What anesthesia is done with hemorrhoids, epidural anesthesia during surgery to remove hemorrhoids, blockade

Due to the fact that the surgical intervention is a radical method of hemorrhoids removal, all patients, who are offered such a way of fighting with pathology, are concerned with the narcosis that will be applied. As experts comment, in most cases in modern medicine, not extensive, but minimally invasive interventions are practiced, in which enough local anesthesia is enough. This opinion of proctologists is due to the fact that many methods consist in the usual bandaging or cauterization of inflamed nodes. It is in these cases that anesthesia during hemorrhoids should be local, as this kind of anesthesia is safer, has minimal negative impact on the body and practically does not give side reactions. With more extensive interventions that last more than half an hour, general anesthesia is required.

Often with hemorrhoids, epidural anesthesia is also used. It is one of the most popular and most commonly used types of anesthesia. The essence of this method is that with it, the sensitivity is not switched off in the entire body of the patient, but only in the lower lumbar part of the body. Epidural anesthesia with hemorrhoids has greater advantages than spinal anesthesia, since it exerts an anesthetic effect not on a specific area of ​​the spinal cord, but on the nerve endings that are just in the hemorrhoid cones. The duration of this type of anesthesia is 10-30 minutes, and the advantage is that after the operation the patient does not feel a feeling of nausea and headache.

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Choice of anesthesia for hemorrhoids

Doctors-anaesthesiologists choose a method of anesthetizing a patient who is to remove hemorrhoids, perform a series of examinations to determine what kind of anesthesia will be better for a particular person. After carrying out the diagnostic tests necessary in this situation, specialists are determined with the type of the most preferred analgesia. The list of diagnostic tests performed in this case is as follows:

  • General blood test. If it shows an elevated level of leukocytes, this indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the patient's body. Reduced content of red blood cells and hemoglobin indicate anemia. In these cases, the operation to remove hemorrhoids is not carried out until the normalization of blood values ​​and, accordingly, anesthesia is not required;
  • Biochemical blood test gives the specialist the opportunity to obtain information about the health of the liver and kidneys. These data are necessary due to the fact that many drugs used in anesthesia are derived precisely by these organs;
  • Colonoscopy, with which the doctor determines the state of the intestine. Given the scope of the upcoming intervention, conclusions are drawn about what type of anesthesia will be required to remove hemorrhoids. In case the duration of the operation is more than 2 hours, it will only deal with general anesthesia;
  • Coagulogram contains information on clotting of blood. Carrying out it is necessary in connection with the fact that epidural anesthesia during surgery for hemorrhoids is inadmissible when any violations in the received indications are revealed. If the level of indicators is below the norm, there is a high risk of thrombosis.

The list of examinations for the selection of anesthesia for the removal of hemorrhoids can be extended by the attending physician depending on which patients have been previously transferred to surgery, and what chronic illnesses he has in history.

Blockade of hemorrhoid nodes

If a patient has thrombosis, he, along with the use of appropriate medications, is prescribed blockade of the nodes, that is, their local anesthesia is performed. It is carried out with the help of a special composition containing hydrocortisone, an antibiotic and an anesthetic. As a result of this procedure, the patient quickly and effectively removes hemorrhoidal pain and relieves inflammation. In addition, the blockade method creates an obstacle for the development of further complications of paraproctitis and necrosis pathology. During such local anesthesia, it is possible for the specialist to make a decision about prompt removal of the blood clot. The blockade is performed as follows:

  • Patient with hemorrhoids lies on his back with his legs brought to the stomach and placed on the supports;
  • The perianal region is treated with alcohol or iodonate, and an anesthetic composition is drawn into the syringe. Usually it is Lidocaine or Mirkain;
  • With a thin insulin needle, the area of ​​the anus is cicatrized in 4 places. At this time, the patient may feel minor pain;
  • After anesthesia from the injections will work, the specialist introduces a finger into the anus and a thicker needle makes the injection into the pararectal tissue.

This small operation calls for complete analgesia in the anal canal. Such local treatment is supplemented with venotonicks. These drugs relieve edema and increase the tone of the venous wall.

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