Lopyrel: indications for use and instructions, prices, available analogues, reviews of doctors and patients

This drug, Lopyrel( Lopyrel) is an effective antithrombotic. It acts as an antiaggregant, received good reviews as a preventive measure against complications in patients who underwent myocardial infarction, stroke or occlusion of peripheral arteries. This article will tell readers in more detail about the indications for use and instructions to the drug Lopyrel, tell about the prices for it, available analogs and reviews of doctors and patients who tried it on themselves.

Features of the drug

Composition Lopyrela

The active substance Lopyrel is clopidogrel, as in the preparation with the appropriate name, in 1 tablet of the drug contains almost 98 mg clopidogrel bisulfate, which is equivalent to 75 mg clopidogrel. Anhydrous lactose and microcrystalline cellulose, as well as glyceryl, talc and crospovidone are included in the composition of the medicament.

Dosage forms

The form of this drug is tablet, each unit is covered with a pink film shell and is marked with the symbol "I" on one side. The sale comes in cardboard packages( sometimes with a plastic bag), each of which contains 2, 4 or 9 blisters with 7 or 10 tablets in it.

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The average price in pharmacies( online stores) is 308 rubles, directly clopidogrel can be purchased for 393 rubles.

Pharmacological action of

The main active substance of the drug has an antiaggregant effect due to the influence of GPIIb / IIIa on the receptor apparatus. As a result, its binding to molecules of adenosine diphosphate decreases. As a result, the activity of aggregation of cells of platelet type is reduced.


  • The binding of the ADP molecule to the receptors is due to their selective inhibition by the main active ingredient of the drug.
  • And also clopidogrel has a depressing effect on the aggregation processes started by other antagonists. Platelets until the end of their life cycle( 7 to 10 days) are no longer capable of aggregation processes.
  • Antithrombotic action begins after the first dose of the drug, on day 3( a maximum of seven), the level of leukocytes is established. Aggregation slows down after 120 minutes after the first intake( 40%).The highest effect( 60%) will be achieved in 4-7 days.


  • Absorption and distribution of .The drug has a high bioavailability, there is a low concentration in the plasma, with its beams binding is 94-98%
  • Metabolism .It occurs in the liver, the carboxylic acid derivative is the main metabolite. At its repeated reception makes about 3 mg / l. In plasma, in patients with severe kidney diseases, the concentration of the derivative of CC is lower.
  • Breeding .It occurs through the kidneys( by 50%) and the intestines( and 46%).

The following section will tell you about what the Lopyrel tablets help with.


Lopyrel, lopyrel is an effective drug that doctors prescribe in order to prevent the activation of atherothrombotic complications in people who have suffered:

  • infarction( with a prescription from a couple of days to 35 days);
  • stroke ischemic( prescription from a week to six months);
  • ailments of peripheral vessels;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • acute coronary syndrome( without ST segment elevation and with that).

Also a medication of this kind is prescribed after:


For prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, our readers advise the drug "NORMALIFE".This is a natural remedy that affects the cause of the disease, completely preventing the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. NORMALIFE has no contraindications and begins to act within a few hours after its use. The effectiveness and safety of the drug has been repeatedly proven by clinical studies and long-term therapeutic experience.

The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  • stenting;
  • operations on the myocardium or coronary arteries through the skin.

The main indications for receiving Lopirel are:

  • unstable angina;
  • infarction( without Q wave).

The following is an instruction for the use of Lopyrel tablets.

Instructions for Use

The drug can be administered orally, regardless of food intake. The dosages are as follows:

  • Patients with a heart attack, stroke, and ailments of peripheral arteries take 1 tab.1 time per day. Duration of use is 25 days for infarction, and a week-six months for stroke.
  • In coronary syndrome without ST elevation and after coronary stenosis, medication is started with 300 mg of the drug followed by 1 tablet daily for 90 days. Usually additionally prescribed aspirin in a dose of 100 mg.


Contraindicated taking this medication to patients:

  • with increased sensitivity to the components of the product components;
  • for hemorrhagic syndrome,
  • for acute bleeding, as well as intracranial hemorrhage;
  • with severe renal failure;
  • with gastric ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcers at the stage of exacerbation;
  • for hyperfibrinolysis;
  • for lung tumors;
  • for colitis and tuberculosis;
  • ladies during pregnancy and during brast-fiding;
  • at the age of less than 18 years.

Side effects of

Patients who have been assigned Lopyrel should be prepared for such unpleasant consequences of taking the drug:

Often Sometimes Rarely and very rarely Rarely and very rarely
With art. CNS confusion and hallucination, a violation of taste.sensitivity. headaches and dizziness, numbness
With st.digestive system: dyspepsia and diarrhea, abdominal pain nausea and vomiting, constipation, gastritis, ulcers of duodenum and stomach colitis and pancreatitis
With st. HSD hepatitis
With Art.syst.hematopoiesis , leukopenia, a decrease in platelet count; severe thrombocytopenia and granulocytopenia, anemia, agranulocytosis
With st.rolling system.blood: bleeding increased bleeding time thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
With st.skin: rashes and itching bullous or erythematous rash, flat lichen.
Allergies hives or anaphylactoid reactions.
With Art. CAS arterial hypotension and vasculitis
With Art.respiratory system bronchospasm
With Art. arthralgia, arthritis
With Art.urinary system glomerulonephritis
Other fever

Special instructions

  • In the operation, if the antiplatelet effect is not required, the medication will be discontinued one week before the surgery so as not to cause severe bleeding.
  • During treatment, it is necessary to closely monitor the indicators of the hemostatic system and the functional activity of the liver( there is a risk of hemorrhagic diathesis).
  • Do not prescribe the drug to those who had an ischemic stroke less than a week ago.
  • It is important to know and about compatibility with other medicines, namely:
    • with warfarin - the intensity of bleeding increases;
    • with glycoprotein IIb / IIIa inhibitors, ASA, NSAIDs, heparin - bleeding may occur;
    • with clopidogrel also increases the risk of bleeding of different locations.


A large amount of feedback from people about taking the drug say its effectiveness. Negative reviews, mainly due to the side effect of the drug( like diarrhea), however, patients also note that such "unpleasant" moments are much less than when taking analog funds. The negative qualities of the drug can be attributed to its cost.


It's difficult to say which is better, Clopidogrel or Lopirel, apply the first and second medication equally. To the Russian and foreign analogs of Lopyrelya, it is also possible to classify the medicines listed below:

  • Atroger,
  • Zilt,
  • Klopikor,
  • Plavigrel,
  • Tessiron,
  • Gridoklein and some others.
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