Which doctor treats sinusitis?

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal( or paranasal) sinuses, the disease is very common and insidious. Why insidious? According to statistics, more than 70% of people who suffer from sinusitis do not turn to a specialist for help, which sometimes leads to very serious consequences. Since the sinuses are in close proximity to the brain - cases of secondary infection and infection of the brain - not uncommon. Sometimes, harmless at first glance, sinusitis, ends with a disability or even death. And this is a weighty reason not to engage in self-medication, and when the first symptoms appear, go to the doctor. But how to determine the disease, and which doctor treats sinusitis?

Related articles:
  • What are the differences between sinusitis and sinusitis
  • Sinusitis in children: signs and effective treatments
  • Treat sinusitis in adults in simple ways
  • Symptoms of sinusitis in adults and its treatment
  • Otitis in adults: treatment with antibiotics
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Attention: consequences of sinusitiscan cost a person's life if he does not turn in time for help to a specialist!

First of all, you need to know the basic symptoms of sinusitis. Among them:

  • discharge from the nose( can be any: transparent, purulent), which do not stop for a long period;
  • headache with localization in the sinuses, sometimes giving to the forehead, all face;
  • increase in temperature, which does not happen in all cases;
  • fatigue, drowsiness;
  • a nasal voice;
  • breathing is difficult.

At least two of these symptoms - the cause will contact the clinic.

So which doctor treats sinusitis? Like other diseases associated with the ear, throat, nose, sinusitis is treated by an ENT doctor( he is also an otolaryngologist).It is he who, after conducting the diagnosis, will put the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. Timely appeal to this specialist will make it possible to avoid complications.

Caution: after you have found out which doctor to go to, do not overstimulate. The sooner you start treatment, the less likely complications!

Most of all this disease affects people with low immunity, suffered a serious illness( especially the airways).

Diagnosis of sinusitis

An experienced doctor will correctly diagnose on the basis of such data:

  1. Anamnesis. This is the first thing that all doctors pay attention to. It is with your words that he will make his first conclusions and determine the further actions. It takes into account the presence of previously transmitted diseases, the localization of pain, possible temperature, the nature of mucous secretions.
  2. General examination of the patient.
  3. Rhinoscopy - examination of nasal passages. The procedure is completely painless.
  4. Apparatus methods( ultrasound, x-ray, tomography) are used in case the doctor finds it difficult to diagnose. Thanks to this method, you can identify the accumulation of fluid, mucus or pus in the swollen paranasal sinuses.

Warning: a history of upper respiratory tract infection of a viral or infectious origin is often a harbinger of sinusitis!

Treatment of sinusitis ENT by doctor

After the diagnosis is made, the specialist begins treatment, which is aimed at removing edema of the paranasal sinuses, symptomatic treatment and elimination of the causative agent of the disease.

  1. Symptomatic treatment - drops in the nose. Buried for the narrowing of the vessels, which reduces the symptom of the stuffy nose, but does not bring a positive result in the treatment of the disease. Such treatment can only be a supplement, but not the main one!
  2. Antibiotics. Can only appoint a specialist on the results of bacterial culture on the sensitivity to antibiotics. It is not always used, but only in cases of bacterial infection and severe disease with a risk of complications. You must remember that antibiotic therapy can in no case be prescribed as a self-medication. Not properly selected medicine will only hurt, but does not cure.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs relieve swelling of the sinuses, remove inflammation, thereby allowing the mucus to come out of the sinuses.
  4. Nasal flushing can be performed even at home. For this, a solution of furacilin or salted water is best suited.
  5. Physiotherapy procedures, such as inhalations and electrophoresis with the use of medicinal herbs. Inhalations can be done at home using boiled potatoes or a decoction of chamomile and calendula.
  6. Surgical treatment( puncture) is necessary only in case of a chronic form of the disease or if other methods do not work.

Caution: never try to warm sinuses, do not apply heat. This will provoke a worsening of the condition and increase swelling!

Why not self-medicate? Because you, even knowing the exact diagnosis, can not correctly assess the condition and degree of edema. Therefore, underestimating the disease, the patient often gets a complication or transition to a chronic form. In addition, the appointment of medications can only be done by a specialist.

Consultations with other

physicians Depending on the course, cause and consequences of sinusitis, additional consultations may be needed after it is determined which doctor treats sinusitis, is diagnosed and prescribed treatment.

To exclude allergic rhinitis prior to diagnosis, an allergist may need to be examined and consulted. An ophthalmologist and a neurologist can observe the patient for serious complications. The surgeon's help is needed in cases of surgical intervention, when sinusitis has passed into a severe or chronic form.

Useful advice from ENT:

  1. Strengthen immunity.
  2. Do not forget about oral hygiene( carious, sick teeth can cause sinusitis).
  3. Ventilate frequently.
  4. If you are sick, it is better to refrain from smoking rooms.
  5. No diet to adhere to, but drinking should be abundant.
  6. If rhinitis is prolonged for a prolonged period, consult a qualified otolaryngologist.
  7. Do not self-medicate!

Adhering to these simple tips, you may not be saved from the disease, but definitely will not get serious complications. And to protect yourself or your loved ones directly from sinusitis, treat the underlying disease( flu, sore throat, runny nose), because in most cases this is the root cause!

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