Causes, symptoms and treatment of bilateral otitis media in a child

1 Classification of pathology

Bilateral otitis can have two forms: acute and chronic. Depending on the lesion and spread, the disease is divided into a limited and diffuse inflammation.

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It can also occur as:

  • exudative ailment( acute inflammation affecting all areas of the middle ear, accompanied by purulent or serous discharge);
  • congestive disease( inflammation in the middle ear without accumulation of purulent masses).

Depending on the type of disease, otitis has different symptoms and further treatment.

2 Causes of a child's problem

Bilateral otitis in children is associated with the Eustachian tube, which has a wide and short form. The location of the department is almost horizontal, which facilitates frequent penetration of the infection from the nasopharynx causing inflammation in the middle ear.

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Incorrect behavior during feeding can also lead to the development of bilateral otitis media. Breasts, after they drink milk, often spit up. At this point, it is better to keep them vertically, because if they are in a prone position, fluid from the mouth will flow into the ear and cause inflammation there.

Bilateral otitis children suffer more than adults, for one more reason - the anatomical structure of the middle ear. In adults, the mucosa has a smooth surface, and in young children is loose and gelatinous, with a small number of vessels. Due to this, in babies it is more vulnerable to getting into and developing the bacterial flora.

The cause of bilateral otitis in children is the tympanic membrane, namely its thickness. In adults with accumulation of purulent masses in the ear, spontaneous rupture of the membrane can occur, so that pus will leak outward. In children, because of the anatomical peculiarity of the membrane at this age, the pus will accumulate inside the ear, it will press on the crease, but it can not flow outside, which as a result will lead to the development of the disease.

Children with low immunity need to take care many times more, since bilateral otitis can develop on the background of measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria.

In older children, the cause of otitis may be chronic inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil, enlarged adenoids, respiratory infections accompanied by a runny nose.

3 Symptoms of a child's illness

It is not easy to recognize the presence of a disease in a baby, because the baby does not know how to speak and will not be able to show what exactly is bothering him. At the same time, catarrhal otitis can manifest itself in the form of severe pain in the ear, irradiate to the temporal zone, and the tooth.

The kid at this time will show concern, refuse to feed, throw back his head and shake it. Against the background of otitis, body temperature can rise, often there is nausea and vomiting.

Tinnitus, hearing loss, general malaise of the whole organism may occur. To recognize the baby's presence of otitis can be done with simple manipulations by clicking on the tragus( a small protruding part located at the base of the auricle).

If a child shows anxiety, crying, tears, you can presume a disease.

For accurate diagnosis, you need to show the baby to the pediatrician.

4 Conservative therapy

As a treatment for bilateral otitis media, children are treated conservatively with medications. In particular, it is carried out with the help of:

  1. Anesthetics and antipyretic drugs. As such, paracetamol, which is contained in the syrup Panadol, etc., is the most suitable. Older children can be given this substance in tablets. Various warming compresses before the examination is best not to use, because in the case of purulent otitis they will only harm.
  2. Antibiotic therapy. Since the cause of otitis in most cases are pathogenic microorganisms, they will require antibiotics to eliminate them. The most commonly prescribed cephalosporins are 3 generations in the form of injections or antibacterial preparations in the form of powders for suspensions. Scheme and dosage of the drug is selected by the doctor individually. Do not forget about the protection of the intestinal microflora with the help of various beneficial bacteria( Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, etc.).
  3. Ear drops. It helps with otitis in children otipaks, but you can use other options recommended by a specialist. Drops must be necessarily warm, which should be checked before instillation. To get them to where they need, the child should be put on his side, then drop it into the ear canal drops. To prevent fluid from escaping, you can plug your ear with a piece of cotton wool.
  4. Vasodilating drops. Such funds will help to remove the mucosal edema and improve nasal breathing.
  5. If there are no contraindications, you can use a blue lamp to warm up the ear.


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