Colonoscopy of the intestine with hemorrhoids, can it be done, is it painful?

If you have the first signs of hemorrhoids, you should as soon as possible seek help from a specialist. Thanks to the diagnosis it is possible to determine the degree and form of the disease. It is accepted to divide hemorrhoids into two forms:

  1. Internal;
  2. Outdoor.

There are several ways to diagnose. The most popular method for diagnosing hemorrhoids is colonoscopy. Thanks to this procedure, the sigmoid and large intestine are examined. Such areas can not be investigated with the help of a rectoscope.

Patients need to understand when to do colonoscopy for hemorrhoids:

  • If blood is found in stool. In most cases, such a manifestation is a sign of hemorrhoids;
  • Violation of defecation for several days;
  • Weight loss and loss of appetite;
  • For diseases of the colon and rectum.

The advantage of this procedure is that it is simply impossible to miss hemorrhoids after a colonoscopy.

How do colonoscopy for hemorrhoids?

Faced with a delicate problem, patients are wondering whether it is possible to do a colonoscopy for hemorrhoids? Any experienced doctor will say that this is the most effective procedure, which allows to recognize the ailment.

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For the examination, a colonoscope is used. It is a long tube made of optical fiber. Thanks to the optical fiber, the doctor can examine the inner surface of the investigated area.

For colonoscopy of the intestine with hemorrhoids, a probe inserts through the anus. To avoid damage to the body, at the time of the diagnosis, a flow of air is pumped into it, which spreads it. The best thing is that the probe should reach the entrance to the cecum. Thus, it becomes possible to examine the entire intestine.

At the time of removal of the tube, a specialist examines the large intestine. During the examination, the following changes can be seen:

  • Inflammations;
  • Tumors;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Any other damage.

In addition, at the time of the colonoscopy, you can perform a procedure such as a biopsy. Thus, the specialist will be able to establish the presence of malignant changes.

Patients should be aware that a colonoscopy with hemorrhoids can be painful. To feel less painful, you should fulfill all the requirements of the doctor. If this does not help, you need to change your posture. It's best to lie on your back.

Preparation for colonoscopy with hemorrhoids and its after-effects

After the doctor has prescribed such a diagnosis, the patient needs to observe several days of diet. It is also necessary to remember about cleansing enemas and the use of laxatives or herbs.

Only the doctor is able to prescribe the preparatory procedures. This is due to the individuality of the patient's body. If the patient does not accumulate a lot of toxins, it is enough to use one enema and several laxatives. In case of a large accumulation of slags, enhanced measures are appointed.

Colonoscopy with hemorrhoids is done no more than 15 minutes. You should know that after such a procedure, you may experience diarrhea. This is due to excessive use of laxatives. Pain in the abdomen can be felt for 3 days.

The most dangerous consequence is bleeding. Despite the fact that it happens rarely, you should pay attention to all the changes that occur with the body. In this case, you need to contact a specialist.

To avoid side effects, you should select a certified medical institution in which a similar procedure was performed repeatedly.

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