How to treat viral sore throat in children and adults: symptoms, photos, types

It is not always easy to distinguish viral angina from bacterial and fungal infections at home. Symptoms and signs of disease are often similar, and treatment should be different.

Palatine tonsils affected by one or another pathogen are inflamed and can not withstand the penetration of microbes into the respiratory system. This is often due to the emergence of mixed forms of the disease.

A visit to the doctor at an early stage allows you to choose the most effective way of treatment and avoid complications. However, before communicating with a specialist and during the therapy itself, it is important not to make mistakes, for which it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the different types of angina and ways to deal with them.

Viral angina

Inflammation of the throat caused by viruses refers to atypical types of angina. True forms always have a bacterial character. Focal infections of streptococcus, staphylococcus and hemophilic rod bacteria cause acute purulent processes in the pharyngeal region, which is caused by a large accumulation of dead immune cells in the tonsil zone.

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The spread of pus on the body can cause serious complications, therefore, bacterial angina is treated with antibiotics in a hospital.

Symptomatic of fungal lesions is not acute, the pain is less pronounced, and the area of ​​distribution is more extensive than in other forms of angina.

Viral angina is easily confused with catarrhal. This is the initial stage of bacterial infection without obvious signs of suppuration. The only difference is that the virus infection at the initial stage does not give a sharp and high jump in body temperature.

If there is pain in the throat, it's easy not to be mistaken, focusing on the initial temperature indicators. If the thermometer shows a temperature above 39 °, call an ambulance. At rates up to 38.5 ° it is enough to invite a local therapist. This is most likely a viral infection.

The photo features bacterial and viral sore

Causes of the disease

Most often, viral epidemics become massive in the off-season, when natural defense mechanisms are influenced by numerous external and internal factors. Having no own cell, viruses are introduced into weak cells of the organism and multiply in them.

Viral infections can be transmitted by contact, household, airborne or oral-fecal route.

The main cause of infection is contact with the carrier of the infection against the background of a weakened immune system.

Types of

The most common pathogens are:

  • Adenovirus( ARVI).
  • Herpes virus( characterized by the precipitation of vesicles on the mucous membranes and skin).
  • Enterovirus( Coxsackie virus, echovirus, poliovirus).
  • Picornavirus( may cause rhinitis, hepatitis A, poliomyelitis).
  • Influenza virus( more than 2000 variants).

Aggravating factors

Without the transmission of the pathogen, the following factors can not cause the disease, but they are more likely to increase the transmission probability:

  • Non-compliance with hygiene.
  • Unsanitary conditions.
  • Subcooling.
  • Uncontrolled medication.
  • Visit during a viral epidemic of crowded events.
  • Bathing in dirty water.
  • Rare airing of premises.
  • Lack of vitaminized food.

The risk group consists of people with diseases of the immune system and preschool children, although other categories of the population are also affected.

What is viral angina, diagnostic features in our video:

Symptoms and signs

Chills, body aches.
  • Temperature rise to 38.5 °, rarely - higher( depending on the type of virus).
  • Sore throat, accompanied by reddening of the tonsils and near-hypopharyngeal space.
  • White plaque on the tongue.
  • Changes in voice( hoarseness, nasal congestion).
  • Increased saliva production.
  • Moderate intoxication.
  • Shortness of breath, increased heart rate.
  • General weakness, complete lack of appetite.
  • Tenderness of the submandibular lymph nodes.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Cough.
  • In the case of herpetic tonsillitis, a red rash in the throat is observed, which develops into bubble formations within a few hours.

    In adults

    The above symptoms are often complicated by the presence of chronic diseases and general overwork.

    Regular use of certain hormonal and potent drugs can partially dampen symptoms or intensify the manifestations of the disease.

    In children

    To increase the temperature, the children's body is less stable than the adult. Against the background of fever, cramps, confusion, fainting can occur.

    The younger the child, the more often there are disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by diarrhea and nausea( until vomiting).

    To avoid complications and life-threatening consequences, infants should be treated under strict medical supervision in a hospital.


    The doctor initially focuses on the patient's complaints. Here it is important to list all the disturbing symptoms and the incubation period of their occurrence. Concomitant diseases and the names of the drugs used should also be clarified if they are available.

    It is not worthwhile to deceive the doctor and overestimate the temperature indicators( which is often practiced for the extension of the hospital).In this case, the diagnosis can be made erroneously, and the treatment will be ineffective and dangerous.

    In the diagnosis of viral sore throat in adults, few additional studies are usually performed, usually a primary examination is sufficient, a general blood and urine test is performed, but if the bacterial infection is suspected, the following procedures can be prescribed:

    • Swallow flushes.
    • Serological tests of blood sera.

    How does the viral angina look like


    There are no drugs for the destruction of viruses in medicine. When diagnosing viral angina treatment is primarily aimed at alleviating the symptoms and increasing the body's immune forces.

    Taking antibiotics can only exacerbate the condition of the patient and provoke the reproduction of bacteria in the throat, so the most important thing is to follow the general rules for fighting viruses:

    • Bed rest.
    • Maintaining cleanliness in the room and the presence of fresh air.
    • Exception from the diet of fatty, pickled and smoked food.
    • Abundant drink( preferably pure water and natural juices).
    • Reception of multivitamin complexes.
    • Limiting contact with healthy people.
    • It is not necessary to lower the low temperature. The organism with its help will quickly defeat the virus.

    As for the analysis to determine a viral sore throat, says Dr. Komarovsky:


    In case of high temperature indices( 38,5 ° -39 °) antipyretic drugs are used. In the form of potions and effervescent tablets, they have a more rapid effect. Preparations based on paracetamol:

    • Panadol.
    • Coldrex.
    • Grippostad.
    • Padewix.
    • Fluxoldex Forte
    • Efferlangan.
    1. Aspirin-based medications can not be taken by pregnant women and people with poor blood coagulability, as aspirin further promotes its dilution and can cause bleeding.
    1. Analginum is undesirable to apply in violation of cardiac activity.
    1. The most effective in case of viral sore throats is medicine based on Ibuprofen:
    • Nurofen.
    • Ibufen.
    • Ibuklin.

    For young children there is Nurofen in the form of candles. It has an anti-inflammatory effect faster. Also in pharmacies you can buy sprays and ointments for the throat with Ibuprofen.

    1. Immunostimulants( Immunal, Citovir) enhance the activity of immunity and increase the probability of a speedy recovery, but before using it is important to read the contraindications and side effects.
    2. For local treatment of the throat, sprays are used( Ingalipt, Proposol);tablets( Tharyngept, Strepsils, Teraflu);gargling with soda, furacilin, chamomile, salt, calendula.
    3. When choosing a multivitamin complex should take into account age and seasonal factors. The lack of vitamins E and B most often worsens the body's resistance in the autumn-winter period.

    Popular drugs for the treatment of viral sore

    Folk remedies

    The choice of folk remedies for gargling is great enough:

    • Eucalyptus broth.
    • Fresh beet or potato juice.
    • Apple cider vinegar( a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water).
    • Infusion of garlic( two cloves per cup of boiling water).
    • Honey mix( a glass of water or milk - three teaspoons of honey).It is impossible to fill honey with hot boiling water, and its useful properties are lost.


    • With aniseed( 5 drops) and eucalyptus( 10 drops) oil. The amount of oil is calculated for 500 ml of boiling water.
    • A decoction of a mixture of thyme, sage and pure potato peelings with the addition of a few drops of cedar oil.
    • Hot infusion of pine buds.
    • Composition of oregano, chamomile flowers, thyme and calendula.
    • Juice of onion, rubbed on a grater with the addition of sodium chloride solution( 1: 2).
    • Ointment "Star", added to boiling water, has an excellent antiviral effect.

    How to treat viral sore throat in children, see the reviews in our video:


    With prolonged nature of angina and chronic diseases of ENT organs, a doctor can prescribe additional treatment:

    • Helium - neon laser.
    • Irradiation of the tonsils with ultraviolet light.

    These procedures do not have side effects and are completely harmless.

    Features of treatment for pregnancy

    When diagnosing a pregnant woman with a viral sore throat, an additional examination of the abdominal organs is necessary.

    1. Analginum and aspirin during childbearing are categorically contraindicated. A tablet of paracetamol and wiping the legs with an acetic and alcoholic solution in most cases help to reduce the temperature.
    2. Thermal procedures can provoke miscarriage.
    3. The emphasis in treatment should be made on the systematic rinsing of the throat and the use of aerosol anti-inflammatory drugs for topical use.

    Viral angina itself is not dangerous for a pregnant woman, its complications are dangerous, therefore, during medical illness, medical control is necessary.

    Possible complications of

    • Otitis.
    • Chronic rhinitis.
    • Neuroinfections( inflammation of the tissues of the brain and spinal cord).Bacterial acute tonsillitis.
    • Sinusitis.
    • Laryngitis.
    • Bronchitis.
    • Pneumonia.
    • Myocarditis.

    More information about complications after sore throat, see in our video:

    Prevention and precautions

    • Vaccination and restriction of visits to public events in the period of viral epidemics.
    • Preventive gargling with green tea or soda solution.
    • Use of oxolin ointment.
    • Reception of multivitamin complexes.
    • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


    Viral tonsillitis is not included in the list of serious diseases. Usually, its symptoms fade within one to two weeks. Complications are extremely rare, but in the period of remission it is necessary to take measures to strengthen immunity.

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