Causes and signs of increased intracranial pressure in adults and therapeutic actions

1 Characteristics of the disease

The human brain as the main organ that ensures the functioning of the whole organism, due to its fragility, needs reliable protection. That's why nature itself is "hidden" in a solid cranium. True, considering the multiple processes taking place in the brain, this "shell" has one significant drawback - its size and shape do not change. In this case, the brain, vessels and cerebrospinal fluid - the cerebrospinal fluid - are located in the cranium.

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The latter, due to its liquid state, is constantly under pressure. The reasons for this are that the brain can change volumes during a person's life due to various reasons. If in childhood this may be due to inconsistencies in the natural processes of growth and development, then in adulthood, the cause may be an increase in neoplasms in the brain, including malignant ones. In addition, the volume of the liquid itself is also unstable: it moves through different departments and zones of the brain.

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If, for some reason, the liquid accumulates in large quantities in one of the zones, or its total volume is too large, intracranial pressure( ICP) rises, causing uncomfortable sensations in humans. If the fluid is not enough, the pressure drops, which also has a negative effect on the physiological state.

High intracranial pressure can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • is a violation of metabolic processes, due to which the liquor is too slowly absorbed into the blood, as a result, its accumulation occurs;
  • poor flow of cerebral vessels, which disrupts the circulation of the fluid, preventing its normal passage;
  • intracranial pressure may be impaired when transferring diseases such as encephalitis, hypoxia during childbirth in children, meningitis, hydrocephalus;
  • signs of increased intracranial pressure in adults can manifest with excess weight and an excess of vitamin A, severe poisoning;
  • on the volume of CSF, which means that the level of ICP is influenced by the total amount of fluid in the human body;
  • in women, increased intracranial pressure can be caused by hormonal changes.

It is important to consider that ICP is not an independent disease, but rather a symptom of other pathologies or processes occurring in the body. Therefore, to treat intracranial pressure as a separate ailment is useless, because in this way the symptoms only temporarily subsided. Then they return, because their causes are not eliminated. That is why it is important to undergo a thorough diagnostic study in order to identify diseases that cause increased ICP.

It should be recalled that discomfort can cause not only increased, but also decreased intracranial pressure, each of which has its own special symptoms.

2 Symptoms of pathological manifestations of

Unfortunately, most people do not pay attention to their health, writing off sometimes very disturbing symptoms due to usual fatigue and physical or emotional overload. Modern life is full of stresses, which often cause migraine and mild ailment. The truth behind such seemingly common symptoms may be hidden, including increased ICP.In this case, the headaches should pay special attention, if they increase with the approach of night and early in the morning.

Increased intracranial pressure can lead to nausea and vomiting. In addition, there may be various visual impairments. There may be a split image effect and a sensitivity to bright light up to strong pain sensations. The heartbeat is becoming more frequent, there is an arrhythmia of the heart rhythm.


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Often in women, the increase in intracranial pressure is accompanied by vegetative vascular dystonia, manifested in sharp jumps in blood pressure.

Strictly speaking, the dangerously increased intracranial pressure, the symptoms of which are difficult to determine. Sometimes the correct diagnosis and necessary studies of the alleged disease that caused an increase in ICP, could save a person's life.

What are the symptoms of a decreased ICP?The main signs of this condition are headache and irritability. In contrast to pain with high intracranial pressure, here pain sensations increase when a person moves from a horizontal position to a sitting position.

It is also worth mentioning drowsiness as one of the most common symptoms of this condition.

3 Diagnosis of ICP

Of course, relying only on the symptoms, it is impossible to correctly diagnose. To determine the increased or decreased intracranial pressure, even an experienced neuropathologist will not be able to examine it, so you will have to resort to diagnostic procedures. There are direct and indirect methods of determining the disease. To direct carry capture of a material on the analysis directly from the spinal cord. Of course, such methods, although they are the most accurate, are prescribed for suspected serious impairments in the brain, when it is necessary, except for the presence of the problem itself, to determine the degree of its complexity, causes, and also the most effective treatment.

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Indirect methods are:

  • ultrasound of the brain with dopplerography;
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging( MRI);
  • computed tomography( CT).

All these studies are painless and help determine the disease.

4 Treatment of a violation of

Since changes in intracranial pressure can affect a person's health, treatment is simply necessary. In case of detection at the stage of diagnosis of serious brain damage caused by high intracranial pressure, the patient is hospitalized so that he is constantly under the supervision of highly qualified specialists. In case of a tumor, surgery may be required to remove it.

Surgery may be necessary if hydrocephalus is detected, as in this disease the cerebrospinal fluid accumulates excessively in the skull, exerting constant pressure. In the case of neuroinfection, antibiotics of a narrow spectrum are prescribed.

If the disorders caused by this condition do not have a significant adverse effect on the patient's body, there may be prescribed neonropic preparations, as well as medications that help to reduce the manifestation of symptoms. To improve the withdrawal of fluid often prescribed diuretics. True, this is only a temporary measure until the cause of the disease is eliminated.

In addition to medical treatment, it is possible to identify non-traditional methods of combating this disease. Reduce the intracranial pressure helps special exercises, head massage and mild manual therapy.

By the way, unlike a long medication, the effect of non-traditional methods comes almost immediately. True, they are effective only in the case of non-serious violations of the brain, caused by a change in intracranial pressure. The best effect of treatment is achieved by combining both methods.

In addition, there are many recipes of traditional medicine to combat the disease. However, such treatment can be used only as an addition to the main medication method or for unloading the body from a large volume of drugs in the chronic course of the disease, to maintain the effect.

An effective remedy is a lemon with honey.

Single fruit juice is mixed with honey and a small( 100 ml) amount of water. Such a mixture should be taken within a month every day, taking a short break after 10 days. It is important that such a tool, due to its "acidity", should be applied very carefully to people with problems of the alimentary canal and the presence of ulcers, since one can aggravate another in the treatment of one disease. In this case, the benefit of such therapy will be reduced to zero.

A method of decoction of plantain is considered safer. It can be done by filling half a liter of water with 3 tablespoons of dried plantain. Such a mixture should be understood daily 3 times a day. In the same way you can make a decoction of lavender. The reception of this agent perfectly reduces intracranial pressure, relieving of accompanying unpleasant symptoms.

A new direction in the fight against elevated ICP is cranial therapy. It is a kind of combination of massage, body-oriented psychotherapy, aimed at removing the "clamps".As a result of complete relaxation, the blood supply to the brain improves. But here it is necessary to note that such therapy can be carried out only by trained physicians in specialized centers, since with incorrect technique the result of therapy may prove ineffective. With the same rules of conduct, you can refer to other techniques of psychotherapy aimed at combating somatic manifestations as a reaction to the external circumstances of a person's life.

Increased intracranial pressure is dangerous by periods of intense build-up. If the pressure rises slowly, adults suffer from constant headaches, frequent ailments and drowsiness. In addition, the body reacts to changes in atmospheric pressure and weather. If the rate of increase in intracranial pressure is rapid, the body may not have time to adapt to them, which will lead to serious disruption in the work of the whole organism, including the possibility of a lethal outcome.

5 Useful recommendations

To maintain your health, you need to pay more attention to the signals that our body gives us. This does not mean that you should panic when the first symptoms of high blood pressure. It is important in case of a malaise to seek medical advice, because it is better to take preventive measures than to treat any disease. Especially since the brain is an organ that is very hard to be restored in case of disruption of its work, especially when the disease is started and there is no proper treatment.

In order to prevent and diagnose pathology at an early stage of development, specialists in the field of neurology are advised to undergo diagnostic tests every few years even in the absence of symptoms.

To prevent the increase in ICP it is necessary: ​​

  • to comply with the regime of the day with regular interchangeable activities;
  • apply physical exercises and special gymnastics that improve blood circulation and brain nutrition;
  • it is desirable to abandon bad habits.

Follow all recommendations, and be healthy!

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