Hematosarcoma: symptoms, types, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Pathology is being actively studied. Despite the fact that experts have advanced in understanding the mechanism of the disease, they classified on the cells initiating the problem, there are still enough white spots until a full explanation of all aspects of the disease and the causes that cause it.

It is important that you can radically help only at the initial stage. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with a specialist as soon as possible if there is a systemic failure in health.

Concept of the disease

Blood oncology, which unites diseases when the lesion focuses on the bone marrow, has the common name - hemoblastosis.

A kind of oncological blood disease, when a pathological process occurs outside the bone marrow, is called hematosarcoma.

Species and localization

The disease creates tumor formations. May appear in any organ, including on the skin. Education is often striking:

  • spleen,
  • lymph nodes,
  • intestine,
  • other organs.

Hematosarcoma is a group of diseases. They differ in the form of the affected blood cells. Groups of hematosarcoma diseases have analogies with varieties of hemoblastoses.

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Specialists are inclined to the fact that it occurs when the reticular cells are damaged. Clinically it has a great similarity with lymphosarcoma. It is often found at the stage of metastasis.

Some pathologies develop slowly. They can persist for a long time within the primary tumor.
These include:

  • Giant-follicular lymphoma - pathology develops in the lymphoid tissue. Lymph nodes sharply increase. Affected nodes reach the size of a chicken egg, sometimes even more. A prolonged chronic process over time can lead to the degeneration of the formation in the reticulosarcoma. Like other varieties of hematosarcomas in the formation and course of the disease of complete clarity for specialists yet.
  • Lymphoma - tumor lymphocytes are collected in lymph nodes and initiate oncological diseases. A primary focus is created, and later there can be metastases and dissemination of the disease in the body.
  • Lymphogranulomatosis - lymphoid tissue develops. There is also a noticeable increase in lymph nodes. The difference is that in the study of tissues under a microscope, giant Sternberg-Reed-Berezovsky cells are visible. The name of the cell has the surnames of the scientists who discovered them.

Causes of development of

Blood diseases are actively studied by specialists. Many other aspects of this sphere do not have a full scientific explanation.

So, and this kind of oncology on the topic, what factors provoke it, have only assumptions.

  • It is noted that if a person is forced to contact harmful substances, for example, according to the nature of his work, then this category has hematosarcoma.
  • The involvement of genetic disorders in this disease has been observed.
  • Oncology of blood, including hematosarcoma, provokes frequent stay in the zone of ionizing radiation.
  • Systematic squeezing of blood vessels, which leads to a deterioration in the nutrition of certain tissues.
  • An unfavorable ecological situation has disruptions in the functioning of the body's systems, including hemopoiesis.
  • The disease occurs in humans, if there were such pathologies in the genus.
  • Violations can cause viruses that can affect blood cells.

Symptoms of hematosarcoma

The disease starts to signal itself in a later time. At first, a person does not feel any discomfort or discomfort.

  • On the skin appear bruises with the slightest pressure on its surface.
  • Long-term temperature increase for no apparent reason on this.
  • Lymph nodes increase in size.
  • Reduced hemoglobin.
  • The reduced content of platelets is manifested by increased bleeding.
  • Joints are aching. This is due to the functioning of unhealthy blood cells in them.


  • The first means of researching health on the possible presence of hematosarcoma is a blood test. It can show changes in the quantitative composition of different types of blood cells. The signal that not everything is in order will also serve the detection of immature cells.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging will identify the location of pathological formations, their connections with other tissues, and dimensions.
  • Biopsy - tissue extraction and histological examination will make a verdict about the malignancy of the formations and will allow to clarify the diagnosis.
  • Computed tomography is a modern informative way of studying the problem. It is able to give information about the condition of solid tissues.


If the disease is seen at an early stage, then a positive result and even a complete cure is possible. But since the onset of the disease passes without significant symptoms and is usually not detected on time, such cases are infrequent.

Medication for

Drugs are prescribed for taking:

  • procarbazine,
  • vincristine,
  • cyclophosphamide,
  • prednisolone.

Means are taken according to the assigned scheme.

Other ways to help:

  • chemotherapy,
  • blood transfusion,
  • irradiation on gamma-systems.
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