Pseudosarctosis( pseudotum): causes, treatment, signs, symptoms

Pseudocutaneous( or false scabies) in medicine is defined by the term pseudoraportosis. This is a skin parasitic dermatosis, the development of which is provoked by small mites of the genus Sarcoptes scabiei of S. s species.canis, S. s.suis, S. s.bubulus, S. s.equi, S. s.dromedarii and others, actively inhabiting the skin of animals( rats, dogs, rabbits, pigs, cats, horses, goats and sheep, cows, buffaloes, camels) and birds( chickens, turkeys, pigeons).Today we will talk about the causes of such a "pseudo" scabies in a person, its signs, symptoms and folk treatment of pseudoraportosis.

Features of the disease

Features peculiar to the clinical development of pathology.

  1. No latent period of incubation.
  2. Pseudoraptysis pathogens can only be mite larvae, not females, as with other forms of scabies.
  3. Larvae of pruritus do not gnaw through passages under the stratum corneum, as with other types of scabies, but only bite, leaving a microscopic lacerated wound.
  4. There is intense itching caused by the toxins of the saliva of the larvae.
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  6. Defeat mainly affects not the joints and keratinized areas, but open spaces that come in contact with the skin and coat of animals.
  7. Pseudococcus is not transmitted through the larvae from the infected person to the healthy. Pseudosarctopy develops only when the mite larvae are transmitted from the animal. This happens when taking care of domestic pets, cattle, while hunting for moose, wolves, deer, foxes and hares. But most often people( especially children) get infected from dogs.
  8. Self-healing is possible when eliminating the cause of the disease - tick.

Pseudosarctosis( pseudoheterotomy) in humans( photo)


As the stage of incubation with pseudotum is practically absent, initial manifestations in the form of itching are observed right after the bite or in the interval from 5 to 10 minutes to 2-5 hours, very rarely 2 days. It depends on the degree of reaction of the body to the pain stimulus and allergen( saliva of the larvae).

The zodiac larvae that has fallen on the skin of the person bite off a piece of skin, causing inflammation and redness in response to the subsequent formation of the papule. About the reasons for the infection( appearance) of such a scabies-pseudo sarcopthosis we will tell below.

The stages and symptoms of various kinds of scabies including pseudoraprtosis will tell this video:

Causes of the occurrence of

The main causative factor can be called unprotected skin during constant contact with the skin and wool of animals infected by tick mites during cleaning, feeding, dressage and lack of hygiene after contact withthem. The source of infection is only a domestic or wild animal, on which itching parasitizes, reproducing, eating itch moves under the skin and causing strong foci of inflammation in the form of redness and rash.

In the case of a false scabies, the larvae penetrate the hair follicles on open arms, human legs and under horny scales where partial metamorphosis occurs. Maturity of the larvae does not reach, can not stay on the skin for a long time and therefore quickly die. Gnzt moves, multiply, like females, they also can not, but bite off bits from the skin of a person. Ragged rounded wounds are extremely painful, long to heal and cause severe irritation in the form of itching and inflammation around the bite.

Next, the symptoms that have itchy scabies will be considered.

Symptoms of

There are no hepatic passages with pseudoraportosis. The main symptoms of false scabies are:

  1. Strong itching, beginning not in the evening, as it happens in the usual scabies, but immediately after the bite of a person with a tick-larva.
  2. Rapid manifestation of papules( vesicles), vesicles( nodules), large hyperemic blisters, crusts with a bloody surface in places of scratching at the site of bites. The size of individual rashes is usually greater than with typical scabies.
  3. All cutaneous manifestations are concentrated, as a rule, in areas involving the hair or skin of animals( or feathers of birds).
  4. Noticeable manifestation of inflammation at the site of the bite, which is the body's immune response to the secretions of the glands of tick mites, their saliva( allergens) and to painful damage.

If the crusts in the places of scratching are covered with purulent contents, it means that microbes have penetrated into the places of damage.


The severity of clinical symptoms in pseudoraportosis does not depend on the type of itchy pruritus that has migrated from the animal to humans. An exact definition of the type of parasite is required not to confuse pseudotum with other skin pathologies and to determine the pathogen if a person communicates with several species of domestic animals.

In determining the diagnosis rely on:

  • external manifestations, complaints of severe itching;
  • the fact of outbreak of pseudotum in a certain locality( epidemiological criterion);
  • results of an examination of potentially infected individuals with similar symptoms in the outbreak;
  • manifestation of the group nature of itching and rashes in all persons who work or live in a particular place;
  • laboratory analysis.

Since larvae do not gnaw through pseudocysts, itch can not be found under the skin using the iodine staining method, as is done with a typical pathology. Usually, a method is used to extract the larva from the site of the bite with a needle or a scraping of the epidermis is taken with further examination under a microscope. The diagnosis of pseudoraportosis is confirmed if the mite's larva is found in the material, but eggs, nymphs, females or empty egg membranes are not detected.

Next we'll talk you about how to treat a pseudoheter in a person.

Treatment of pseudotypes

If pseudoraportosis is not complicated by infection when streptococci and staphylococci are introduced into the sites of scratching, the disease calms down on its own. With a strong spread of papular-vesicular eruptions, a special severity of itching is used by the means usually used for scabies.

Preparations and procedure

Anti-sciabic means:

  1. Water-soap emulsion 20%( for children - 10%), which is applied to the places of scratching 4 times a day until the obvious absence of new bites and symptoms subsidence.
  2. Benzyl benzoate in the form of ointment( 20, 25%), emulsion( 20%, for children - 10%).Skin treatment is carried out once, leaving the preparation for 12 hours to eliminate all the larvae.
  3. Aerosol Spregal approved for children and pregnant women. In the case of a pseudochee, a single treatment is sufficient( for a guarantee - two-fold) without flushing for 12 hours.
  4. Permethrin( MediFox), Lindan preparations( recommended by parasitologists for infants) in the form of lotion 1%, ointment 1 - 2%, cream, shampoo, powder. Use once, leaving for 6 hours.

Means that reduce inflammation and allergic component:

  • ointment Widestim, Fenistil-gel, Acriderm, Losterin;
  • with itching - antihistamines( antiallergic) drugs - Suprastin, Erius, Zodak, Tavegil.

Antibiotic medicines - antibiotics in tablets( a group of macrolides) or ointments are used if pathogens have penetrated into places of bites, and abscesses or crusts covered with pus appear on the sites of injuries.

Folk methods

Therapeutic home health recipes, except soap baths, are used only in adults to avoid unexpected reactions of allergies in children. But adult patients with an allergy in the history should be extremely cautious.

Home recipes for getting rid of mite larvae:

  • soapy baths 2 times a day for 5 - 10 minutes;
  • birch tar to apply a thin layer on the combs( after 3 hours wash off with warm water).
  • a mixture of sulfur in powder( 1 part) and interior fat( 4 parts) to lubricate the rashes twice a day with itching twice a day.

Use antiscabic soap from a mixture of onion( 1 piece), garlic( head) and laundry soap( 1 bar).A bar of shop soap is rubbed and mixed with warm water, leading to a uniformity and density of sour cream. In the mixture, grate the onion and garlic. When the mass cools, roll balls that are used as soap until the symptoms disappear completely.


Preventive measures necessary for compliance:

  1. Avoid close contact with wild and stray animals .After contact, a thorough examination of open skin areas, washing with antibacterial soap, changing clothes, clothes is necessary.
  2. Isolate an itch-infected animal for treatment by a veterinarian and prevent re-infection of the tick mites.
  3. Regular veterinary examinations of domestic animals , racehorses, cattle to identify scabies.
  4. Treatment of the room , inventory of insecticides such as Butoks, Neostomazan.

Complications of

If the signs of pseudoraptysis are ignored, it is possible:

  • infection in open places of scratching and bites with the development of pyoderma( a common purulent skin disease);
  • transfer of scabies to eczema;
  • development of intense allergic reactions, both local - at the site of the bite( swelling, itching, pain), and general, down to choking in people with high sensitivity to insect toxins( extremely dangerous for children).


After isolation of the animal carrier and uncomplicated pseudocystitis( without infection or acute allergy), the prognosis is favorable. In such cases, carrying out anti-scabic therapy is not necessary - it is enough to take a soapy bath and wash it properly with a washcloth with further processing of the bite sites with antiseptic means - Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide.

If itching, hyperemia, inflammation around bites do not go away for a few days or signs of pseudotumus appear on other sites, you should contact a parasitologist, infectionist or dermatologist to make an accurate diagnosis.

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