Rehabilitation of drug addicts: physical, psychological, social

Addiction kills individuals, families, entire nations. To degenerate the nation it is enough that the number of drug addicts is 10% of the total population. In Russia, the official figure is 3-4%.There is not much time left until 10%.For the rehabilitation of drug addicts, free government programs have been created, and there is a network of private centers. But this is not enough, it requires a conscious negative attitude of society to this phenomenon, understanding of its involvement in the upbringing of children, creating conditions for the creative growth of young people.

Rehabilitation of drug addicts

During the period of drug use, a person destroys everything that connects him with reality. He almost always immediately lost his job, breaks ties with loved ones. At best, continuing to use them for material recharge, parasitizing on kindred feelings.

The destruction of the physical health of drug addicts goes side by side with the destruction of the psyche. The addict's misconceptions about the bad and good, for him lose their sense of morality, morality.

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Rehabilitation programs

Positively proved itself in the fight against drug use treatment for dependence in rehabilitation centers. Such centers operate in many large cities, their methods of work provide an opportunity for those who want to get rid of dependence to find a new life, through the use of various types of rehabilitation for drug dependent people.

Physical and mental dependence is eliminated in a rehabilitation center, and social dependence is treated after discharge from a specialized institution. A former drug addict visits the center as a volunteer, giving examples of assistance to newly arrived drug addicts.

The work of the centers is mainly based on the well-known program developed at the Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota( USA) "12 Steps".The program excludes the use of violent methods that suppress the will of the individual. Adaptation to a life without drugs is carried out on a free will, in a circle of adherents and together with them.

On the video about the types and programs of rehabilitation centers for drug addicts:


Drugs undermine the health of the dependent, give him a whole bunch of diseases, including cirrhosis, kidney failure, heart disease, cancer, lung disease, AIDS, hepatitis C.

But the worstdestruction is applied to the brain. And if several decades ago the brain of a young drug addict aged to the state of a 60-year-old in 10 years, today's synthetic drugs accelerate this process 8-10 times.

About a year the brain of a drug addict irreversibly degrades, to awaken him to life, medicine can not be restored today.

The task of programs for getting rid of physical dependence is the removal of toxic substances from the body. To do this, use medicinal methods of treatment, as well as physical education, sauna, sauna.


To rebuild, change their views on life, psychological attitudes are necessary not only for the addict, but also for his family members. During the use of drugs in the family of the patient, stereotypes of behavior that need to be destroyed are formed, and they are replaced by new relationships.


At the first stage of psychological rehabilitation, full testing is conducted, revealing the degree of dependence, personal characteristics of the patient.

The tasks of psychotherapists at the stage of individual rehabilitation include:

  • revealing hidden psychological problems that contribute to the emergence of dependence;
  • help a drug addict in the awareness of his illness, the need for treatment;
  • fixing willingness to change lives;
  • development of stereotypes of behavior in stressful situations, the ability to say "no" when proposing a dose.

The next step in the rehabilitation of a drug addict is working in a group. With drug addicts conduct trainings, teach methods of self-regulation, behavior in stressful situations.

Group members with their families are also attracted to the group. Their participation in the program is a necessary condition for successful rehabilitation.

For mental rehabilitation at the stage of collective psychotherapy it is necessary: ​​

  • to teach to build relationships in a team;
  • to form a new model of relations in the family of the addict;
  • reinforce the awareness of drug addiction as a disease, teach to live with this knowledge;
  • reveal the creative potential of the drug user, create the basis for the formation of a new person.

At this stage educational work, trainings of various forms of group work, psychoanalysis, hypnosis, psychosynthesis are used.


The result of treatment and rehabilitation largely depends on the correct behavior of the family. Close people should stop helping a former drug addict, they must learn to see in him an independent person who is able to take responsibility for their actions, provide himself and others with material things, take care of older relatives and children.

It is difficult for close people to get out of the circle of accumulated grievances, irritation, fear of life next to the monster into which a drug addict turns after taking drugs.

For the addict's family, the years of such a life do not pass without a trace. The psyche of family members suffers, the very idea of ​​themselves, their role in the life of the addict is distorted, and the appearance of codependence arises.
A close addict needs treatment from codependence, they need to get rid of fear for the addict, stop trying to treat it yourself.

In the rehabilitation center, the relatives of the addict are provided with psychotherapeutic help, which helps to prevent breakdowns, to consolidate the success of rehabilitation.


The longest stage in the rehabilitation of a drug addict is social rehabilitation. It lasts from 9 months to a year. During this time, the former drug addict must independently adapt to life in society, learn to solve emerging issues without drugs.

In the rehabilitation centers for this use:

  • occupational therapy;
  • creativity;
  • sports activities.

The sports enthusiasm of a former rehabilitator from his past life helps to quickly recall the lost communication skills with healthy peers, expand the circle of communication, include people who are not addicted or addicted to co-dependency.

Occupational therapy is not only work in workshops, vegetable beds, or in greenhouses. For a former addict, hard work is simply reading fiction, playing chess, painting.
Social rehabilitation can be carried out within the center, in this case the rehabilitators themselves become an example for beginners. Work stimulates to consolidate life skills with clear consciousness, without taking drugs.


The main problem of program inefficiency is that only a very small number of addicts are aware of the reality that threatens their life. The brain of drug addicts is catastrophically destroyed.


In drug addicts with a long history of just physically there are no departments of the brain responsible for social adaptation. After the death of drug addicts, pathologists at the autopsy detect a brain of size with a fist.

A drug addict's encephalogram has a similarity to the encephalogram of a mentally ill person. And, in order to have such changes, one drug intake is enough. Personality changes are such that the work of the rehabilitation center is not always effective.

Unsustainable remission

Persistent conscious remission occurs only in 3% of drug addicts. The disease can return after even after a long remission, when, as it seems, there are no longer any prerequisites for the disease.

The problem is also sectarian rehabilitation centers, which keep the patient forcibly, forcing their victim to work for free in the guise of occupational therapy.

A positive result of treatment is achieved precisely by a combination of three components - medical treatment of physical dependence, psychotherapy, social adaptation.

Family Behavior after Rehabilitation

The behavior of relatives should be based on sincerity. Parents need to firmly and honestly explain to their child that they are not going to buy drugs to him. From this day on, the former drug addict must earn his own, self-maintain, commensurate with the desire for opportunities.

Parents should stop guardianship, leave extra care. It is not necessary to expect that the army, discipline at the enterprise will help to keep the young man from failures. The reason for the disruptions after rehabilitation is in internal, and not in external problems, and the army may not like the former addict so much that will cause stress and lead to a breakdown.

Close relatives of the addict should understand that they have lost the fight with the drug and how to behave with a drug addict can not rely solely on their own knowledge or feelings. The circle of close associates should comply with all the instructions of psychiatrists, build new relationships with the child according to the recommendations of the narcologists.

In group training in rehabilitation centers with the involvement of parents and relatives, psychiatrists identify the causes of codependence, the emergence of the so-called parents' reaction to drug addiction.

Particularly difficult is the syndrome of parents' reaction to drug addiction in the fathers. Mother and child find it easier to find a common language, and the father, accusing the whole son, denying the methods of raising his wife, lives in a state of terrible mental discomfort, creates conflict situations, often leading to a divorce.

The disintegration of the family has a negative impact on the former drug addict, which serves as another reason for failure. To prevent this, parents should not allow the addict to manipulate himself, to use their feelings.

Tips for the parents of a former addict:

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