Drug Alkoprost from alcoholism: real reviews about the medicine, instructions, contraindications, price

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Alcoholism is a global problem that affects people from different countries - the third world and the economically developed West. Every year from the federal budgets huge money is spent to fight with terrible dependence, pharmaceutical companies are not lagging behind. Modern means for treatment enter the market constantly, and one of the newest and most popular ones is the drop "Alkoprost".

What are droplets Alkoprost

Alkoprost is a modern preparation that is a transparent liquid without color and odor. It is produced in a flacon with a dispenser - it is important to count the number of droplets when taking it.
According to information on official websites where you can buy the drug( and there are at least three such on the Internet), the tool is designed and produced exclusively in Russia. The manufacturer of anti-alcohol drops - OOO "ALKOPROST", a Moscow company. The logo, which is placed on the packaging of droplets, shows "OmegaHealth", this information sign was not found.

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The price of the drug is an average of 990 rubles.


Drops Alkoprost is a classic dietary supplement, that is, a biologically active additive. Such a drug is not considered medicinal, then there are no chemicals in it, all active components are exclusively natural.

And does not play a role, what is the alcoholic experience of a potential patient - he recently takes alcohol or suffers from addiction for several years.

The main active substances in the preparation are:

  • fungus coprinus( forms a chain of "alcohol is bad");
  • extract of gold-bearing( reduces the love of alcohol and restores the tissues destroyed by toxins);
  • musk beaver( restores the brain and heals the psyche);
  • concentrate of artemia - small crustaceans( removes toxins and relieves itself directly from addiction).

Additional therapeutic effect appears due to:

  • lyubstoka;
  • mushroom chanterelle;Angelica Angelica
  • ;
  • thyme creeping;
  • sagaan-dal;
  • laurel;
  • mint.

As explained by one of the sites advertising alcohol drops Alkoprost, this composition of 11 herbal medicines is absolutely unique. In fact, not really - another fashionable remedy for alcohol dependence, AlcoBarrier, has the same composition. So says the Internet portal, where you can order the packaging of the drug.


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On the sites with both drugs recommendations of even one and the same narcologist, telling about the supplement, from the Institute of Biotechnology of RAMS are given. But the fact is that there is no such unit in the structure of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. There is only a scientific center of biomedical technologies of RAMS.

Composition of drops Alkoprost

Advantages of

The main advantage of anti-alcohol drops "Alkoprost" is a completely natural composition and unique components. All ingredients are selected with special care, each has its own approach to treating the exhausted organism of an alcoholic.

For the sake of justice it is necessary to recognize that many components of the drug have long been successfully used in folk medicine and have even been used in official studies. Thus, the ability of the fungus to block the alcohol-destroying enzymes and strengthen the hangover at times is known for a long time. The effect of aversion to alcohol is at the heart of many popular additives for the treatment of alcoholism.

Principle of action

Today, all dietary supplements for the treatment of alcoholism can be divided into 3 conditional groups:

  1. Provoking aversion to alcohol.
  2. Removing the symptoms of a hangover and alcohol poisoning.
  3. Destroying the very alcohol addiction.

Alkoprost is a complex preparation, so the action on the body is complex, combining all 3 mechanisms. In addition, healing drops help to repair damaged organs and tissues, support the damaged brain, strengthen nerves and relieve mental disorders.

The main( and proven) mechanism of action of Alkoprost is the formation of aversion to alcohol. It is due to the activity of the fungus coprinus, which inhibits the cleavage of alcohol and delays in the body poisonous acetaldehyde - the product of the decomposition of ethyl alcohol. This causes severe poisoning: nausea, vomiting, tachycardia and even convulsions. After such a test, a person simply does not want to drink more.

Musk beaver helps to adjust brain work, calm nerves at the moment of gradual refusal of alcohol, improves sleep and working capacity. Artemia crustaceans and centaury are the most powerful means to restore the poisoned and destroyed by alcohol body. A powerful complex of medicinal herbs and immunomodulating fungi helps to support the body and withdraw all products of alcoholic decay.

Principle of action of the drug Alkoprost according to the manufacturer

Indications and instructions for use

Vegetable components and completely natural composition make the drug truly universal. It is recommended for those who have only realized their dependence, and for patients who have been drinking alcoholic drinks for several years.

Sites for sale of Alkoprost assure that with the help of droplets it is also possible to treat female and teenage alcoholism, although there are no convincing studies of the safety of this drug.

The instructions for use in plant droplets are extremely simple. You need to drip 10 drops of alcoholic three times a day with food. Drip is allowed in any drink( water, tea, mineral water and compote) - of course, nonalcoholic. Or even in food - but be sure to wash down with water.

If you are afraid for the reaction of the body, you can start with 5 "alkostrolevoy" drops, gradually increasing the dose. Standard course is 1 month. Some doctors recommend to repeat the treatment after the break, if the desired effect was not achieved.

Since there are no therapeutic drops and tastes, experts advise them to apply even in cases when the alcoholic in the family refuses to be treated on his own free will - without his knowledge. But emphasize at the same time - the successful treatment of dependence on alcohol is possible only if the patient himself wanted to get rid of it.

Contraindications and side effects of

The only source of information about the contraindications and side effects of Alkoprost is again the sites for the sale of the drug.

No side effects have been detected in "Alkoprost", say "experts", referring to nameless studies that show an excellent effect and no "pobochki."What then is considered the promised antidation when taking alcohol( nausea, vomiting, convulsions) is unclear.


Manufacturers guarantee almost 100 percent efficiency of Alkoprost against alcoholism after one month of admission. No matter the alcoholic experience of the patient, the state of health, the degree of psychological dependence - drops will help anyway.

The action of a unique Alcoprost in the treatment of alcoholism should be as follows:

  • signs of hangover disappear;
  • the patient independently leaves the drinking-bout;
  • completely disappears the urge to drink again;
  • cleanses the liver;
  • recovered nerves;
  • the condition of the vessels is normalized, the pressure is equalized;
  • sexual life returns to normal.

The most questionable in this issue is the research, during which the results were evaluated. All sources about the miracle-drops assure that there were many studies( some speak of thousands).And specific figures are given only in two. In one participated 1000 people, in another - 350. The data are suspiciously similar: in the first tests 87% of percent ostensibly ceased to feel craving for the next glass, 79% completely refused alcohol in all its forms. In the second, 83% were tied up with alcohol. Data on the location of these clinical trials and the names of scientists are not given.

Expected results from the drug Alkoprost

Real feedback

Despite such a natural composition and powerful therapeutic effect, the reviews about Alkoprost are quite contradictory. First of all - among doctors.

The first group of these reviews - messages on the sites for advertising and sale of the drug. In them only enthusiastic words about Alkoprost, data on the supposedly effective cure of patients and even the promise that the drug will do everything itself if you add it without knowledge( although any narcologist knows that the therapy for alcoholism needs complex, with the patient's participation).The most suspicious that photos of doctors on different sites often coincide.

In this case, you need an intoxication of the body, restoring drugs, working with a therapist, participation of relatives and friends. And plant droplets, which need to drink only a month, the situation will not be radically changed.

Reviews of real people about Alkoprost are completely different. Even those who do not believe in the effectiveness of herbal medicines admit that their friends helped the drops. The craving for alcohol has decreased, the family has become less irritable, aggressive, and some have even been able to give up alcohol. But about the state of the body and how much Alkoprost drops helped to restore health, people do not tell people's opinions.

The effectiveness of Alkoprost is a question that is controversial, but thanks to the plant components it can be argued that this drug is relatively safe. Of course, in the treatment of long drinking bouts and heavy alcoholism, he alone will not help. But if your loved one does not want to be treated and you have tried all the means, there is a chance that the drops of "Alkoprost" will have a positive effect. But there is no guarantee that this will really happen.

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