Acute and chronic erosive duodenitis: symptoms, treatment, nutrition, folk remedies, drugs

Duodenitis of the erosive form is considered a fairly widespread disease of the duodenal inflammatory character, in which the active formation of erosive lesions on the mucosa occurs.

In the absence of treatment, erosion gradually becomes wounds and ulcers, which only aggravates the patient's condition.

Causes of the disease

The duodenum( DPC) is in the GI system right behind the stomach, it actually acts as a link between the small intestine and the stomach.

Food from the stomach cavity enters immediately into the passage of DPC, while it is saturated with enzymes and aggressive enough stomach acid, which irritates it, so the duodenum is more than other parts of the gastrointestinal tract suffering from inflammatory lesions.

The main causes of erosive duodenitis are:

  • Abuse of alcohol and excessive love of spicy food;
  • Mechanical injuries;
  • Nervous system disorders and frequent stressful conditions;
  • Food poisoning;
  • Poisoning with chemicals or medications;
  • Chronic pancreatitis or hepatitis;
  • Chronic forms of gastritis.
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In the latter case, Helicobacter pylori and acid-peptic factor affect the mucosa of the duodenal ulcer.

If the erosive form of inflammation of the duodenum is associated with the Helicobacter pylori infection, then a gastric ulcer or gastritis develops parallel to it.

Under the influence of Helicobacter pylori and acid, which penetrates from the stomach into the intestine and irritates it, duodenitis begins to develop rapidly enough, acquiring a pronounced erosive form.

Although the main provoking factor of inflammation of the DPC is an unhealthy diet consisting of oily and plentiful food, irregular meals, love of fast food and half-finished products. This approach to nutrition is very deplorable in the condition of the duodenum.

Symptoms of erosive duodenitis

The clinical picture of a pathological erosive inflammatory process is similar in many respects to acute gastritis, however, pathology can develop and is completely asymptomatic.

Usually the latent form of erosive duodenitis is often detected in elderly patients and younger children.

If erosive inflammation of the duodenal mucosa develops with a characteristic clinical picture, then its typical manifestations are:

  • Acute painful syndrome in the navel zone on an empty stomach or an hour and a half after eating. If soreness is disturbed on an empty stomach, then after eating it disappears, appearing again after a specified time. Also soreness is quickly removed by antacids, but not for long;
  • Aching or piercing, cramping or blunt, acute painful attack in the pit of stomach;
  • Sensation of severity in the gastric cavity immediately after a meal;
  • Sometimes there are head migraine pains or a slight nausea.

If erosive foci are located on the mucous membranes of the upper parts of the PDC, then the symptomatology resembles a gastric ulcer. Patients complain of pain before eating, after eating, nausea and vomiting, headaches, acid reflux with acidic eructations.

Quite often, pathology is accompanied by reflux, an inflammatory lesion of the esophagus, against which background heartburn and eructation are constantly troubling.

If erosive lesions are localized in the lower parts of the DPC, the pathology acquires pancreatic symptoms, which consists of rapid fatigue and chronic weakness, aching tenderness, hyperdosity and headaches.

If the cholecystitis form of erosive duodenitis develops with unexpected famine attacks, sometimes with a vomiting-and-vomiting reaction, with every heartburn and stomach burdens.

In the vegetative form of duodenitis, there are manifestations such as causeless dizziness and hyperdensity, excessive weakness and white coating on the surface of the tongue.

In accordance with the developed pathological form duodenitis takes the symptoms of any gastrointestinal disease. Therefore, diagnosis is often difficult and requires a professional narrow-profile medical approach.


If there are suspicious signs indicating the development of the pathological process, it is necessary to proceed with immediate therapy, therefore correct diagnosis is needed that will help not only to identify erosive duodenitis and its form, but also to determine the etiology of the disease.

The range of diagnostic procedures for suspected inflammation of the duodenum usually includes:

  1. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is used to determine the type of duodenitis;
  2. X-ray examination of digestive structures;
  3. Duodenal sounding;
  4. Study of gastric acidity;
  5. Stool examination;
  6. Ultrasound diagnosis;
  7. Manometric diagnostics of intestinal structures;
  8. Study of secretory GIT functions.
  9. Determination of the level of electrical resistance of the mucosa;
  10. UAC.

Sometimes a biopsy is performed with a histological examination of a piece of mucosa. When diagnosing duodenitis, a complex of laboratory and instrumental research procedures can not be avoided.

Only advanced diagnostics allows to correctly identify the form of pathological inflammatory process in the duodenum.

Treatment of acute and chronic erosive duodenitis

The approach to the therapy of inflammatory lesions in duodenitis is caused by the course of the pathological process. If there is an exacerbation of intestinal inflammation, then patients are shown bed rest, it is necessary to exclude nervous experiences and stress disorders, to refuse from alcohol and tobacco smoking.


In general, in the treatment of mucosal inflammation of the duodenum, the administration of preparations of such pharmaceutical groups as:

  • Mucosal enveloping agents( Maalox or Almagel, Enterosgel or Fosfalugel);
  • Antibiotics;
  • Painkillers in the form of injections or suspensions( Papaverine, Spasmalgin or No-shpa);
  • Regenerating agents;
  • Immunostimulating drugs;
  • Acid-lowering medications if there is reflux or a violation of acid-base balance( Reni).

Quite often the treatment of duodenitis does without the use of shock medications, patients are simply assigned the strictest dietary therapeutic diet.


The diet for inflammation of the duodenum is of the greatest importance, it is even included in the mandatory therapeutic appointments.

The first day or two need a lot of drinking and starvation.

Then go to the therapeutic dietary diet. Food is taken five times a day, exclusively in small portions. Hot food is forbidden, cold too. Consumed meals should only be room temperature.

For breakfast recommended liquid porridge, for lunch it is better to eat mashed soups on vegetable broths or milk soups with vermicelli, for dinner it is quite suitable omelette, mashed potatoes or casserole. Between the food is recommended fruit puree, jelly, low-fat yogurt or compote, kefir, green tea is recommended.

After about a couple of weeks, such a diet can be included in the diet of soups with beef or chicken broth, but while rubbed, steam cutlets from poultry or vegetables, veal for a couple.

Duration of dietary nutrition is determined by the doctor. To get out of this diet should be gradually, use irritating mucous products not earlier than a month and a half later. In the presence of reflux, such food is completely contraindicated.

Folk remedies

As an additional therapeutic support, you can use folk remedies for erosive duodenitis.

  • To accelerate the healing of erosive formations on mucous structures of the duodenum, an infusion of linseed is recommended, which must be brewed with boiling water for half an hour. Take a few swallows, but only on an empty stomach throughout the day. Treatment lasts for a month.
  • Against inflammatory lesions will help collect from chemist's chamomile and lemon balm, rhizome althea and licorice, shepherd's bag and lavender. A large collection spoon is steamed and aged for 40 minutes. Take before meals for half an hour. And so once in two days.
  • To reduce the acidity is recommended plantain infusion, for the production of which half a liter of boiling water pour 50 g of plantain leaves, stand in the thermos hour. You need to consume each half of the glass before each meal. Treatment lasts a week.
  • Covering and wound healing effect has sea buckthorn oil, for preparation of which it is necessary to pour half a kilo of sea buckthorn, about 5 liters of sunflower oil, heated in a bath. One week the mixture should stand in the dark, after which the oil is filtered, and the berries are grinded through a sieve or ground with a blender and mixed with the resulting oil. Take the medicine on a large spoon three times a day on an empty stomach. Treatment lasts a week.

These are the most common folk remedies for the treatment of erosive duodenitis. But before starting therapy recommended compulsory medical consultation.

Prognosis and prophylaxis

If the patient performs all the medical appointments exactly, observes the diet, the duodenitis retreats rather quickly, and the accompanying pathologies like gastritis, cholecystitis and others go into a remission state.

In general, the prognosis for recovery is the most favorable.

In the development of chronic inflammation of the duodenal ulcer, which is preceded by malnutrition and other factors, prevention is of utmost importance, which will help to avoid exacerbation of the disease.

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