What is chemotherapy in oncology and how does it go: types, preparation, complications, how much is it

Chemotherapy is one of the main methods of treatment of malignant oncopathologies and involves the use of special antitumor drugs that destroy malignant cell structures or prevent their division.

Many people have heard about chemotherapy, almost everyone knows that this cancer method is accompanied by a lot of adverse reactions and disorders in the body. Many, fearing such consequences, refuse such treatment, which is not right, because it is not always possible to cure an oncology by surgery or by irradiation.

When are chemotherapy prescribed?

Not all malignant oncopathologies are treated with chemotherapeutic drugs.

Indications for chemotherapy treatment are as follows:

  1. Cancer cancers, whose remissions can be achieved only through chemotherapeutic treatment. This refers to leukemia, chorion carcinoma, hemoblastosis or rhabdomyosarcoma, etc.;
  2. The need to reduce the tumor in order to achieve its operability for subsequent removal;
  3. To prevent the spread of metastases;
  4. As an additional therapeutic method for radiation or surgical therapy.
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Oncologist after a thorough examination of the patient makes a conclusion about the effectiveness of chemotherapy treatment or finds out that such treatment is contraindicated. What could be the reason that prohibits chemotherapy?

  • Spread of metastasis into the cerebrospinal structures;Excessive bilirubin;
  • Metastatic lesions in the liver;
  • Cachexia;
  • Organic intoxication.

In general, contraindications depend on the characteristics of the patient and his body, the location of malignant formation, the presence of metastases, the stage of the tumor process, etc.

Types of

The types of chemotherapeutic treatment in oncology patients are conventionally divided by color. There is red, blue, yellow and white chemotherapy, depending on the color of the drug administered.

  1. Red chemotherapy is considered to be the most potent and toxic treatment for organic structures, in which antacycline drugs like Doxorubicin, Idarubicin or Epirubicin are used. After such treatment, neutropenia is observed, leading to a decrease in immunity and anti-infection protection.
  2. Blue chemotherapy is carried out with drugs Mitoxantrone, Mitomycin, etc.
  3. Yellow chemotherapy is produced by preparations of yellow color. This scheme includes anti-cancer agents like fluorouracil, methotrexate, or cyclophosphamide.
  4. The scheme of the white chemotherapy includes such drugs as Taxol or Tacosil.

Photo of course of chemotherapy treatment

Usually, antitumor chemotherapy is carried out using several types of drugs, that is, it has a polychemotherapeutic character.


Neoadjuvant( or preoperative) chemotherapy is given to patients before radical surgical removal of the formation. T

This chemotherapy treatment is aimed at suppressing aggression and growth of the primary tumor focus. Also, such a technique can reduce the risk of metastatic development.


This type of chemotherapy is performed after surgical treatment.

In fact, adjuvant chemotherapy is a preventive measure that prevents the further development of the cancer process. This type of treatment is used for all types of cancer.

Adjuvant chemotherapy has a complementary basic character treatment. It is aimed at eliminating possible hidden or micrometastases, which are not always detected by modern diagnostic methods.


This type of chemotherapy is also called therapeutic. Induction chemotherapy is prescribed in those clinical cases when the tumor formation is highly sensitive or moderately sensitive to anticancer drugs, and also when there are contraindications to surgical treatment of oncology.

Induction chemotherapy is prescribed:

  • With a therapeutic purpose for such tumor processes as lymphomas and leukemia, trophoblastic formations and germicogenic testicular tumors;
  • As a palliative treatment necessary to prolong the life of a cancer patient by improving its quality and reducing cancer symptoms( relief of soreness, elimination of dyspnea, etc.).


The target chemotherapy method is today one of the most modern and rapidly developing methods of treating oncological pathologies.

With the help of special antitumor drugs, the effect on molecular genetic cell disorders is carried out.

The use of targeted drugs can significantly slow down the growth or provoke self-destruction of the cell. Prior to the use of targeted drugs, a preliminary genetic and immunohistochemical study is necessary.


Hyperthermic or hot chemotherapy is called the therapeutic method of complex effects on cancer cells, including high temperatures and antitumor drugs.

Similar therapy is most effective against large tumors and inorganic metastasis.

By means of hyperthermic chemotherapy, it is possible to relieve a cancer patient from a 1-2 mm tumor by exposing it to a temperature of 41 ° C.


Platinum chemotherapy presupposes the use of antitumor drugs based on platinum - Cisplatinum, phenanthraplatin, etc. Such chemotherapy is prescribed in cases when other methods are useless.

Usually platinum antitumor treatment is indicated for ovarian and testicular cancer, bladder and lung cancer.

Among the common people, it is widely believed that if platinum chemotherapy is prescribed, then the disease picture is quite bad. This is not true. Just platinum drugs are able to work where other antitumor drugs are powerless.

In addition, it is the means based on platinum in oncology that have the most pronounced therapeutic effect.


Gentle chemotherapy is a treatment that uses antitumor drugs with a minimal set of adverse reactions. The disadvantage of such treatment is the fact that such medications are less effective against cancer.


Such chemotherapy presupposes the administration of increased doses of antitumor drugs to oncobolism. Usually, such treatment is used for various types of lymphomas such as mantle cell or non-Hodgkin's, etc.

The use of high doses of cytotoxic drugs leads to a proportional increase in efficiency in the treatment of malignant lymphomas and avoids the resistance of tumor cells to the effects of drugs. But at the same time there is a more pronounced toxic effect on the body.


If there is no chance of a cure, then patients are given palliative chemotherapy.

This treatment is aimed at:

  1. Containing further progression of the tumor process;
  2. Blocking of pain symptoms;
  3. Increased life expectancy of oncology;
  4. Reduction of the toxic effect of antitumor drugs and tumor activity;
  5. Stops growth or decreases the tumor.

The appointment of palliative therapy does not always indicate unfavorable prognosis.

On the contrary, such chemotherapy is indicated to persons who can still service themselves, their condition does not cause doctors fears, and they can transfer chemotherapy treatment for relief of pain and improvement of quality of life.

Preparation of

In the process of treatment with antitumor drugs, it is necessary to minimize physical activity as much as possible. That is why oncologists recommend to make sick leave or leave for the duration of treatment.

About bad habits can not be a speech, every cigarette in oncopathology reduces life expectancy.

Before starting treatment with chemotherapeutic drugs, it is necessary to undergo premedication and prepare the body.

  • To undergo a course of treatment of concomitant oncology of diseases.
  • Purge the body of toxins accumulated on the background of the tumor and taking medication. This is necessary to obtain the maximum effect from antitumor drugs.
  • Provide with the help of medicines protection of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatic and renal structures, as well as bone marrow.

It is recommended to communicate in advance on the topic of chemotherapy with people who have been treated similarly, with psychologists and close people. Such communication will help to prepare mentally for chemotherapy and will provide tangible psychological support.

How is chemotherapy performed?

Typically, antitumor drugs are administered to patients intravenously via infusion or in the form of a traditional injection. But this is by no means all ways of administering drugs.

They can be administered subcutaneously and orally, intramuscularly and into the artery supplying the tumor, locally and into the pleura, into the spinal fluid, into tumor tissues and the abdominal cavity.

Schemes of therapy for cancer

The chemotherapy regimen is selected in accordance with the diagnosis, the stage of the tumor process and the international regulations.

Today, a huge number of chemotherapeutic drugs are used in the form of monotherapy or in various combinations. Combinations are selected in accordance with the principle of minimum sufficiency, taking into account the greatest possible therapeutic effect on tumor formation.

In general, schemes are prescribed with the use of such drugs:

  1. Anthracyclines;
  2. Alkylating agents;
  3. Antibiotic antitumor drugs;
  4. Antimetabolites;
  5. Winkalkaloids;
  6. Taxanes;
  7. Platinum preparations;
  8. Epipodophyllotoxins, etc.

Each scheme has its own indications and contraindications, therefore the appointment should be done only by a qualified oncologist.


The number of chemotherapy courses is determined solely by the physician individually. Drugs can be taken daily( usually tablets) or weekly.

The number of courses is also determined individually based on the analysis of tolerability of the antitumor drug. The most effective and minimally complicated is considered chemotherapy, conducted two weeks time.

This is proven by research, but, unfortunately, not every oncologist can withstand such a burden. If complications occur, the doctor is forced to reduce the dosage, which is reflected in the duration of treatment.

How much does the treatment cost in Moscow?

The cost of chemotherapy in Moscow clinics can range from several tens of thousands of rubles to a million.

The most expensive antitumor drugs are the Vincals and Anthracyclines.

The total cost of a chemotherapy course depends on the type of tumor and its location.

The most costly is considered the treatment of oncopathologies of the head, blood, pancreas.

How does a person feel after chemistry and how to relieve the condition?

The main disadvantage of chemotherapy is a complex of adverse reactions. To avoid the consequences of chemotherapy will never work, despite the fact that modern medicine offers a lot of rational schemes and ways of administration.

The most characteristic side effects after chemotherapy are:

  • Nausea-vomiting symptoms - stop by taking anti-nausea and anti-emetic drugs;
  • Hair loss, nail plates and changes in the skin can not be avoided. But a few weeks after the end of treatment, everything will start to grow back, and hair, and nails;
  • Disorders of gastrointestinal activity, manifested by diarrhea, constipation, problems with appetite. To cope with this problem will help special dietotherapy.

To restore blood and immunity, liver and kidneys, eliminate anemia, patients are prescribed special medications.

Why is this therapy dangerous?

Complications of chemotherapeutic treatment occur quite often. The most dangerous of them are:

  1. Pneumonia - develops against a background of pathologically low immune status. With the timely diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia, it is possible to avoid a lethal outcome for the oncology patient;
  2. Anorectal infectious lesions. Of this complication, about 25-40% of the cases die, of whom, among all cancer patients, approximately 8% die;
  3. Tiflitis or inflammatory bowel infection. It manifests a slight soreness in the abdomen, it progresses rather quickly, passing into gangrene and perforation. Mortality among oncological patients against the background of such a complication is quite high.

Tumor decay

Quite often a phenomenon after chemotherapeutic treatment is considered to be tumor decay.

As a result of this process, the well-being of cancer patients worsens even more, as the body is additionally poisoned by products of decay of malignant structures and their toxic metabolites.

It can not be unequivocally said - it's bad or good. Decay is the result of treatment, but has toxic consequences for the body.

One thing is clear, in the process of disintegration the oncological patient needs emergency help from specialists.


Igor, 42, Moscow:

My father was chemotherapy for lung cancer. To operate it was impossible, therefore once in two weeks to him did or made so.red chemistry. On such treatment, my father held out for 2 more years. Without him, I'm sure he would not have lived for 3 months. It's sad, but still such chemistry has prolonged his life, at least for as long.

Ekaterina, 39, Orenburg:

I was afraid of chemistry, but doctors recommended that the tumor should be reduced and it could be removed. After the operation, during which the breast was removed along with the tumor, chemotherapy was performed to destroy possible metastases. Already 4 years after the operation, I periodically go through the examination. The treatment was successful and without consequences. At what stage is chemotherapy prescribed?

Chemotherapy can be prescribed at any stage of the tumor process. Do not assign it only to very severe patients, whose body is not able to bear the severity of the treatment.

  • When is chemotherapy prescribed after the operation?

First after the surgery, the patient has a postoperative recovery, takes medications to protect the liver, bone marrow functions, etc. About a month after the operation, chemotherapy is performed.

  • How many days are bad after chemotherapy?

Typically, the side-effects of post-chemotherapeutic reactions disturb patients for several days( emetic and nausea, diarrhea, constipation).

  • Recommendations after chemotherapy?

After chemotherapy treatment, it is necessary to change the diet, reducing its calorie content, but at the same time increasing vitamins and microelements. The main thing is to exclude animal fats, including milk, to refuse smoked and other heavy food. Sour milk products do not fall under the ban.

  • Treatment after chemotherapy?

You should definitely consult a doctor about rehabilitation and recovery treatment. The oncologist will make the necessary appointments to restore immunity and liver, stomach and veins, kidneys and other organic structures.

  • Does chemotherapy kill metastases?

Chemotherapy is one of the effective methods of eliminating metastases.

  • Can I die from chemotherapy?

Immediately from chemotherapy, it is hardly possible to measure, but from cold, which arose against the background of a serious decrease in immune defense - easily. Also, other complications and side effects of such treatment can lead to death.

  • How many live after chemotherapy?

The lifespan of an oncological patient depends on the outcome of the treatment. If anti-cancer therapy has been successful, then do not live a dozen years. If the purpose of chemotherapy was to prolong life, the duration depends on the patient's condition.

  • Alternative to chemotherapy?

An alternative to chemotherapy in some cases may be radiation therapy. There are also newer directions in oncology - thermotherapy and starvation of malignant cells.

  • What is the difference between chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and what is better?

The best combination treatment with the use of radiation and chemotherapy.

  • Can I give birth after chemotherapy?

Since antineoplastic agents are very toxic, it is better to postpone pregnancy until the side effect of treatment ceases. Otherwise, the risk of miscarriage is high. Sometimes chemotherapy leads to loss of reproductive functions, but there is still such an option as ICSI or IVF.

  • Can a man have children after chemotherapy?

Quite often, men are deprived of the opportunity to have children not for a while, but for good. Therefore, often before the treatment, patients are offered storage of the seed material( freezing of spermatozoa).

  • Can I refuse chemotherapy?

Each patient decides for himself, agrees to or refuses chemotherapy. But sometimes the patient's life depends on it, so it's not worth hurrying with the decision.

  • What is not possible after chemotherapy?

After chemotherapeutic treatment, unhealthy habits are categorically excluded. It is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition and doctor's recommendations for further life.

Video about how chemotherapy and its side effects are done:

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