How do worms develop in a person after taking a pill for treatment, how are they excreted, after what time do drugs work, what happens, how many helminths die?

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If a parasite is suspected or detected in a human analysis, the doctor prescribes treatment in the form of anthelmintic drugs. These medications are different and act on worms in different ways. Some, for example, work at the cellular level, disrupting metabolic processes, others - produce a paralytic effect, causing the worms to develop a neuromuscular blockade, excluding the possibility of their vital activity in the body of the carrier, and others - blocking the reproduction processes and worms dying.

No matter how the drug works, questions arise: "How long does the treatment last, what happens to the dead parasites, where do they go?"After the course, the worms "leave" the body. Therefore, do not be afraid if the worms come out after taking the pills. After all, it was precisely this goal that we strived for!

How does the worm come out after taking the pills?

Interesting fact: In tropical African countries there are cases of infection of a human parasitic snake, which crawls into the mouth of a sleeping person and from there gets into the stomach. Disposed of such worms in an original way. A man was hung over a cauldron with boiling milk. I did not have to wait long. The snake-worm crawled to the smell of milk, fell into a boiling environment and died. With "domestic" worms is somewhat more complicated. Their treatment is medication.

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Worms come out of a person in two ways: through the intestine and anus with feces or through the mouth with vomiting. In the first case, they can be alive, dead or "leave" the patient fragments: if the worms after the pills do not come out immediately, then they are partially or completely digested, so when the act of defecation, the patient can observe the fragments of the worm.

In general, the following symptoms may occur:

  • If the worms do not exit, this may be the result of an insufficient dose of tablets. This can also be explained by the ineffectiveness of therapy: incorrectly selected medication or absence of worms, when the tablets are taken for preventive purposes: there are no worms - no one "goes out."
  • Worms after tablets come out with feces or vomit in unchanged form, with worms in a state of paralysis.
  • After the medication, fragments of parasites come out with feces or vomiting. This can be explained by high intestinal peristalsis, intensive digestion of food products and, accordingly, dead helminths.
  • Whales do not show whole worms or fragments. This does not mean that the treatment is ineffective. Perhaps the body has already digested the dead as a result of taking tablets of worms. Then the feces will be homogeneous.

The main thing is that after treatment and taking the "right" tablets in the right dosage, a person must be cleared of parasites. They die, and where they disappear, depends on a number of factors:

  • what effect the drugs;
  • on the characteristics of the metabolic process in a specific organism;
  • on the intensity of intestinal motility;
  • from the stage of the disease.

If we talk about the effectiveness of specific tablets used to treat worms, we can not but note the main ones:

  • Decaris tablets affect the metabolic processes in the cells of worms. Worms, a short time later, "happens" paralysis, and they go out with feces 24 hours after taking the tablets. With vomiting, helminths do not go away after taking Decaris.
  • Albendazole or Nemosol act on helminths paralyzing and simultaneously disrupt metabolic processes at the cellular level. After treatment and reception of tablets, the worms come out with vomiting or in stool, and in unchanged or digested form.
  • Praziquantel leads to a generalized contraction of the muscles of the worms, does not allow helminth cells to process glucose. How long does the treatment last? About a day. As a result of taking the drug parasites die and go either with vomiting or with feces.
  • Mebendazole, Vermox or Wormil. The positive result of using these tablets is provided by the fact that they interfere with the processes of synthesis of cellular globulin. Violation of metabolic processes at the cellular level leads to paralysis and death of worms. The course of treatment does not last long. During treatment, the worms die quickly. One day after the pills are withdrawn through the mouth, with vomit or with feces fragments, in digestion or wholly.
  • Pirantel or Nemocid paralyze worms, cause neuromuscular blockade. After the drug, worms quickly die. How long does it take, and where do they go? During the day the parasites die. There is no need to take a laxative. If the treatment is effective, the worms are excreted with feces. Usually emetics with the content of helminths or their fragments are not observed.
  • Piperazine tablets paralyze worms, disrupting the supply of nerve impulses to the muscles. During treatment, digested worms are excreted with feces. Treatment with the drug does not cause a person to vomit and exit the parasites through the mouth.

The fact that the worms have died, the effectiveness of medicines and complete cure may indicate an improvement in general condition. Glistular invasion leads to the fact that the patient feels constant weakness, nausea, abdominal pain and suffers from restless sleep, a constant feeling of hunger, increased flatulence. After a course of correctly selected tablets, when the medicine will work, and the worms die, the general well-being should improve significantly, and the listed symptoms disappear.

If the drug does not help, the symptomatology may persist.

What happens after treatment with pills with worms outside the intestine?

It is known that various types of parasites can live in any organs and systems of man, including lungs and bronchi, spinal cord, muscles, under the skin and in blood vessels. How do these worms come out after taking the pills? When they die, the following happens: they disintegrate and are excreted by the organ or system at the cellular level. Subcutaneous parasites are almost impossible to kill with pills, in this case the best medicine is surgical intervention: the skin is simply dissected by a scalpel and the parasite leaves.

The effectiveness of treatment after taking drugs with intestinal worms is determined by additional blood tests, the fence of which is carried out in a week or two after the course. Special blood tests show the presence of parasites in humans, which can not be detected by other methods, for example, by analyzing feces for eggs of worms.

If a parasite is found, the doctor will again develop a new treatment regimen, adjust the dosage or prescribe the medication of another group.

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