Hypoacid gastritis - what is it, symptoms, treatment and drugs for a chronic type

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Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract always occur against a background of a decrease or increase in the acidity of the digestive enzyme in the stomach. The kind of disease that has developed due to a decrease in the activity of the digestive glands, and at the same time, a decrease in acidity in the gastric juice, is called hypoacid gastritis.

When the doctor in the determination of the form, which is present in gastritis, calls the patient such a diagnosis, not many are immediately able to understand what kind of disease and what consequences to expect from it.

The beginning for the hypoacid type of disease is a significant decrease in acidity in gastric juice. Because of this, digestion of food becomes less qualitative, as a result of which the body receives significantly less nutrients, and not completely digested in the digestive tract, its remains are exposed to the rotting process, which creates significant problems for humans.

This type of inflammatory pathology, which is chronic, is considered quite dangerous for the patient, since it develops gradually, often is not accompanied by pronounced signs, and creates the prerequisites for the development of malignant neoplasms in the human stomach.

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Symptoms of hypoacid gastritis

Symptomatic in hypoacid gastritis is rather poorly expressed, but there are still signs that should promptly consult a doctor and get the necessary diagnosis in this case. The most important of them will be the following:

  • A sharp decrease in appetite;
  • Permanent, having unpleasant shades, taste in the mouth;
  • Nauseated condition accompanied by vomiting and belching;
  • Violation of the stool, which is expressed in frequent constipation or, conversely, severe diarrhea.

Clearly expressed pain in this form of the disease is absent, instead of them the patient has unpleasant sensations in the epigastric region, accompanied by bloating and flatulence. In the case when the hypoacid gastritis proceeds undiagnosed and is not subjected to appropriate treatment for a long time, the patient experiences a strong weight loss.

Causes of the disease

There is a chronic hypoacid gastritis, in which the production of hydrochloric acid in the gastric mucosa is significantly reduced, under the influence of certain factors. These include:

  • Incorrect food organization, which includes not only overeating or long breaks between meals, but also the use of very hot or cold food( thermal irritation of the mucosa), poorly processed or strongly rough products( mechanical factor), as well as the predominance of fatty or acute components in the diet;
  • Irritating effect of strong hot drinks and excessive smoking;
  • A sedentary lifestyle.

Hypoacid gastritis also occurs in metabolic disorders, ignoring the treatment of certain diseases of the digestive system and internal glands.

Methods for treating hypoacid gastritis and

medications During an acute period of this illness, patients usually complain of symptoms such as nausea and lack of appetite. But a clearly expressed pain with hypoacid gastritis is usually absent, because of what the sick person does not rush to the doctor. This allows the disease to progress, causing more and more damage to the patient's health.

But timely treatment of this most dangerous pathology for the human gastrointestinal tract is necessary, because in its absence, the disease provokes the appearance of a malignant tumor. What is the treatment for hypoacid gastritis and what drugs are most often used for this?

Special attention should be paid to such therapy, which stimulates the activity of the stomach. All drugs are prescribed by a doctor. Any initiative in this case not only does not relieve the patient of the accompanying signs of the disease, but also can cause serious complications.

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