What to do with colitis - first aid, how to get rid of forever?

Colitis is a very unpleasant disease, which is accompanied by painful sensations in the abdomen, flatulence, unstable stool, problems with digestion of food. Such symptoms are enough to understand what to do - to start treatment. What first aid can you give to a patient before going to the doctor? How will get rid of colitis forever?

The first logical question when there are signs and suspected of such intestinal disease is: "What to do?" Undoubtedly, the initial step is to contact a specialist for diagnosis, not to engage in self-medication and not to do worse and get complications. However, not in every case there is the possibility of timely contact with a doctor. There are several ways that you can get rid of the painful sensations and other signs of colitis.

To begin with it is worth to calm the intestines. What to do? With diarrhea and flatulence for several days, you can take activated charcoal, while mixing with other drugs is prohibited. The remedy for colitis is taken orally 1-2 g several times a day, 1.5 hours after ingestion, while drinking it with plenty of liquid. It should be noted that it can not be taken continuously, because simultaneously with bacteria, useful substances are absorbed.

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To calm the intestines in colitis, you can drink herbal decoctions, for example, make it from bird cherry.1 tablespoon of fruit requires 250 ml of boiling water, after which the mass is cooked on low heat for 5 minutes. Infusion should stand for 2 hours, after which it is filtered. Drink 1/4 cup several times a day.

Now it is necessary to normalize digestion, since when colitis occurs, the inevitable factor is disruption in the digestion of nutritious foods and problems with appetite. What to do? Such signs easily solve the use of popular herbs. So, for example, 1 tablespoon of cumin seeds can be poured into 250 ml of steep boiling water, and let it take half an hour, with the lid closed. The infusion is filtered and taken 1 tablespoon several times a day.

Assists in colitis and shredded basil grass. The remedy is as follows: 1 tablespoon of herbs poured 200 ml of steep boiling water, left for 3 hours to infuse. Take 2 tablespoons 4 times a day before sitting down to eat.

Also in colitis, you can make infusion of flowers and leaves of drug isolate, which has no less effectiveness. Flowers and leaves are mixed in equal parts, 1 tablespoon of 400 ml of boiling water is poured and infused for 20 minutes with the lid closed. It is filtered and drunk 1/2 cup 4 times a day.

What should I do if my doctor calls for colitis?

After you have applied to a specialist, a survey was performed and a diagnosis was made, the doctor prescribes medication and other procedures to get rid of colitis. You can get rid of this disease forever, only taking into account that you will follow all the prescriptions of the doctor.

The diet is the basis for the treatment of the disease. The menu for colitis is very sparing, that is, the list of allowed products includes those that do not irritate the intestinal mucosa. It is necessary to refuse from reception of difficultly digestible products and not to take alcoholic drinks. In the event that there is a chronic course of colitis, sometimes it is required and generally refuse to eat for a few days. In addition, the composition of foods should be a sufficient amount of useful substances, and eating should occur often, but little by little.

In addition, the doctor prescribes a list of certain medications for colitis that will help get rid of the disease. It is worth noting that in the chronic course of the disease, it will not be permanently removed from it, only compliance with medical prescriptions for exacerbation is required. So, the specialist will prescribe antiviral drugs that will help to remove the inflammatory processes in the intestinal cavity. It is possible that with severe forms of the disease you will be prescribed and taking antibiotics. Along with this, the doctor will also make an indication of the administration of vitamins through injections or tablets, since the body needs replenishment of the most useful substances.

In the treatment of colitis, the following procedures are performed:

  • Therapy with antibacterial and antiparasitic preparations
  • Wrapping and astringent medications are prescribed. In the case of an acute type of disease, cholinolytic agents and enzyme preparations are prescribed.
  • To normalize the intestinal microflora, the use of Intestopan, Bifikol, Enteroseptol is required.
  • When dehydrated, a glucose solution of 5% or sodium chloride is used.

Remember that if you treat your digestive organs in time, follow a diet, exercise, call a dentist on time and stick to personal hygiene rules, you can prevent the onset of colitis.

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