Hyperuricemia: ICD-10 code, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

If in the body of the patient an excessive content of uric acid components is found, then they speak of hyperuricemia. This pathology is one of the main factors provoking the development of gout patients.

Hyperuricemia - what is it?

So, hyperuricemia is a condition in which a patient experiences purine metabolism disorders that lead to a pathological uric acid content in the body. The incidence of hyperuricemia is about 20% of the adult population. Pathology is not found in patients of childhood. In the international list of diseases of hyperuricemia, the code for the ICD is E79.0.

The annual incidence rate among the adult population is increasing, which experts explain by environmental pollution, unfavorable conditions, etc. At the same time, a characteristic manifestation of pathology is an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood.

Types of

Hyperuricemia is divided into several varieties:

  • Primary or congenital - is diagnosed in rare clinical cases;
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  • Secondary or acquired - observed in almost all patients with a similar diagnosis;
  • Renal - due to impaired urinary excretion;
  • Metabolic - is associated with an excessive increase in the uric acid in both the blood and urine.

There is also hyperuricemia symptomatic and asymptomatic( asymptomatic), ie, having a certain symptomatology and not having it.
Video on uric acid:

Reasons for

There are many reasons for provoking this condition, but all of them are associated with an increase in the uric acid level that occurs when there are such factors:

  1. Diabetes;
  2. Obesity;
  3. Urolithiasis;
  4. Abuse of purine products;
  5. Frequent eating fast food and greasy, fried foods;
  6. Frequent sitting on overly strict diets;
  7. of Oncology;
  8. Male patients are more likely to suffer from similar pathology
  9. Abuse of certain medicines, uncontrolled drug therapy or frequent use of alcohol;
  10. Atherosclerosis;
  11. Pathological processes that negatively affect renal efficiency;
  12. Uncontrolled intake of diuretic drugs;
  13. Hypertensive disease;
  14. Blood pathologies accompanied by nucleotide decay, etc.

Specialists identify a number of specific pathologies, which are characterized by hyperuricemia syndrome. These diseases include iron deficiency and pregnancy toxicosis, chronic type of eczema and alcohol intoxication, oncopathology and urticaria, acute infections or acid-base imbalance, lichen-scaly type or psoriasis.

Causes of hyperuricemia

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Symptoms and signs

Hyperuricemia most often does not manifest itself, which complicates its diagnosis, so the disease is often found at rather late stages, when pathologies like urolithiasis or pyelonephritis develop. It is generally believed that uric acid salts inhibit immunity, and against the background of their long redundancy, urate-type nephrolithiasis, uric acid nephropathy, tubulointerstitial type of nephritis, gouty arthritis type is formed.

Ural type nephrolithiasis is characterized by the defeat of both kidneys, and the stones are formed long enough. Urine concrements are perfectly visualized with ultrasound diagnostics.

In general, the clinical manifestations of hyperuricemia are caused by the stage of the pathological process. The initial stage is asymptomatic. According to medical scientists, this stage can develop for about 30 years. Then there are secondary abnormalities associated with increased urinary acid concentrations, such as arthritis, pain in the joint tissues, local hyperthermia, etc.

A specific manifestation of hyperuricemia and gout is tofus, which is a protrusion of the bone. Usually, such formations are revealed mainly on the auricle, forearms, elbows and knee bends, on the extremities or the spine.


The basis of the diagnosis of hyperuricemia is:

  • Traditional biochemical blood tests,
  • Urine tests;
  • Radiography of affected joint fractions and kidneys;
  • Ultrasonography of kidneys, etc.

It is possible to diagnose hyperuricemia, but it is recommended to spend several days before the study, essentially limiting the nutrition.

Treatment of

The main treatment for hyperuricemia involves the use of medications and a dietary diet. Among drugs, Probenecid and Allopurinol are the most common drugs, whose action is aimed at increasing the kidney clearance of uric acid components.

Usually appropriate therapy is prescribed only in serious cases with pronounced symptoms, and with mild degrees of disease, traditional diet therapy is sufficient.

Drug therapy

The basis of drug treatment for hyperuricemia is the preparation of uricosodepressor group, uricosuric action and orotic acid. Applied Allopurinol and Probenecid, which reduces the purine content of the blood.

  • Allopurinol is the drug of choice that is recommended for uricodepressive treatment of patients with gout and hyperuricemia. When combined with antibiotic drugs like Ampicillin or Amoxicillin, the risk of complications increases.
  • Probenecid is a newer and less by-produced drug, which is actively used in uricosuric treatment.
  • One of the new medicines for normalizing the uracid components is Pelotitis, but before the course of treatment with this drug, premedication with antihistamine and glucocorticosteroid drugs is necessary.


Dietotherapy for hyperuricemia is the main answer to the question of how to treat a pathology. It involves the rejection of products like fatty soups and broths, any fatty meat and fish, sausages and smoked products, mushrooms and hard cheese, cocoa or chocolate. This food contains a large number of purines, which in the body of the patient and without tog in excess.

The nutrition program especially recommends placing an emphasis on boiled eggs and dietary varieties of meat, dairy and sour-milk products, vegetable soups and salads, berries and fruits, compotes and fruit drinks, and drink 2 liters of liquid per day minimum. Acceptance of alkaline types of mineral water. Once a week, it is recommended to have one day off.

Prevention of

To avoid such a disease, patients are advised to maintain a healthy lifestyle and adherence to the principles of proper nutrition. The main thing is to eliminate and prevent in the future development of provoking factors of pathology, which include obesity and alcohol consumption, urolithiasis, etc.

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