Treatment of worms in children, how to treat helminths in a child( photo), how to cure helminthiasis for Komarovsky, how to treat childhood helminthic invasions?

Parasitic diseases are common all over the world, but children suffer most from helminthic infestation. Their immune system is still weak, so it can not always resist the invasion of uninvited guests. Most often, children become infected with ascarids and pinworms. The peak of infection occurs in the summer season, when children play in the sandbox and interact with street animals. Parasites, cause unpleasant symptoms and harm the health, so you need to know how to treat the worms in a child?

Treatment of worms in children always causes parents to have many questions. Some mistakenly believe that only those children who are poorly looked after can become infected. In fact, even a child from a happy family can pick up parasites, since no one is immune from this disease. Dr. Komarovsky - a famous pediatrician, believes that all parents should know about the treatment of worms in children without exception.

Worms are mainly transmitted after contact with a sick person or with an infected animal, as well as after consuming poorly thermally processed meat or by using dirty hands. Pinworms are the most common parasites in children. They cause severe itching in the anus. This happens because the female crawls out of the intestine and lays eggs, but at the same time releases a substance that causes severe irritation.

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If children become ill, helminth treatment should be carried out not only from them, but from the whole family. With 100% guarantee, it can be argued that people living in the same territory with a sick person will also be found helminths. But not all worms can be transmitted from person to person, there is a group of parasites that enter the body through soil, poorly thermally processed meat or fish.

Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of worms in children

There are more than 300 kinds of worms that perfectly feel in the human body. According to Dr. Komarovsky, treatment of worms in children should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. It is not always possible to independently recognize the presence of helminthic invasion in a child. In addition, not all parasites cause specific symptoms, so sometimes it is difficult to establish the correct diagnosis.

It is necessary to think about the treatment of worms in children, if worms are found in the stool. Most often there are pinworms, as in the photo, these are white worms. They cause strong itching in the anus. When these parasites are found, the feces must be taken to the laboratory for analysis. If the worms were identified on a weekend or on a holiday, they should be placed in a clean container with alcohol.

Such worms as pinworms are cured in a child most easily, but there are other more dangerous worms that do not cause obvious symptoms. For example, the vaginal head eats exclusively with blood, it sucks in the walls of the intestines and causes a decrease in immunity and anemia. The baby eats normally, but at the same time loses weight. Treatment of such helminthiosis in children should be timely so that in the future there are no serious health problems.

Some types of worms may not manifest themselves at all, they are usually detected accidentally during a routine examination or when the worm left the body with feces. That is why the treatment of helminthic invasion in children is not always timely.

Well-known signs, which, according to most, can indicate the presence of uninvited guests in the body, are not always reliable. For example, gnashing of teeth in a dream, allergic rashes, weakness and drowsiness may indicate other diseases. Dr. Komarovsky often paid attention to this, so treatment of worms in children should be done after the examination.

How to treat helminths in children with medicines?

The choice of medications should be treated responsibly, they have many side effects. Dr. Komarovsky believes that the withdrawal of worms should be thought after diagnosis. It is very important to determine the type of parasite, because, unfortunately, there is no universal pill from all worms, for each species you need a special medicine. Only in rare cases, the doctor can prescribe the drug without examination, when the symptomatology is pronounced and he has no doubts.

The scheme of treatment of worms in children necessarily includes taking medications. Prescribe drugs and dosage should be exclusively specialist after the tests. After the detection of parasites, the child must be treated immediately from the worms.

A parasitologist or infectious disease treats a helminthic infestation in children. As a rule, treatment includes several stages, they help get rid of helminths without consequences. Consider the course of therapy:

  • Anthelminthic drugs. The specialist reveals the type of parasite and selects a special drug that acts fatal to him. Often appoint the following types of medications: Vermox, Pirantel, Albendazole and others. Some of them act immediately on several types of worms.
  • Enterosorbents. Methods of treatment of helminths in children include the use of antiparasitic drugs. But when helminths perish, they poison the sick with the products of their disintegration. This is why enterosorbents are prescribed, they help to remove toxic substances from the body.
  • Enzyme means. These drugs are prescribed to correct the disturbance of the digestive system. For the treatment of children's worms advised to use such drugs for two weeks after the poisoning of helminths.
  • Biopreparations. To restore the body they are also discharged, taken for three weeks.
  • Vitamins. The final step is to take vitamins. Parasites deprived the body of many useful trace elements, which is why vitamin complexes are recommended to restore protective forces.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, this scheme of treating helminths in children has proved itself well. In this way, you can reduce the negative impact on the body of anthelmintic drugs. But it is worth remembering that even with such effective treatment of worms in children, there can be an unpleasant reaction of the body to drugs in the form of fever, various skin rashes, nausea and abdominal pain. Parents should not be afraid, these symptoms often indicate that the fight against parasites is right.

Whichever doctor treats the child from worms, he will always warn parents about a possible reaction to the drugs. Not all types of worms can be taken out by pills, in some cases, surgical treatment may be necessary.

Treatment of helminths of small children

Treatment of helminths in children up to a year is complicated by the fact that most drugs can not be taken. That is why self-medication in this case is not recommended, the necessary medicine and dosage should be calculated by a competent specialist. In some cases, the baby may need a course of therapy, so the dose of the medication must be determined correctly so that there are no undesirable side effects.

Many mothers prefer to use folk methods. In this case, a garlic enema can help, but before using any folk remedies it is better to consult a doctor.

Preparation of a small child for the treatment of helminthic invasion is usually reduced to the intake of vegetable oils, for example, pumpkin or linseed can be used. To restore the body, probiotics and vitamins are usually prescribed.

How to cure helminthiasis in children?

Modern medicine negatively refers to the use of tablets from worms "just in case".Preventative drug treatment can be justified only if the child lives in a country with an undeveloped culture level.

In other cases, the treatment plan for children from worms should be prescribed only after the examination. Most antiparasitic drugs are very toxic, so it is difficult to predict the reaction of the child's body to such a medicine. Many pediatricians advise that if the parents of the child suspected worms, it is recommended that they pass the feces three times at different intervals.

If a child is found with pinworm, then treatment is necessary for all family members. In addition, disinfection is recommended, and the laundry should be boiled. The fact is that these parasites outside the body can remain viable for a little more than a month.

To avoid exposing children to toxic treatment, simple guidelines should be followed. Hands need to be washed not only after the street and contact with animals, but before every meal. You can not eat raw meat and fish, drink water from untreated sources and bathe in dirty water.

Treatment of worms in children should be carried out under the supervision of specialists. There are both dangerous and non-dangerous species of helminths, so do not ignore the signs of a parasitic disease. Some types of worms can affect not only the intestines, but also other organs, causing serious tissue damage. The most dangerous thing is that it is not always possible to detect worms in the body of a child, they cover well with the symptoms of other diseases. That is why it is recommended to undergo a survey once a year. The best method of diagnosis will prompt a specialist.

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