Psilocybin fungi: effect, effect, signs of use, consequences

Psilocybin( and simply hallucinogenic) fungi were known to mankind 6-9 millennia ago. Magic mushrooms were used in their rituals by African shamans, the Mayan and Aztec tribesmen, the inhabitants of India and other southern countries. Today such gifts of nature are recognized as a full-fledged drug, comparable in action to LSD.And in Russia, the cultivation, storage and sale of magic "mushrooms" is prohibited by the Criminal Code.

What are psilocybin fungi?

Psilocybin fungi are called inedible fungi, which contain 2 main alkaloids - psilocin and psilocybin. Psilocybin, getting into the intestine, is destroyed and turns into psilocin, which is considered to be half less toxic. Mushroom-hallucinogens are dispersed throughout the world, but most of them grow in America.

On whether it is worth to reckon psilotsinsoderzhaschie fruit to poisonous, scientists argue until now. Although alkaloids are extremely toxic, their lethal dose is very high, and getting it with the use of "mushrooms" is quite difficult. However, such products can contain other dangerous toxins, so today official medicine recognizes them to be poisonous.

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The main dose of a hallucinogenic poison in such mushrooms is concentrated in the stalk, a small percentage in the cap.

There are several mushroom genera in the world that contain psilocin:

  • psilocybe( about 150 species are known, more than 115 act as narcotics);
  • fiber( psilocin contains 5 species, 4 of them are deadly poisonous);
  • gimnopil( 14 hallucinogenic species);
  • panelo.
Photo of life-threatening fungi

Effect on the body

The effect of psilocybin fungi has been studied in great detail, in the scientific literature one can find detailed descriptions of people who have experienced a "mushroom effect" on themselves. But the action of fungal hallucinogens on the brain for a long time remained only an area for scientific theories and assumptions.

Therefore, after using a feeling of euphoria, pleasant emotions, visual images and other narcotic effects arise. On the same principle, the action of many modern drugs has been built.

Recent studies at Imperial College London have provided a more detailed picture of the effects of psilocin on the human body.

Upon ingestion, the alkaloid immediately rushes into the brain and targets neurons in 3 areas of the brain, causing irreparable harm:

  • of the anterior part of the cingulate gyrus;
  • of the back of the cingulate;
  • the medial front zone( MPZ).

The back of the cingulate gyrus and MPZ is a very special area of ​​the brain, which is always in a state of active work. All metabolic processes in this area of ​​consciousness proceed 20% faster than in the rest of the brain departments. Even when a person is resting, completely relaxed, does not think about or worry about anything, this site continues to process information. Here, all news flows are combined into a single whole, forming a unique picture of the world that is peculiar to this particular person.

After the action of psilocin, the neurons in this cerebral part are practically switched off, all mental and metabolic processes are suspended. The picture of the world is changing dramatically - there is a powerful shift in reality( hallucinations and stuff).

The anterior part of the cingulate gyrus is involved in the formation of depressive moods - during the depression this site is in a strong state of excitement. The fungal hallucinogen also inhibits neurons in this area. Therefore, when taking a psilocybin drug, mood often rises and anxious thoughts leave( but not always).
The video effect of psilocybin fungi on the human brain:

The effect of

Scientists compare the effect of taking hallucinogenic fungi with the action of the LSD drug. The main difference is only in duration( LSD "works" almost twice as long).

But there is one peculiarity in psilocybin fungi - they affect each person in their own way. Everyone can have different symptoms, hallucinations, trip time( psychedelic attack).Observations showed that if a person used mushrooms in a good mood, then the visions and emotions are colored in positive tones. If in a depressed state, a mushroom drug can cause an attack of rage, aggression, up to attempts to harm yourself or other people.

The first unusual sensations begin in 15-20 minutes of using magical mushrooms on an empty stomach. At first the person is confused, dizziness, trembling of hands and feet, fear, paranoia and other phenomena resembling the signs of schizophrenia can begin. Typical narcotic symptoms soon appear.

Researcher Karl Graham singled out 5 levels of consciousness changes after eating psilocybin fungi:

  1. There are minor disorders of short-term memory, the sensitivity to music, color perception is becoming more acute.
  2. Ambient objects seem to come to life, begin to breathe, move, colors acquire saturation and depth. Before closing eyes floating circles and bright patterns float. The sense of time changes greatly - it becomes slow and stiff.
  3. Individual hallucinations appear, real objects can merge with them. Kaleidoscopic patterns in front of the closed eyes float in 3D.The perception of time is distorted even more - time can freeze at one point.
  4. Man completely loses the sense of time, and with it - his own "I".There is a feeling that the fragments of the person go into the surrounding objects, trying to revive them. The hallucinations of transformation begin.
  5. Contact with reality disappears completely. Man feels himself spilled in time, space, Absolute. The familiar world disappears, there are only visions.

Consequences of ingestion of

After the first use, psilocin does not bring any obvious consequences. The exit from the mushroom trip is quite painless, hallucinogens do not cause severe withdrawal symptoms. But in some cases, there may be a so-called afterglow - for a few days a person's state is controlled by those emotions that he felt during his psychedelic journey.

With long systematic use of hallucinogenic fungi, serious changes in the psyche, behavioral disorders, paranoia, up to the destruction of personality are possible. There is a cardiovascular system, kidneys, stomach and intestines.

Physical dependence on psilocybin fungi does not develop, even if one takes magic mushrooms very often. But in most cases, there is a mental dependence that requires a traditional complex treatment. Get rid of cravings for magical "mushrooms" will help work with a therapist, visiting special groups, supporting relatives and friends.

On the video on the effects of the use of psilocybin fungi:

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