Medication( medicinal) gastritis after antibiotics: symptoms and treatment

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A drug( gastrointestinal) gastritis is an inflammatory process that develops in the gastric mucosa that has arisen because of the use of medications. Drug gastritis refers to the acute erosive appearance of this disease. Medicines weaken the protective reaction of the mucosa, the production of mucus and bicarbonates decreases, resulting in erosion, which can lead to bleeding. When taking medications, not only the stomach suffers, but also the intestines. As a result, gastroduodenopathy may occur. Lesion of the gastric mucosa can cause various medications. In the first place, harmful effects on the gastric mucosa are caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

This is the list of the most common ones:

  • Aspirin;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Piroxicam;
  • Diflusinate;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Sulindack.

Gastritis after antibiotics

May have adverse effects on the stomach and such common antibiotics as Citramon and Baralgin. They are sold in pharmacies without a prescription and are inexpensive. Gastritis can also occur after antibiotics, sulfonamides, antituberculosis drugs, insulin, arsenic and hormonal drugs. About twenty percent of people taking different medications suffer from drug-induced gastritis or peptic ulcer. The most susceptible to the emergence of drug gastritis patients with increased sensitivity to medicines. Other negative factors will help speed up the process of manifesting the disease. This is a genetic predisposition, bad habits: smoking and alcohol. The older the patient, the more he took antibiotics. An important role in the emergence of this disease is played by unsystematic nutrition.

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Diagnosis of medical gastritis:

  1. ultrasound.
  2. Endoscopy.
  3. Fecal occult blood test.

Symptoms of drug gastritis

Symptoms of the disease after taking antibiotics include:

  • loss of appetite;
  • feeling of heaviness or pain in the area of ​​the stomach;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting, which can be with blood veins;
  • increase in body temperature above 38 C;
  • possibility of gastric bleeding.

It often happens that gastric bleeding starts without any previous symptoms.

First aid for medical gastritis involves a number of measures:

  • should exclude antibiotics that cause symptoms of the disease;
  • gastric lavage;Fasting
  • for two days.

Medication gastritis, which was mild, can go away without treatment after a while. The severe form of this disease is treated for 2 weeks, and can go on into a chronic form. Such a medical gastritis should be treated within two years. If the disease is not acute, then it can be treated on an outpatient basis.

Treatment of medical gastritis

  • Compliance with diet;
  • Traditional medicine;
  • Juices and mineral waters;
  • Acupressure;
  • Exercises exercise therapy.

The initial step in the treatment is diet compliance. In the acute stage of the disease fasting is prescribed, which lasts two or three days. Then they switch to digestible food. These are mashed soups, porridges, mashed potatoes, broths, kissel and yogurt. Patients with low acidity are recommended food that increases appetite: bread, cottage cheese, cheese, vegetables and spicy condiments. If the acid content is high, then foods that irritate the stomach are removed. Therapeutic physical training also contributes to the treatment of this disease. It improves the general condition of the patient, strengthens the muscles of the diaphragm and improves blood circulation. Mineral water is used for both prevention and treatment of this disease. They should be taken in a warm form. The greatest effect is on the water: Essentuki, Mashuk and Vytautas.

Treatment of drug gastritis with folk remedies:

  1. As an anesthetic and to improve all digestive organs use the infusion of dill seeds. For this evening 2 tablespoons of seeds in a thermos pour a liter of boiling water. Filter in the morning. Take 50 milliliters for half an hour before meals.
  2. To wash the stomach can make an infusion of marigolds. It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of flowers, leaves and stems and pour a liter of boiling water. Insists for an hour.
  3. Drug Chamomile helps to remove inflammation, has a bactericidal and enveloping effect.
  4. During the summer, it is necessary to take a lot of salads from herbs: nettle, dandelion, chicory, cabbage and apples. Also, black currants, strawberries and blueberries act well on the stomach mucosa.

With medicinal gastritis, very carefully take medication. With prolonged admission, you need to take a break or reduce the dose. It is also desirable to use, along with the use of drugs, and drugs that reduce organic disorders in the stomach.

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