Sunny dermatitis: treatment at home, symptoms, medicine

Solar dermatitis, which is also called solar allergy, photodermatitis, is an inflammatory reaction of the epithelium. It is caused by the rays of the sun, flows in the form of an allergy.

Her diagnosis consists of external examination by a specialist, as well as in a number of other diagnostic methods. And today we will talk about the symptoms and treatment of solar dermatitis, we will look at photos of patients, medicines and funds for children and adults against it, give you useful advice.

Features of the disease

Treatment of the disease is carried out through antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoid ointments. Solar dermatitis is considered a subspecies of actinic dermatitis. This disease is not very common.

Its appearance is affected not by the intensity of the sun's rays, but by the individual's ability to react to photosensitizers. This kind of dermatitis often affects adults who suffer from the following allergic reactions( contact dermatitis, rhinitis, and hay fever).

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Elena Malysheva in all colors will tell you about solar dermatitis in the following video:

Causes of sunlight dermatitis

In the case of the disease under consideration, the sun does not act as an allergen. The development of this disease occurs under the influence of photosensitizers. These substances significantly increase the sensitivity of the dermis to ultraviolet radiation. Under the influence of UV rays, new compounds are formed, which are allergens. It is the newly formed compounds that trigger the allergic reaction.

In dermatology it is common to separate 2 types of causes that cause this disease:

  • external .This group includes photosensitizing substances that fall directly on the dermis: household chemicals, plant juice( cow-grass, meadow grasses), cosmetics or substances contained in them( sandalwood oil, benzocaine, amber, bergamot oil, musk, benzophenone),medicinal preparations used for external use;
  • internal .This group includes substances that can accumulate inside the body in the presence of human metabolic disorders( diabetes mellitus, obesity), violations in the functioning of the bodies responsible for neutralization, elimination of toxins( renal failure, constipation, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis), systemic treatment of medicines. Internal causes of the disease include a decrease in immunity, a lack of vitamins.

An allergic reaction may occur when taking medications that increase sensitivity to sunlight:

  • Antibiotics( "Tetracycline", "Levomycetin", "Doxycycline").
  • Contraceptive pills containing a high level of estrogen.
  • Drugs with nalidixic acid( "Negra", "Nevigramon").
  • Fluoroquinolones( "Ciprobai", "Ciprofloxacin").
  • Antidepressants containing St. John's wort( "Negrustin", "Novo-Passit").
  • Sulfonamides( "Biseptol").
  • Diuretics.
  • Drugs with nitroxoline.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Drugs for the therapy of cardiovascular diseases.

And now let's find out how to get rid of solar dermatitis and how it looks.

Symptoms of

When sun dermatitis occurs, the symptoms are as follows:

  1. Education on the dermis of the face, hands, shoulders, back of a bright red rash. The appearance of an allergic reaction in the form of a rash is possible even in places protected from the sun.
  2. The resulting pimples cause severe itching, discomfort, pus may appear.
  3. Severe burning, peeling of the epithelium when large areas are affected.
  4. Swelling on affected areas of the dermis.
  5. General condition worsening.

If these symptoms occur, do not wait until the disease goes into a protracted, chronic form. To treat inflammation of the dermis in the early stages is easier, faster.

In some cases there is a manifestation of cheilitis, conjunctivitis. The rash occurs in sunny dermatitis after 2-3 weeks. It can occur with a new exposure to ultraviolet light. So there is a chronic form of the disease, which is characterized by:

  • appearance of pigmentation;
  • dryness of the dermis;
  • appearance of vascular "stars";
  • by strengthening the skin pattern;
  • epithelial infiltration.

The clinical form of the disease is sometimes persistent solar erythema( it is represented by reddening, a rash that does not occur for many months).Symptoms of erythema do not disappear even with the disappearance of the photosensitizing factor. They are intensely manifested with each exposure to ultraviolet radiation.


If after a sunburn on the epithelium a rash occurs, a dermatologist's consultation is needed. A presumptive diagnosis can be made by a doctor after a dermatological examination, dermatoscopy of the rash. The calculation of the photosensitizing factor is performed through application samples with photoallergens.

To detect endogenous causes of the disease, the doctor may prescribe the following diagnostic measures:

  • kidney CT;
  • hormonal studies;
  • ultrasound of the peritoneum;
  • biochemical analysis of urine;
  • sample of Zimnitsky;
  • excretory urography;
  • kidney ultrasound.

Standard methods

Diagnosis of this disease is represented by the following methods:

  • inspection;
  • study of metabolism;
  • study of hormonal background;
  • dermatoscopy;
  • photoallergic assays;
  • examination of the liver;
  • kidney diagnosis.

Differential analysis of

Differential analysis of this disease is performed with:

  • with red planar lichen;
  • with erysipelas;
  • by solar erythema;
  • different forms of dermatitis( radiation, atopic, allergic).

Treatment of

Treatment of solar dermatitis should be carried out in a complex manner in order to more quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease and improve the patient's condition. Therapy should consist of:

  • limitations on the effect on the epithelium of ultraviolet;
  • use of funds to eliminate peeling, reduce itching;
  • application of ointments, gels for the removal of inflammation;
  • strengthening of immunity;
  • taking antihistamines in the form of tablets;
  • adherence to the correct diet.

About cream, tablets, ointments and other preparations from solar dermatitis,


To remove inflammation, improve the condition of the painful specialists prescribe antihistamine ointments, tablets. During the therapy, the doctor prescribes:

  1. Ointments containing corticosteroid substances( "Beta-Metazone", "Fluorocort").
  2. Antihistamines( Tavegil, Loratadin, Fenkarol, Suprastin).
  3. "Chloroquine".
  4. Anti-inflammatory drugs( "Ibufen", "Nurofen", "Diclofenac").
  5. Vitamins B.

If the proper effect is not achieved, the doctor will prescribe special drugs( "Intramethacin").In some cases, the patient is recommended to undergo treatment with such specialists:

  • Nephrologist.
  • The gastroenterologist.
  • Endocrinologist.

If a patient has persistent solar erythema, a systemic intake of glucocorticoids is required. If the glucocorticoid therapy is contraindicated for certain reasons, the doctor may prescribe cytotoxic drugs( "Cyclophosphamide", "Azathioprine").

On how to treat sunny dermatitis at home with folk remedies, we will tell you further.

Folk methods

Sun dermatitis can also be treated with folk methods, but before that, consult a dermatologist. Among the traditional methods of treatment are effective:

  • fresh cucumber( circles), cabbage leaves. They are used to relieve inflammation, irritation of the epithelium;
  • compress from grated carrots;
  • bath with currant leaves;
  • use of medicinal oils( peach, dogrose, corn, St. John's wort, sea-buckthorn);
  • egg yolk, the remains of which are usually washed away with sour milk;
  • herbal baths with St. John's wort, sage, valerian, chamomile;
  • lotion with vinegar( apple);
  • compress made of horse chestnut;
  • cologne, borate petrolatum is used to treat the dermis in acute form of the disease.

Some other methods of home treatment for solar dermatitis will tell this video:

Prevention of the disease

In the treatment of this disease, the prevention of repeated rashes takes an important place.

  • Therefore, when under the sun, it is necessary to protect the epithelium. To this end, use sunscreen means, SPF( protective factor) of which is over 40. This precaution also applies to owners of swarthy skin.
  • After affecting the dermis of the sun's rays, salty sea water should be moistened by special means. The composition of the used drugs should be panthenol, the action of which is to calm the irritated epidermis.

Complications of

Solar dermatitis can become chronic, often recur, develop into eczema.


With a timely begun treatment of the disease, the prognosis is good. If you treat sunlight dermatitis in a complex way, you can cope with it in a short time. If you do not carry out any treatment, the disease becomes chronic, it develops into a solar eczema.

Under the influence of sun rays, the disease can often recur. Therefore, the disease should be treated in a timely and comprehensive manner. Also popular methods of treatment will be useful, but under the control of a dermatologist.

About sunny dermatitis in children tells the doctor in the form below:

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