Types and symptoms of headache

1 Species diversity

Headaches are so multifaceted that it is sometimes difficult for a doctor to establish the true cause. It can both short-term and long-term, both sharp and simple whining. In some patients, the entire head may be hurt immediately, while others only have separate parts.

Often doctors diagnose aching bilateral headache, which is often accompanied by hypertension. In most cases, the pain syndrome is activated after a morning awakening and can be felt in the temporal areas. Such headaches can stop after exercise and drinking drinks, which include caffeine: coffee or tea.

Many patients may have a misconception that hypertension can cause headaches. This statement is erroneous and does not have a correct justification. Hypertension can cause headaches only in certain cases, with a sharp increase in blood pressure.

If the pressure has sharply increased, then in addition to pain, the patient feels a feeling of internal compression, nausea, pressure in the temporal areas and dizziness. These manifestations must be taken seriously, as they can lead to a hypertensive crisis, and it can lead to serious complications: stroke and heart attack.

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In modern medicine, psychogenic headaches are quite common. By it is meant a pain syndrome caused by mental or physical overstrain, as well as discomfort in depression. In such a situation, it is quite difficult for the doctor to establish the true cause.

In some cases, the pain may be aching, in others it may be oppressive. It can flow in the temporal lobe, then in the frontal lobe, or even spread throughout the head. Diagnosis and treatment should be carried out only on an individual clinical picture. Most often, headaches require a separate medication and psychotherapeutic treatment.

Headache can become one of the main manifestations of migraine - a disease that is associated with a change in the tone of the vessels of the brain.

Migraines are more predisposed to female sex, and the age group can vary from 10 to 40 years. The pains of women can manifest themselves in the form of defocusing of vision, patients begin to see surrounding objects blurred. Subsequently, the headache begins to increase with pulsation on one side, while it can give into the eye. Patients can feel very badly and feel nausea, vomiting, photophobia, etc.

See also

  • Types of headaches
  • Causes of permanent headaches in women
  • Causes of severe headache
  • Contemporary drugs from Pressure!

2 The main symptomatology of

To date, there are many forms of migraine in science, and they all differ in their symptoms. In some cases, the patient can observe neurologic disorders that appear on the face. Headaches can then subside, then intensify again. Sometimes the pain lasts for several days.

Horton's headache is a pain syndrome, which can occur during individual short periods, on average from 20 minutes. Most often, discomfort can occur at night or immediately after a morning awakening. The headache becomes excessively strong and burning, the patient's head seems to permeate the drill. It can appear suddenly and is localized from one side of the orbit. If the problem is activated, the patient can not lie or sit still. He begins to move restlessly around the room. In most cases, such headaches can occur every day, for a whole week or a month. After such a difficult period, they can completely disappear for years to come. This type of pain is more susceptible to the male sex with an age group older than 20 years.


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With the activation of pain in the head, along with a simultaneous increase in body temperature and fever, it is possible to talk about leaking meningitis, a disease in which the membranes of the brain become inflamed. Headaches with meningitis strong enough, can press on the orbit and manifest as nausea and vomiting. In addition to the described primary manifestations, it is expedient to distinguish others. The patient can not touch his chin on his own breast.

High temperature can also be a cause that will affect the nature of the pain, but they can quickly stop after taking Paracetamol or Analgin.

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If a severe headache has been diagnosed with a possible loss of consciousness or a decrease in the overall sensitivity of individual parts of the body, then we can talk about a brain hemorrhage. It occurs because of a sharp increase in blood pressure and with ongoing atherosclerosis of the brain vessels. Such a headache in many patients is described as the most terrible of the events in their life. Quite often, such a violation can lead to a change in the motor function and a decrease in overall activity, and in some cases even to a lethal outcome.

The prognosis for such a disease can be made based on the results of the therapy and promptness in the provision of care. If such a state is observed, we must immediately call the ambulance.

3 Recommendations

Headaches, which have acquired a persistent and intense character, should be investigated. In this case, one should not abuse his health and immediately seek help from a neurologist, since the nature of the pain may indicate the presence of a neoplasm in the structure of the brain. Quite often such unpleasant sensations can occur with nausea, vomiting, dizziness and fainting.

Often such a picture is observed in case of detection of a hematoma located under the brain shell or with an abscess found - a process in which suppuration of the brain stem occurs.

The cause of discomfort may be outside the cranial cavity, for example, osteochondrosis, sciatica, vertebral column infringement, etc. All diseases that may be associated with the spine will sooner or later manifest themselves in the form of acute headaches.

If the whiskey or forehead began to hurt, then we can talk about the presence of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses of the nose, for example, rhinitis, frontal or sinusitis. If the patient has affected otitis, the pain can be localized near the ear and may increase.

If the pain begins to increase and spread to other parts of the head, then we can talk about the activation of the infectious process. In this case, you should immediately go to the doctor, because the infection can lead to serious complications. Headache, which occurs with a violation of facial sensitivity, can signal the presence of neuralgia.

If you have a primary symptomatology, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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