Great hemorrhoids, why increased, increase( enlargement), what to do if a huge hemorrhoidal knot came out?

Hemorrhoids are a disease known for their unpleasant symptoms. The disease is an edema of the hemorrhoidal plexus, which in a "quiet" state is not even felt by a person. Vascular formation in inflammation resulting from varicose veins may increase.

First they are small in size. If you do not start the fight with the appearance of the first signs, the situation will be aggravated: cavernous tissue becomes inflamed, the weakened wall of the rectum loses its elasticity, large hemorrhoids knit out.

To increase the size of hemorrhoids, various factors are affected:

  • sedentary work( drivers, office workers);
  • heavy physical labor( handwork, gym);
  • pregnancy( due to high pressure on the small pelvis);
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract( malnutrition);
  • chronic diseases;
  • bad habits.

All these factors lead to stagnation of blood in the small pelvis, varicose veins, the appearance of the disease. Often patients simply do not know what to do with the huge hemorrhoids that came out.

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Large hemorrhoidal nodes in stages 3-4 of the

If, at the initial stage of the disease development, cones are small in size, then in later stages inflammation is difficult to close due to the increase in the number of unpleasant symptoms. Very large hemorrhoids:

  • block the anal opening,
  • obstruct the acts of defecation, which are accompanied by bleeding and severe pain,
  • delivers tremendous discomfort and pain in any, even minor effort, leading to a reduction in the sphincter or intestinal muscle tension,
  • , the increased cones come out,it is becoming increasingly difficult to correct them because of pain,
  • large hemorrhoidal nodes take a cyanotic color,
  • huge swollen cones even make walking difficult and deliver inconvenienceYour at the sitting.

Without the treatment of hemorrhoids at any stage, the situation will only worsen. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, irreversible changes in the structure of the cavernous tissue can occur, which will lead to the transition of the disease to a more complex phase. In the 3-4 stages of hemorrhoids, huge cones trapped by the sphincter not only deliver the person with the most severe pain, but also burst, bleed, creating a pathogenic microflora for a favorable environment. In this case, a more serious disease may join the disease, for example, thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node or purulent paraproctitis. The most dangerous is purulent paraproctitis, which can lead to infection of the blood and even death of the patient. Therefore, it is better not to delay visiting a doctor. Timely begun adequate fight against the disease will reduce the risk of complications and significantly ease the patient's well-being.

What to do with enlarged hemorrhoids?

Success in hemorrhoid therapy is due to a comprehensive approach. Doctors are strongly advised to use not only external local remedies, but also medicines for internal use, diet and special physical training.

  • The local remedies for treating large external hemorrhoids include creams, gels and ointments. They are designed to eliminate symptoms. These drugs are effective, popular.
  • Suppositories or rectal suppositories are actively used for large internal hemorrhoids.
  • Tablets are taken in all forms and stages of the disease. Their action is aimed at combating the cause of the disease - with the expansion of veins. Tablets bring in a tone vessels and veins, return elasticity to a rectum and block an opportunity of repeated exacerbations.
  • In case of running cases, injections or apparatus therapy may be prescribed. The extreme measure is an operation, but before that it is better not to bring it.

In addition to drug therapy, it is very important to adhere to a diet. You should try to minimize the use of products that can cause constipation and diarrhea, as well as enrich the daily diet with a lot of fresh fruit with high fiber content. It is necessary to normalize the body's water balance. It is necessary that the volume of water drunk increased to 2-2.5 liters. I will have to give up coffee, strong tea, alcohol and various soda.

It will be very useful for easy physical training. Exercises should be selected individually and performed with great care - during the treatment of hemorrhoids are contraindicated significant physical exertion. Many patients trust folk remedies. Folk remedies include herbal baths and compresses, making ointments at home.

Trying to influence the body independently, one must remember that poor-quality treatment can lead to great troubles.

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