Lays the ears, dizzy, sick or darkens in the eyes: causes

The appearance of earwax and dizziness is a dangerous sign. To determine the causes of this condition, you need time to see a doctor. Based on the results of detailed diagnosis, the specialist will diagnose and select therapy.

What happens in the body

The balance and position of the body depends on the structures localized in the inner ear. From this zone, the data falls within the temporal lobe of the brain. It happens by nerve impulses. Then the information is analyzed.

If the work of the inner ear is broken for certain reasons, and the transmission of impulses is interrupted, the person develops dizziness, weakness, earplane stuffiness when blowing, and other signs.

Causes of the

condition Earful congestion of in combination with dizziness is often due to the pathologies of the hearing organ. These include the following:

  1. Gray plugs or foreign objects in the external auditory canal. As a result, lays the right or left ear, the hearing decreases, there is a feeling of weakness and the swirling of objects in front of the eyes.
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  3. Chronic form of otitis media. In this case, there is a threat of hearing loss, dizziness and noise in the ears. Pathology has a different course, provoking caries of auditory ossicles or internal ear disease.
  4. Meniere's disease. It is characterized by dizziness, hearing loss from a certain side, noise in the head.
  5. Cold water in the ears. In such a situation, the vestibular apparatus suffers, stiffness and dizziness are observed.
  6. Other anomalies. They include the neurinas of the eighth pair of nerves of the skull, the labyrinthite.

The causes of these manifestations are often due to the influence of vascular factors. They include:

  1. Vascular atherosclerosis. With its development, there is general weakness, pulsating noise or stuffiness in the ears, a violation of coordination of movements, a spinning of objects in front of the eyes.
  2. Compression of the arteries of the spine. This pathology can be caused by the appearance of tumor formations, the development of osteochondrosis or other pathologies. When there is insufficient blood flow to the brain, people have eyes before their eyes, general weakness, nausea, unsteadiness of gait.
  3. Stroke. At the same time there is a systemic dizziness and a sense of noise in the ears. Depending on the severity of the process, there is a risk of the appearance of other signs - speech disorders, hemiparesis.
  4. Sharp pressure fluctuations. There may be noise and stuffiness in the ears, objects flash before their eyes, there is general weakness and instability.

Also, the head can spin when you use or cancel a number of medications. They include, in particular, tranquilizers and hypnotics. Often, this condition is accompanied by congestion and the appearance of noise in the ears.

Why we feel dizzy:

Concomitant symptoms of

In addition to dizziness and numbness, there may be:

  1. General weakness - this symptom accompanies many diseases of the organ of hearing. It can also occur with atherosclerosis, pressure drops or stroke.
  2. Nausea - this symptom may be the result of squeezing the arteries of the spine, which often accompanies cervical osteochondrosis.
  3. Violation of motor activity - may indicate an arterial hypertension, stroke, squeezing of the arteries.
  4. The appearance of fog in front of the eyes - is associated with a deficiency of vascular supply of the organ of vision or with a sudden outflow of blood from the brain.
  5. Headaches are usually caused by insufficient brain nutrition.

What to do if the ears are laid and the head is spinning.

If a person suddenly experiences symptoms, the person may fall and be injured. To avoid this, the following actions should be taken:

  1. Find the support for restoring balance. Do not close your eyes or squat, as the situation may worsen.
  2. It is important to normalize breathing. At the same time, you do not need to gasp for breath with air. It's much better to breathe through your nose, keeping your head straight.
  3. If it becomes bad for someone close, you need to provide a person with fresh air.
  4. If you need to perform any work or move, it is recommended to stop. After 10 seconds, dizziness will pass, and breathing will recover.
  5. If you feel the approach of an attack, you need to drink water. Dizziness is often due to dehydration of the body.


It is difficult to determine the reasons for the appearance of signs. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to conduct a number of studies.

The doctor necessarily performs a tomography, with the help of which can assess the state of the vessels. It is also necessary to perform radiography, an electroencephalogram of the brain, ultrasound. Thanks to these procedures, it will be possible to identify the pathologies of the brain and blood vessels.

In addition, it is necessary to assess the general condition of the body, exclude dangerous infections and other diseases that may be accompanied by such manifestations.

Treatment of

The therapy scheme is selected depending on the causes that cause dizziness and stuffiness. If these signs are associated with changes in atmospheric pressure, no special treatment is required. The same applies to situations associated with fatigue and prolonged rotation in a circle.

In other cases, the symptoms indicate the lesion of different structures and require special treatment - medical or surgical:

  1. With the development of vascular diseases, it is required to systematically apply drugs that contribute to vascular strengthening and normalization of the rheological characteristics of the blood.
  2. Stroke or transient ischemic attack requires comprehensive treatment in a hospital setting.
  3. If a person is diagnosed with Ménière's disease or other otoneurological pathologies, he needs complex therapy. In particular, Betaserc and other drugs are used.
  4. In case of problems with pressure, it is very important to take antihypertensive drugs systematically and monitor the indicators.
  5. In case of tumor lesions of the body, there may be a need for an operation.

What to do if the ears are laid and the head is spinning at high pressure, see in our video:

Possible complications of

Dizziness in combination with stuffy ears is considered quite serious condition. If this violation is not related to the influence of external factors, it can not be ignored. These symptoms can be signs of serious pathologies.


The prognosis depends on the degree of severity and the cause of these signs. In any case, the sooner the treatment begins, the more favorable the outcome of the situation will be. Therefore at the first symptoms it is necessary to address to the doctor.

Dizziness and ear congestion often occur in dangerous pathologies. To cope with this condition, it is important to consult a doctor and clearly follow all of his recommendations.

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