Cholinergic urticaria: symptoms, causes, treatment

Cholinergic urticaria is a skin disease characterized by the appearance of small blisters accompanied by severe itching. Most often observed in people at a young age. Although in principle this form of hives is rare. But, nevertheless, what kind of illness and how to deal with it in case of appearance should be considered in more detail.

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Causes of cholinergic urticaria

There are many possible causes of this disease. The most common of these are:

  • regular stressful situations;
  • enhanced physical training;
  • emotional overstrain;
  • long stay in hot tub or sauna;
  • hormonal imbalance.
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This form of urticaria usually develops in people with a tendency to allergies.

Symptoms of the disease

Cholinergic urticaria manifests itself quite clearly, it is very difficult to confuse it with another disease. At the person such signs begin to be observed:

  • occurrence of small blisters or blebs on the skin integuments, such as after contact with nettle;
  • bubbles turn pink;
  • the skin begins to swell in places where the bubbles have appeared;
  • itching and burning of the skin;
  • nausea, often leading to vomiting;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Repeated cholinergic urticaria can cause a sudden increase in body temperature.

Treatment in adults

First of all, for correct treatment of the disease, it is necessary to eliminate the irritant and avoid uncomfortable sensations. That is, to conduct treatment in a calm environment, without stress and emotional upheavals. After that, you should start using antihistamines, aimed at eliminating unpleasant rashes on the skin. For this, the following medicines are used:

  1. The latest generation of antihistamines. The most effective are: Claritin, Cetrin, Erius, Ebastin.
  2. Topical preparations. For this, various ointments and creams are used, such as: Advantan, Fenistil, La Cree, Gystan. Hormonal medications. They are required for the normalization of the general state. That is, if the patient has a sleep disorder, loss of appetite, severe irritability. Hormones should be used only when a significant area of ​​skin is affected by hives.
  3. The use of complex vitamins. They will help increase the body's resistance to other diseases during the period of exacerbation of cholinergic urticaria.

It's important to remember! Chronic cholinergic urticaria requires constant use of antihistamines!

Treatment of children

This disease affects usually children of preschool age. The skin blisters quickly enough. Therefore, it is very important to begin the impact as soon as possible. In order to eliminate the itching and burning, as well as reduce the puffiness of the skin, you need to apply such medications:

  1. Local medicines. For this, various ointments and creams are used, which relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the child's disease. Examples of such drugs: Fenistin, Advantan, La Cree.
  2. Vitamin B and ascorbic acid. These useful substances contribute to the speedy recovery of the baby.

If the therapy started at an early stage of the disease, the child will recover within 1 week, feeling a noticeable improvement after only 3 days.

It's important to remember! If the baby's rash has spread all over the body, then urgent intake of potent medicines is required! In this case, you need the help of a specialist who will prescribe the most effective and safe dosage.

Cholinergic urticaria and army

Do young people join the army if this diagnosis is established? Cholinergic urticaria can manifest itself in acute and chronic forms. As for the chronic form of the disease, it can last up to 6 months with periodic exacerbations. If the duration of cholinergic urticaria with visual manifestations without interruptions is six months, this young man does not enter the army. The prerequisites for this ailment are of no importance to the solution.

If there is a medical record in the medical record with a diagnosis, then the potential recruit simply gives it to the commission of the military registration and enlistment office. In some cases, a young person is sent for a special examination to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers many recipes for eliminating manifestations of the disease on the skin and unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching and burning. The advantage of this method of treatment of cholinergic urticaria is almost complete absence of contraindications and side effects. And also that such medicines are based solely on natural ingredients. Herbal treatment improves the condition of the skin, in addition to eliminating the formed bubbles.


To prepare the decoction you need 50 g of fresh nettle, dioecious together with the roots, pour 1 l of water, put on the fire for about 5 minutes. After that, cook the broth a little cool and strain. Soak a piece of natural tissue in this medicine and apply it to the affected areas. The procedure should be repeated 4-5 times a day, especially during periods of exacerbation.


It is necessary to take the roots of ayr marsh, crush it to the consistency of the powder. To consume 1 tsp.2 times a day before meals. For greater efficiency, it is possible to treat affected areas with herbaceous oil.

St. John's wort and hips

It should take 3 tbsp.l.dried leaves of St. John's wort and hips, pour 2 liters of boiling water and leave to infuse for 3 hours. After the time has elapsed, with the help of the prepared broth, it is required to make lotions on the affected areas 3-4 times a day.


It will take 50 grams of chamomile, which should be filled with 1 glass of water. Cook until all the liquid has evaporated. It should be a viscous gruel. Lay the prepared mixture on a small piece of gauze and apply to the hives affected by hives. This compress is best done at night.

Tansy, St. John's wort, mint

Take 20 g of tansy and St. John's wort, peppermint slightly less - 10 g. Pour the herb with boiling water in a volume of 1 liter. To insist a medicine 1 hour. At the end of time, the resulting broth strain and consume 1 glass 2 times a day.


1 tbsp.l.dried herb yarrow should be filled with 1 glass of steep boiling water. Leave to infuse for 1 hour. After that, the resulting broth strain and take 100 ml 3 times a day before eating.


It will take 2 tbsp.l.peppermint, which should be poured into 0.5 liters of water. Put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for about 5 minutes. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes. After the time the cooked broth is used as a lotion, moistening a small piece of tissue.

These recipes will help to soothe inflamed skin and eliminate itching even for children. Only before use, it is best to consult a specialist, and also consider individual intolerance to certain components.

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