Treatment of opisthorchiasis with birch tar, the scheme of application inside, how to be treated from opisthorchs, how to drink?

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For all of his life, a person faces fungi, viruses and other parasites. One such disease is opisthorchiasis. The disease affects the bile excretory system, as well as the liver.

The main source of infection is fish. Of course, the ailment can be transmitted from an infected person or animal. After penetrating into the human body, the patient exhibits the following symptoms:

  • Nausea;
  • Belching;
  • Elevated temperature;
  • Heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
  • Bloating.

After the manifestation of the disease, it is necessary to proceed with the elimination of the helminth. Treatment of opisthorchiasis with tar will allow to avoid taking medications that can provoke the appearance of side effects. In the event that there is a strong helminthic invasion, it is not recommended to engage in self-medication.

Birch tar from opisthorchiasis

Since ancient times, healers and healers have used the surrounding nature to treat even complex diseases, helminthic infestations have not become an exception. To treat opisthorchiasis with tar, it is necessary to properly prepare decoctions or tinctures. To do this, it is recommended that you follow one of the following recipes:

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  • You need birch tar, apple or carrots to prepare the medicine. Fruit finely grate, and then add a gob of resin to the gruel. It is recommended to use the drug before going to bed. To make it easier to eat gruel you can drink some water. Recovering occurs after 2 weeks;
  • Tar from the opisthores in the form of a compress. A few drops of resin are evenly distributed on the gauze pad. After that, the napkin is applied to the liver. On top of impregnated gauze is placed a cloth and a hot water bottle( you can use a bottle of hot water).Before putting a compress, it is recommended to use at least 5 tablets of hay. A hot-water bottle and a gauze napkin are removed after 2 hours;
  • Birch tar with milk from opisthorchiasis. Early in the morning, for 1 hour before a meal, drink 150 milliliters, in which to pre-mix 6 drops of birch bark. Treatment lasts for 10 days. After 3 weeks break, repeat the course;
  • There is a special scheme for treating opisthorchiasis with tar. The course of therapy lasts 12 days. On the first day, 1 drop of Berestnik is added to 1 teaspoon of water( you can use milk).The medicine is used in the early morning before eating. On the second day, the number of drops increases to 2. According to this principle, 10 drops of birch bark should be taken on day 10.On the 11th day, the number of drops drops to 9, and on the last, 12th day to 8 drops of birch resin;
  • For getting rid of helminths and their toxic secretions. To prepare the medicine you need water and birch bark. It is necessary to mix 8 parts of water with 1 part of wood tar. It is desirable that the water is cold. The product should be infused at room temperature for at least 2 days. After this, pour the infusion into a dark glass container. It is necessary to pour carefully so that the sediment does not rise. The color of the consistency will have a lemon tinge, and the structure is oily. Take the medicine should be 1 tablespoon at night for 30 days.

Treatment of opisthorchiasis with birch tar will prove effective only if the scheme is fully complied with.

Can I use tar from opisthorchiasis during pregnancy?

Women, being "in position", are susceptible to the use of many medications. To cope with the emerging disease, including helminthic invasion, it is necessary to resort to recipes of traditional medicine.

Tar can induce various active processes in the body of the body. This is bad for the future baby, so you absolutely should not use any treatment regimens for opisthorchiasis with the use of tar.

With regard to the lactation period, the use of birch resin is also contraindicated. In the event that there is no other way out, you can use this substance, but for the period of treatment, breastfeeding will have to stop.

It is best to see a doctor in advance so that he can perform a diagnostic and examination. Only after that it is possible to think on what means against the opisthorchosis to stop its choice.

Contraindications to the treatment of opisthorchiasis with birch tar

Some patients are interested in whether it is possible to drink tar from opisthorchiasis to young children. Doctors categorically do not recommend prescribing this folk remedy to babies. Due to its properties, birch bark is able to activate many internal processes, which are undesirable in the developing organism of the child. As for adolescents, at this age the treatment will depend on the individual characteristics of the organism of each patient. Best of all, do not engage in self-treatment, and turn to specialists.

Tar from opisthorchiasis is not recommended for a long time. In addition, this oily liquid should be taken, only in diluted form.

If helminthic invasion is in a serious stage, treating opisthorchiasis with birch tar is also not recommended. This is due to the fact that the substance is capable of provoking irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

When new, negative symptoms appear during the treatment of opisthorchiasis, it is necessary to stop taking the substance. Many modern doctors, argue that the use of birch resin is unsafe for the body. That is why, if a patient chooses therapy as a folk remedy, it is recommended to be observed by a doctor.

Each patient should remember, despite the fact that tar birch is applied inside from the opisthorchiasis, it can not be used by everyone. Any folk remedy can negatively affect the health of a person. Everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body. It is for this reason, before proceeding to treat helminthic invasion, you should consult a specialist. If no allergic reactions or other negative reactions are detected, then you can begin treatment with wood tar.

Specialists say if side effects occur after 15 minutes after use, tar can be continued to be taken against opisthorchiasis.

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