Causes of pain in the bridge of the nose and the frontal part and how to fix the problem

1 Rhinitis

It is generally accepted that rhinitis( rhinitis) is an almost harmless disease that goes by itself for a maximum of a week. Pain in the bridge of the nose with rhinitis is only one of its manifestations. A runny or frequent runny nose can lead to problems with intracranial and intraocular pressure, interruptions in the work of the heart, respiratory tract, vessels. In some cases, there are abnormalities in the cerebral circulation. The thing is that the nose is directly connected with a large number of internal organs of the head, and it's not for nothing that many specialists urge people to pay more attention to nasal diseases.

When a person's nose hurts, as a rule, inflammatory processes occur in the paranasal sinuses and in the nasal cavity.

The pain can be of a multifaceted nature and can be given to different parts of the head. A common cause of such pains is a disease called ganglionitis. Ganglion is a nerve node consisting of cells. The connective tissue is located in its shell. Inflammation can affect several nodes at once. The disease is accompanied by severe pain. Pain burning, with severe itching in the lesion, sometimes a person feels tingling and numbness. In this case, the head often suffers. Unpleasant sensations worry the patient in the neck, temples or back of the neck.

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Sometimes the pain makes itself felt in the extremities: in the forearm, hand, shoulder and shoulder blades. A person can get the impression that his teeth, gums and eyes are aching. Half of the front part turns red and swells, plenty of liquid from the nose and eyes. In severe cases, ganglionitis manifests itself as the appearance of herpes-type vesicles, in some cases even ulcers appear. In patients, reflexes decrease, joints become less mobile. Attacks can last from a few minutes to several hours, in some cases they worry even during the day. General health generally worsens at night.

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Relatively young people( up to 40 years of age) suffer from neuralgia of the nasolacaryngeal nerve. This disease also causes pain in the nose. From the unpleasant sensations suffer eye sockets, forehead. These painful feelings are characterized by a bursting and pressing character. They show themselves, as a rule, at night. A number of vegetative disorders, such as:

  • , abundant lacrimation;
  • discharge of watery mucus from the nose;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • ocular hyperemia.

This disease can cause another ailment - keratitis, in which the nutrition of the cornea is disturbed.

Quite often are various inflammations of the paranasal sinuses. Pain in these cases is very intense. The lumen of the nasal cavity narrows, and in some cases closes completely. Allocations can not normally exit, which creates painful sensations in the nose region. The place of pain directly depends on which sinus is affected. Painful sensations increase if you press on the walls of the corresponding sinus, the frontal part of the head or cheek. In some cases, there may be double inflammations, frontal sinus inflammations, along with other sinuses. Then the focus of pain concentrates at the root of the nose, it is combined with pain in the corner of the eye.

The bridge of the nose also hurts with various kinds of sinusitis. In the case of this disease in the sinuses of the nose, negative accumulation of pus begins. Basically, sinusitis develops because of previous colds or viral diseases. Some people are prone to sinusitis due to curvature of the nasal septum. Various allergic reactions or allergic rhinitis can also contribute to the appearance of sinusitis. Symptoms of this ailment make themselves felt pain not only in the bridge of the nose, but also in the ears, especially if the head is bent, the nose is almost always laid, while the person does not have a high temperature.


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As mentioned above, acute and chronic rhinitis can trigger the development of many other unpleasant diseases. However, he himself is able to cause a lot of trouble and trouble for a person. In addition to emerging pain in the nose, frontal, earlobe, people often lose their appetite. Violation of normal nasal breathing can cause the formation of negative conditioned reflexes, bad habits, for example, breathe in and out with only the mouth. For these reasons, not only the respiratory, but also the cardiovascular system begins to suffer. Doctors often note in these patients increased intracranial and spinal pressure.

In some cases, various neoplasms in the nasal cavity also provoke severe pain, which from the bridge of the nose can be delivered to various parts of the head.

Other factors include injury to the nose, for example, when engaging in contact or hard sports. Unhealed or poorly healed injuries can remind themselves of themselves after many years.

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2 Inspection and diagnosis

The diagnostic methods used in modern medicine for examining patients with such complaints are diverse. Physicians, as a rule, are assigned fluoroscopy, computer or magnetic resonance imaging. Measurements of intraocular and intracranial pressure may be prescribed. General tests of urine and feces are done. When examining the patient the following factors are taken into account:

  • character of the pain( acute, sharp, blunt, etc.);
  • its intensity;
  • frequency;
  • area of ​​localization of the greatest painful sensations;
  • presence( absence) of additional unpleasant symptoms.

Only after such a comprehensive examination and analysis of the results can be given adequate treatment. In some cases, the patient can examine several physicians from different specializations: an otolaryngologist, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon.

3 Prevention of

Disease Many diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses can be avoided if you do not run a variety of viral or catarrhal diseases. In no case can not they be carried on their feet or with the first symptoms of relief do not run immediately to work. During any, even the most trivial catarrhal illness, it is necessary to observe bed rest. You can not tolerate hypothermia, you always need to dress strictly in the weather. It is necessary to constantly strengthen immunity, so as not to let pathogenic organisms settle in their own body. Vegetables and fruits for the season, small physical activities, regular outdoor walks can actually work wonders.

If a person has frequent problems with the work of the nasopharynx, it should be tried to maintain and regularly cleanse of pathogens. For these purposes saline solutions, salt solutions, sea salt are good. They need to wash their noses, preferably in the morning and in the evening. If there are no contraindications, you can regularly use special drops to care for the nasal cavity, for example, Aqua Maris or Salin.

In the autumn-winter period it is better to avoid places of a large congestion of people. If this is not possible, you can wear a special gauze mask.

If the cause of frequent nasal problems is diagnosed allergic rhinitis, do not give him a chance to become a cause of more serious illnesses. In the period of intensive flowering plants it is better to wait with trips to nature, it is necessary to have the stock of anti-allergenic preparations approved by the doctor in charge.

The apartment should be additionally moistened with air, this very well affects the condition of the nasal mucosa and prevents its drying. For these purposes, you can purchase a special ultrasonic humidifier, but use only purified or distilled water, since there are a lot of harmful salts in ordinary tap water, inhaling which can additionally injure the mucous membrane.

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