Which doctor treats leukocytoclastic( cutaneous) vasculitis: symptoms, form, treatment, photo

Each of us has been exposed to an allergy( including some have found out that it is an allergic or hemorrhagic vasculitis.) A standard rash accompanied by itching, which usually passes from several tablets, but can allergic manifestations be dangerous?, if it is leukocytoclastic vasculitis

Features of

Disease Leukocytoclastic( cutaneous) vasculitis is caused by inflammation of the vessel walls, which is caused by an allergy to various infectious and toxic factors In most cases, There is no statistical data on leukocytoclastic vasculitis, since the disease affects people of both sexes and all ages. The incidence of the disease depends on the form of vasculitis. Such, the hemorrhagic form is most oftenoccurs in children up to pubertal age( they also have another type of vasculitis - Kawasaki syndrome).

Photo of cutaneous vasculitis

Classification of

There is no specific classification of leukocytoclastic cutaneous vasculitis, however, doctors distinguish several forms characterized by various manifestations of the rash:

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  • Urticard. The manifestations are similar to hives. The patient has blisters in different parts of the body. Blisters are observed for longer than 2 days, accompanied by burning sensations.
  • Hemorrhagic. It differs with small spots with a smooth surface and a purple tint.
  • Papulondulyarnaya. Occurs rarely, manifests itself in the form of nodes with a smooth surface. In size, the knots can be from a ten-kopeck coin, when you touch the nodules they respond with pain.
  • Papulonecrotic. It appears as nodes of a flat or semi-spherical shape. In the central part of the nodes a scab with a black crust is formed. When the nodes dissolve, there are scars. Usually, the rash appears on the elbows and knee joints.
  • Pustular-ulcerative. Lesions look like festering pimples or acne, growing rapidly. Most often located in the lower leg and lower abdomen. When the tongue heals, scars with a pink color remain.
  • Necrotizing-ulcerative. It is considered to be the heaviest form, since it has an acute beginning. Since the disease leads to thrombosis, this form is accompanied by tissue necrosis. Necrosis is preceded by large hemorrhagic spots and blisters, long scarring after healing.
  • Polymorphic. Rash combines the types of previous forms.

There is a division of vasculitis in the localization of blood vessels:

  1. affecting large vessels;
  2. average;
  3. are small;

Also the disease is divided into primary, depending on predisposition and similar factors, and secondary, which is a consequence of other diseases.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

Most common in both sexes is the hemorrhagic form of leukocytoclastic cutaneous vasculitis, which will be described in more detail by the following video:

Causes of

A number of factors may lead to leukocytoclastic vasculitis, for example:

  • Antigens of pathogenic bacteria, preparations and food products leading to allergies.
  • Infection.
  • The use of drugs that have a strong effect on the body, mainly lymphocytic, diuretic and sulfonamide.
  • Slowed blood flow, which leads to the defeat of surface vessels.
  • Effects of cold leading to vessel narrowing( vasoconstriction).
  • High viscosity of blood.
  • Cancerous tumors, such as lymphomas and carcinomas.

The most common cause for vasculitis is a bacterial infection, as the body reacts to a foreign protein. As a provoking factor, there may be syphilis, gonorrhea, mycosis, hepatitis and very rarely herpes.

Symptoms of cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis

The main symptom of vasculitis is a rash. The rash can be of various shapes, usually symmetrical and well visible on the surface of the skin. Depending on the degree of the disease and the type of vasculitis, individual symptoms may appear:

  1. severity in the limbs;
  2. pain;
  3. soreness of the rash;
  4. swelling;
  5. and others;

I diagnose the disease only on the rash, not relying on individual symptoms.


Diagnosis of vasculitis, usually, does not cause difficulties, because the disease manifests a specific rash. The doctor collects an anamnesis of the patient, identifies the symptoms of the disease and conducts differential diagnosis with other diseases, depending on the type of rash. To confirm the diagnosis, studies help:

  • histological examination of rashes;
  • blood tests;
  • is an immunofluorescence reaction that detects immunoglobulins and fibrins;

For differential diagnosis, additional tests may be prescribed, for example, ultrasound or X-ray, urinalysis. In rare cases, consultation of a vascular surgeon, phlebologist or cardiologist is required.

Treatment of

Treatment of vasculitis is aimed at suppressing the allergic reaction and raising the immunity. The main method of treatment is medication. However, in conjunction with it, therapeutic and non-traditional techniques can be used.


Therapeutic measure of treatment of cutaneous vasculitis is based on the purification of blood. For this, the patient is recommended to undergo hemodialysis. In rare cases, electrophoresis can be prescribed, as well as:

  • Ultraphonophoresis. Effects on the body by ultrasonic waves, reinforced with the introduction of specialized drugs.
  • Massage. Helps to increase blood flow to relieve pain symptoms. Contraindicated to carry out a massage at the site of rashes.
  • Magnetic therapy. Effects on the body through a strong magnetic field.


After successful diagnosis of the disease, the patient is prescribed:

  • Calcium preparation and vitamins for normalization of the vascular walls.
  • Desensitizing and antihistamines for suppressing allergic reaction.
  • Antibacterial drugs if infectious foci are observed.
  • Ointments containing troxevasin for better healing of ulcers.

If therapy does not have a positive effect, the patient is prescribed corticosteroids, cytostatics.

Folk methods

Together with classical methods of treatment, folk methods can also be used, for example:

  • Active use of products that strengthen the vessels: green apples, cherries, raspberries, sea buckthorn, buckwheat and others.
  • Decoction of herbs. In equal proportions you need to take a yarrow, a row, elderberry flowers and marigold. Brew the table.l. Collect a glass of boiling water and press for 2 hours. Take 5 times a day.half the glass.
  • Mixture. Take 2 tables.l.yarrow and peppermint, and 3 tables.spoons - elderberry flowers, field horsetail.3 table.l.collecting brew half a liter of boiling water, 2 hours to insist. You can take inside half of the stack.4 r.per day or apply for 20 minutes.
  • Green tea. Drink strong tea at least 3 r.in a day.
  • Tincture on lemons.3 lemon with a peel to twist in a meat grinder, add 500 grams of sugar and 2 table.l.carnations. Transfer to a 3-liter jar, add 0.5 vodka, and then until the end of the water can. Infuse for 2 weeks, constantly shaking. Take 3 r.in a day.on 2 table.l.10 minutes before meals.

Please note! Take any of the sounded medications only with the preliminary consultation of the doctor in charge!

Prevention of disease

The main prophylactic against vasculitis is the competent and timely treatment of infectious diseases. It is important to follow all the recommendations of your doctor. Also, the development of vasculitis can be prevented if:

  • is a chronic infection;
  • does not come into contact with allergens known to the patient;
  • not to resort to drugs and vaccines, which are not necessary;
  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle;
  • adhere to optimal nutrition with a predominance of plant fiber;
  • whenever possible to be engaged in physical exercises;
  • take multivitamins at the rate;

It is equally important to try not to overcool or overheat the body, as this greatly affects the state of immunity.

Complications of

Usually, the disease passes without complications. In rare cases, when concomitant vasculitis affects the organs of the digestive tract, intestinal bleeding, peritonitis and perforation of intestinal walls may develop. If the infection gets to the kidneys, then chronic renal failure develops.

If vasculitis is accompanied by ulcers, it can be complicated by infection.


The prognosis for vasculitis can be called favorable, as the disease rarely leads to complications. A lethal outcome can result in a disease that caused vasculitis. It should be understood that leukocytoclastic vasculitis is not treated once and for all, and when repeated contact with the cause that caused it, it recurs.

Health to you and your loved ones. And let never you learn or find out that such dermal vasculitis and angiitis, and also other similar troubles.

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