ATSTS Long and alcohol: interaction and compatibility, feedback and consequences

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Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol, especially when it comes to a weakened body. However, it also happens that the holiday falls on the period of illness, when a person is treated with mucolytics - for example, ATSTS long. Can I drink alcohol while taking this medication?

ACS Long and Alcohol

ACS is a drug from the mucolytics group. It is used for the treatment of diseases in which viscous thick sputum accumulates in a person in the bronchi and upper respiratory tract. The drug stimulates its accelerated excretion from the body.

Indications for admission of ACS are:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • laryngitis;
  • bronchiolitis;
  • otitis media.

The main active substance of ACS is acetylcysteine. It is derived from an amino acid.

Produced by ATSTS in several dosage forms: in powder, usual effervescent tablets, effervescent tablets of long-acting and for children. It looks like granules of different shades of white.

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Despite the fact that the drug is sold without a prescription, it is not recommended to take it alone. Before taking the doctor's advice.

Interaction of

The preparation of ACC does not enter into chemical or pharmacological reactions with ethanol. Moreover, the risk of a disulfiram-like reaction is excluded, as a result of which alcohol becomes a strong poison, capable of provoking even death. This means that you can drink alcohol during the treatment with this medicine.

In addition, ATSTS itself is relatively harmless to the body. It does not require a prescription from a doctor, and complications resulting from an overdose are minimal - it usually turns out to be enough to treat the symptoms.


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In general, both the manufacturer and the doctors allow drinking alcohol during the course of admission of ATSs, since the drug with ethanol is compatible. However, they add that during the period of acute respiratory infections, influenza, bronchitis and other diseases, the human body is weakened, so drinking alcohol can delay the treatment process.

Is it possible to drink alcohol while treating this drug? Abuse of alcohol along with reduced immunity will lead to complications in health. Therefore, drink should be moderately, keeping track of your condition.

Possible consequences of

Practice shows that in some patients, as a result of simultaneous administration of ATSs and alcohol, there are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • digestive disorders;
  • swelling.

However, these violations, as a rule, are observed in those who initially has a tendency to them. People with cardiovascular pathologies may experience a jump in blood pressure, sometimes a tachycardia develops. These symptoms are temporary and go away after completely refusing to take alcohol.

On the other hand, the widespread view that alcohol increases the hepatotoxicity of the drug is nothing more than a myth. If a person has a healthy liver, she will cope with the neutralization of the drug and a moderate dose of alcohol. Alcoholic patients with alcoholic beverages are contraindicated in any combination.


To ensure that the process of curing for the disease is completed faster, it is recommended to completely eliminate not only alcohol, but also smoking, stress, physical activity during admission to the ACC.However, in case you really want to drink, moderate consumption of alcohol is allowed.

It is better to drink 50 grams of strong quality alcohol - for example, cognac or vodka. These drinks, according to research, will do less harm than beer or wine.

Before drinking alcohol you need to eat tightly, and after - a good snack, otherwise ethyl alcohol can cause a burn of the tender mucosa of the stomach.

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