Hemorrhoids and infections, treatment of an infectious disease

A person occasionally has to deal with such ailments, which even the doctors are ashamed to say. To such illnesses it is possible to carry a hemorrhoids. At the first stage, the disease is almost not manifested.

Proctologists believe that more than 75% of people experience hemorrhoid symptoms. It should be known that every healthy person has hemorrhoids. These are the folds of the mucosa of the anal canal. Such formations participate in the closure of the anal canal. At the time of defecation, the nodules are smoothed out and allow the calves to come out.

Unfortunately, with low human activity, stagnation of venous blood occurs and there is an increase in cavernous formations. In some cases, hemorrhoids are complicated by the fact that the organism gets an infection. With such an exacerbation, it is necessary to carry out the treatment, only after diagnosis and coordination with the doctor.

Infectious diseases in hemorrhoids

Cavities in themselves are not dangerous to the patient's health, but the complications caused by this ailment can bring a lot of trouble. In most cases, the patient has an inflammation of the node. Over time, there are cracks and bleeding.

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Infections are a big danger in hemorrhoids. With such a complication, blood can become infected and the patient can not cope with the disease on his own. In connection with an exacerbation, the patient may have:

  • Strong pain syndrome, increasing with defecation;
  • With severe bleeding, anemia appears;
  • When infection occurs, in most cases, blood is contaminated.

Infectious disease increases the symptoms of hemorrhoids. At the same time, the body weakens. In the event that the infection spreads to the intestinal wall, the patient may experience a pararectal abscess. This ailment is caused by the appearance of purulent processes occurring in the walls of the large intestine.

It is impossible to get rid of this abscess with the help of medicines. Before eliminating an infectious disease, the doctor must perform a diagnosis to determine the severity of the ailment.

Treatment of infectious hemorrhoids

Inflammation can be eliminated by the patient with the help of medications. Doctors recommend using when cavernous nodes appear:

  • Salt baths;
  • Medicinal herbs. Perfectly suited to St. John's wort, sage and oak bark;Microclysters on the basis of herbs.

Unfortunately, when there is such an infectious disease as a pararectal abscess, it is necessary to resort to an operative intervention. The surgeon must open the hemorrhoidal node affected by the infection. After that, the pus is completely removed, and the patient feels much better.

Unfortunately, after the operation, it will take some more time to recover. If you do not continue to take medicines, the hemorrhoidal formations may return again.

In the postoperative period, you must adhere to a strict diet, and categorically avoid physical exertion. It is best to recover in a hospital, under the supervision of doctors. If the operation was performed, it is not correct and bacteria got into the seam, another infection may develop.

Many specialists recommend paying attention to rectal suppositories. It is best to use:

  • Relief;
  • Proctosedil;
  • Anusole.

All medicines are antiseptic. That's why they quickly cope with infectious diseases that have arisen with hemorrhoids.

Do not forget about prevention. Compliance with personal hygiene, diet and exercise, will avoid the emergence of hemorrhoids and infections.

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