The best candles from hemorrhoids, good and inexpensive rectal suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Which candle is best for hemorrhoids? This issue is of concern to many, because a painful and unpleasant pathology, in which the nodes filled with blood become inflamed and drop out of the anal canal, may appear in any person at the most inopportune moment, and the choice of cheap local preparations for its treatment is presented in pharmacies in a very wide range. So what rectal agent to use, in the shortest possible time to get rid of unpleasant symptoms that violate the quality of life?

Specialists note that the choice of suppositories against hemorrhoids is quite troublesome, and without consulting a doctor it can not do. The reason for this is the complex clinical course of the disease. It has quite a different symptomatology, therefore, the choice of the best candles from hemorrhoids should be approached with the mind, as each of the preparations positively affects only certain specific manifestations of the pathology. Some drugs relieve pain, others effectively stop bleeding, while others remove itching and burning in the anus. That is why the best for a particular patient will be those rectal suppositories, the use of which will free him from negative manifestations of pathology. All drugs in this series are divided into the following groups:

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  • Anesthetizing hemorrhoidal suppositories. These topical preparations are considered to be the best when it is required to cope with acute pains arising from this disease in the process of defecation, since they contain analgesics;
  • In cases of severe inflammation and cracks, it is recommended to use methiouracil suppositories, as they effectively repair damaged tissues;
  • Propolis based candles are considered the best when you need to treat inflamed hemorrhoids. These suppositories normalize the state of the affected area, since they easily remove the edema. In addition, when applied, soreness is quickly removed and clotting is increased;
  • Drugs containing adrenaline in their composition are the best anesthetic and haemostatic agents. But these candles from hemorrhoids have a significant disadvantage - they can not be prescribed for treatment of elderly people and hypertensive patients, since there is a risk of a strong increase in pressure;
  • Inexpensive suppositories with sea buckthorn oil are helpful if you need to quickly remove the severe inflammation of the hemorrhoids. In addition, these candles are recommended for healing microcracks in the anorectal area, as they perfectly envelop the surface of the mucosa and create better conditions for treatment.

Due to the variety of clinical effects of these drugs, their choice should be approached with particular attention. Before you buy an agent for the treatment of pathology, you need to carefully study the annotation to it and find out all the indications and contraindications. To achieve the same therapeutic result about the choice of a drug, it is worthwhile to consult a specialist beforehand.

Review of cheap and good candles from hemorrhoids

Rectal suppositories are considered to be an indispensable tool in the treatment of hemorrhoids, since they act directly on the diseased area than cause its early healing. In order to make it easier to navigate the widely presented list of candles from hemorrhoids, several types of best and inexpensive drugs should be considered:

  • Candles from hemorrhoids with belladonna contain in their composition only natural components. Putting these suppositories is best in cases where it is necessary to quickly remove inflammation and pain. Due to the fact that these medications have a number of contraindications, before starting therapeutic activities it is necessary to consult a specialist;
  • Suppositories created on the basis of propolis are considered to be the best in those cases when it is necessary to anesthetize the pathological area of ​​the anorectal region, and also to remove the inflammatory process from it, as well as to provide an antimicrobial effect;
  • Ichthyol suppositories remove pain and itching from the anus region when hemorrhoids, and also effectively remove the inflammatory process;
  • Drugs with sea buckthorn are considered to be one of the best with this disease. Thanks to them, the process of tissue regeneration is accelerated. They also have excellent wound healing and bactericidal properties;
  • Irreplaceable with hemorrhoids and glycerin suppositories. Although they do not have a pronounced therapeutic effect, they improve the defecation process and promote the healing of cracks in the anus.

All of the above candles from hemorrhoids are not only in a low price category, they are also quite effective. These drugs are rightfully considered one of the best for getting rid of this ailment. But due to the fact that some patients may have an individual intolerance to certain components of drugs, before starting therapeutic activities with the help of their need to consult with a specialist.

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