypersensitivity of the dermis to UV rays.
  5. Specific age( under 10, over 60).
  6. Presence of burns from sun rays.
  7. The presence of the human papillomavirus in the body.
  8. Transplanted organs.
  9. Malfunctions in the hormonal background, provoked by menopause, puberty, postpartum period.

Symptoms of Lentigo

  • A disease such as lentigo is characterized by the appearance of pigmented spots, the color of which varies from pale yellow to black. The shape of the spots is often rounded, elongated. The sizes of the spots are different( 3 mm - 1 cm).In some cases, the spots become denser, they can become convex.
  • The disease affects the more often open areas of the body( face, decollete, arms, neck, legs, back), but can also be observed in the closed( genitalia, oral mucosa).
  • The youth lentigo is shown in the form of many spots, dark color. With senile form, the spots can be light yellow, dark brown.

Lentigo melanoma, initial stage( photo)


  • Pigmented spots can be easily detected during routine examination. Noticing the characteristic pigmentation we are considering, we should visit a dermatologist, a therapist. They will make an accurate diagnosis.
  • In very rare cases, a specialist may need a biopsy. He takes a piece of tissue for a survey. Such an extreme is required if a malignant form of the disease is suspected. Biopsy is considered to be the main instrumental method of research.
  • To study the contours in detail, the stain surface structure is performed by dermatoscopy. Neoplasm is photographed in high-quality lighting, in high resolution.

To exclude a malignant process, you may need:

  • blood delivery to protein oncomarkers;
  • analysis of venous blood;
  • KLSM( confocal laser scanning microscopy).

For more accurate diagnosis, differential diagnostics with a number of neoplasms similar to lentigo will be required:

  1. Freckles.
  2. Older keratosis.
  3. Birthmarks.
  4. Chloazmy.
  5. Birthmarks, nevi.

Treatment of sunny, senile, age, simple lentigo is discussed further.


Usually, experts recommend that you perform a treatment similar to that used in the fight against freckles. The patient with lentigo is prescribed bleaching, exfoliating agents. So, as the disease does not cause painful sensations, a special discomfort, it is treated in rare cases. Most often, the painful seek to eliminate an unpleasant cosmetic defect.

Therapeutic methods of

To whiten the formed pigment spots, people use the following methods:

  1. Retinol peeling. This procedure is very effective in the presence of spots, light color.
  2. X-ray therapy. It is prescribed for hereditary disease.
  3. Photoprotection. The procedure is aimed at destroying the pigment layer, which is carried out by means of a flash of light with a high temperature.
  4. Mesotherapy. The spot is clarified with fruit acids.
  5. Dermabrasion. With its help remove single spots.
  6. Laser grinding.
  7. Diathermocoagulation of Lentigo elements. The tissue of the patient is heated pointwise to 800C.
  8. Photorejuvenation. The procedure consists in affecting the affected area with waves that are 515-560 Nm in length.
  9. Chemical peeling. Helps to eliminate stains, which are characterized by a shallow occurrence, a slight condensation.

Folk methods

To treat this epidermal disease can be folk methods. A good effect was provided by such recipes:

  1. Shavings from white soap( 1 tsp) + solution of hydrogen peroxide( 3%) + ammonia( 2 - 3 drops).So we get a foamy mass that needs to be applied to the spots for 15-20 minutes. After this period, the mass is washed off the skin, the epithelium is softened with cream.
  2. Glycerin( 2 tsp) + hydrogen peroxide( 1 tsp) + boric alcohol( 2 tsp) + water( 1 tablespoon).The resulting mixture is used to lubricate stains throughout the day. Juice of marigold extracted from leaves, flowers. They process the areas of pigmentation three times a day.
  3. White clay( 0.5 tbsp.) + Lemon juice. We need to get pasty mass. After it is applied to the skin, let it stand for 20 minutes.
  4. Elder( dry inflorescence) it is necessary to pour boiling water( 1 item).Let's cool down, brew. After percolation, add water( 0.5 tbsp.).Used to apply lotion 4 times a day.

Preventive maintenance of disease

Preventive actions which could save you on 100% from occurrence of illness or disease, are not present. You can only minimize the risk of pigmentation spots. To do this, it is sufficient to follow the rules below:

  1. Properly eat.
  2. Visit periodically with a dermatologist.
  3. Avoid frequent visits to the solarium.
  4. Provide skin protection with ointments, creams with SPF.
  5. Less common in the sun.
  6. Forget about bad habits.

With any change in lentigo( itch appears, color changes, shape, the size of the spots increases), you should visit the dermatologist immediately.

This video shows how the lentigo stain is removed:

Complications of

These pigmentation spots do not cause complications. They are just a cosmetic defect. Cases of skin cancer are very rare.


Treatment is aimed at removal, significant clarification of pigmented spots.

  • If to start the therapy in time, such a cosmetic defect as lentigo will be eliminated almost completely.
  • In rare cases, the formation may develop into a malignant one.
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