Cold sweat in the baby, in the baby, in men and women: the causes, symptoms

Violation of the work of even one sphere in the body almost instantly affects the state of health. He seems to be signaling that a failure has occurred. And today we will talk about the reasons for throwing a baby-babe into the cold sweat, men, women at night or in the afternoon.

What is cold sweat

Cold perspiration occurs during fright, after overheating or heavy physical exertion, but sometimes the sweat can speak for more serious reasons. Often it is accompanied by other symptoms.

Frequent seizures require treatment to a specialist, since cold sweat sometimes signals serious disorders in the body.

Its varieties

Cold sweat is of 2 kinds:

  1. Permanent .Characterized by a prolonged course, and there are breaks between manifestations of the symptom, but after a while a new tide comes.
  2. Temporary .Happens as a reaction to a bite of insects or other minor external manifestations( pregreve, etc.).In such cases, the symptom passes by itself, and quite quickly, if you compare it with the first type of cold sweat.
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Severe dizziness and cold sweat, weakness and other symptoms can say a lot. About this we will tell you further.

How to identify

Pay attention to the accompanying symptoms must be sure! Along with other symptoms, cold sweat can talk about dangerous emergency conditions. For example, a stroke and heart attack, as well as other vascular diseases, are manifested in this way. In such cases, cold sweat arises with pain and severe discomfort.

With pneumonia or cold, symptoms such as:

  • fatigue,
  • dyspnea,
  • sticky skin,
  • nervous tremor,
  • pallor,
  • cough.

Often accompanied by a cold sweat with dizziness, vomiting, weakness in the legs, drowsiness and a decrease in pressure. And now let's talk about why he throws in cold sweat.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

What the

sign says Diseases of

There are a number of pathologies that cause a cold sweat attack:

  1. Migraine.
  2. Hyperhidrosis, which arose against a background of genetic abnormalities.
  3. Diseases associated with metabolic disorders: diabetes, endocrine diseases.
  4. Disorders against the background of age-related changes.
  5. Hypoxia.
  6. Anemia.
  7. Endocarditis.
  8. Allergy.
  9. Consequences of misuse of bad habits.
  10. Pathology of blood vessels and heart.
  11. Food poisoning.
  12. Poisoning, including drugs.
  13. Chronic infections( hepatitis, tuberculosis).
  14. Climax.
  15. AIDS.
  16. VSD.
  17. Cervical osteochondrosis.

Conditions and age

  • Cold sweat attacks also occur during the initial stage of pregnancy.
  • In an infant it occurs during breastfeeding.
  • In cold sweat throws people who suffer from inflammation of any form, after a long stay in the sun or after bites of insects.

Constant seizures always indicate the presence in the body of any violation. Sometimes the problem can really be serious, because manifest in this way can both cardiovascular disease and oncology. But do not over-tighten yourself, because cold sweat occurs when stress, anxiety or mental disorders. Of course, with a constant symptom, you need to go to the doctor, but you can not worry too much - this will only aggravate the condition.

Special attention should be paid to the cold sweat that occurs in infants, as this is a sign of a number of internal disorders of the body. Thus, jumps of intracranial pressure, and rickets, and vegetative diseases can manifest themselves. Timely exclusion of the probability of dangerous pathologies and the selection of a course of treatment will save from dangerous consequences.

How to deal with such a symptom

The main treatment is aimed at preventing major pathology. After the diagnosis, an experienced professional will choose the appropriate therapy. It is necessary to consult a doctor at sudden onset of attacks if they are permanent or accompanied by a number of signs from the cardiovascular system( pain, dyspnea, etc.).

  • If the cause is improper intake of medicines, the doctor selects suitable medications. When the diagnosis revealed the psychological cause of icy sweat, antidepressants, sedatives and other medications are shown that will help to cope with the phobia.
  • If sweating occurs only at night, you will need to consult a dermatologist. In such cases, external means of fighting sweating( ointments, gels) are prescribed.

With the manifestations of cold sweat attacks, it is possible to fight with unconventional methods:

  1. Essential oil. The essential oils from lemon, cypress, bergamot, fir, lavender, tea tree help to sweat. All these oils can be added to the bath, do with them lotions or dilute them and lubricate the areas of the body that sweat most.
  2. Baths based on decoctions. To do this, take 2 tbsp.l. Blueberry leaves are mixed with equal parts of clover, marshweed, sage. The mixture does not boil, but only pour boiling water, wrapped in a warm towel. After cooling, the broth is poured into the bathroom. With a strong sweating, you can make a more concentrated solution, taking a larger number of leaves per 1 liter of boiling water.
  3. Ionophoresis. Especially effective in sweating of extremities.
  4. Another recipe for the decoction for the bath is prepared on the basis of sequential, chamomile and sage. On a two-liter pan, you need 10 tbsp.l.dried raw materials. Infusion is prepared in the same way as the previous broth.
  5. With climax inside the broth take 1/3 cup. Take 1 tbsp.l.sage for a glass of boiling water. After pouring it is covered with a napkin and after half an hour they are drunk. Repeat daily 2 times.

More information about cold sweats and other symptoms of heart disease is contained in the video below:

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