Polyps in the intestine: symptoms, causes of education, photo, treatment

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Polyps are an extremely common pathology that is characteristic of all hollow organs, and the intestine is no exception to this rule.

For patients with hereditary polyposis, rightfully considered a precancerous condition, there is a tendency to malignancy of these tumors, so their timely detection and removal is a priority.

About the disease

Polygamy of the intestine is originally called benign neoplasms, consisting of epithelial glandular cells attached to its walls with a leg or wide base and protruding into the intestinal lumen.

Photo of polyp of large intestine

  • The preferred places for localization of polyps of the intestine are different parts of the colon. The age of formation of such polyps is most often the youthful age( in children and mature patients this occurs much less often).Most experts are of the opinion that polyps in the colon appear due to various inflammatory processes. Polyps of the large intestine are detected in 15% of adults who belong to the age category over 40 years. In patients of childhood and adolescence, this indicator is 25%.By the time of detection in 4% of the diseased polyps are in a precancerous state.70% of benign neoplasms of the colon are localized in the tissues of the mucous membranes of the straight, descending and sigmoid colon. The remaining 30% can be located in the splenic and hepatic corners, in the ascending gut and in the transverse segment of the colon.
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  • Polyps localized in the rectum are the most frequent culprits of intestinal polyposis. In 8 cases out of 10, they are the precursors of the cancer of this organ.
  • Cases of polyps of the duodenum are classified as rare pathologies. Almost all patients with this pathology were sent for surgery with suspicion of having a cancerous tumor. Polyps of the duodenum, called acid-mediated, are located next to its bulb and are found in patients with gastritis with high acidity. Even more rare polyps of the DPC, called bile-conditioned, are localized in the area of ​​the sphincter of Oddi and are characteristic of patients suffering from cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. Polyps of WPC are found in patients of both sexes, belonging to the age category of 35-60 years.
  • The cases of the formation of polyps in the small intestine are single. In half of the episodes described, patients also had polyps located in the large intestine and in the stomach. Identify them in patients of the widest age range. In women, they are detected somewhat more often.

In the international classification of diseases( abbreviated ICD-10), the anal canal polyps are assigned code K62.0;polyps of the rectum are indicated by the code K62.1.

Reasons for the formation of

Unconditional reasons for the appearance of polyps by scientists have not yet been established.

We can only assume that the development of this pathology is due to fault:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • malnutrition, poor in plant fiber and abundant in carbohydrates and animal fats;
  • disturbed ecology;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • susceptibility to constipation;
  • intestinal diverticulosis;
  • malignancy in the intestine.

Leading experts in this field at the moment developed the following theories that explain the appearance of intestinal polyps:

  • According to the inflammatory theory, these benign neoplasms of the intestine represent something in between inflammatory diseases and cancerous tumors of this organ.
  • Supporters of the disregeneratory theory claim that with each trauma of the intestinal mucosa and with the development of acute inflammatory processes in the human body, regeneration processes are triggered. Each such pathology leads to an insignificant thickening of the layer of glandular epithelial cells. If the starts of the regenerative processes become too frequent, the pathological thickenings, increasing from time to time, become the basis for the appearance of polyps.
  • The authors of the theory of embryonic dystopia consider intestinal polyps a consequence of the pathological embryonic development of the intestinal mucous membranes, trauma and inflammation of which eventually becomes the cause of the formation of polyps.

Types of

Colon polyps can be:

  • Adenomatous. Given the high likelihood of malignancy, this type of polyp is often called an optional precancer.
  • Insecticides. Polyps of this species, when grown, can form a kind of carpet on the walls of the intestine affected by them. The likelihood of their malignancy is also not less than 40%.
  • Hyperplastic. These are small in size, they are most often located on the walls of the rectum.
  • Hamartomatous. Generated by healthy tissues, the polyps of this species appear either due to unusual cell combinations or due to anomalies in the development of glandular epithelium.
  • Presented by juvenile local outgrowths. Neoplasms of this species can appear in toddlers of the age category 3-6 years. Polyps in the baby's intestines, which have a habit of spontaneously resolving, are not malignant almost never, however, isolated cases of such degeneration still occur.

Polyps of the intestine can be both single and multiple. Multiple polyps can be located diffusely - along the entire intestine;they are often combined into compact groups.

Symptoms of intestinal polyps in adults and children

In the vast majority of cases, the presence of polyps in the intestine does not have any clinical symptoms and specific manifestations. This prevents timely detection and treatment of the disease.

The patient should be alerted and consult a doctor if there are the following symptoms:

  1. pain in the abdomen;
  2. discomfort arising at the time of defecation;
  3. blood on the surface and in the stool;
  4. mucosal discharge during feces and in addition to it;
  5. difficulties in moving feces alternating with a loose stool;
  6. frequent urge to defecate.
  • Non-specific symptomatology of large intestine polyposis ( admixture of blood in feces) in adult patients may be mistaken for manifestations of hemorrhoids. Identify the cause of bleeding in children is much more difficult, because it may not be associated with the intestines.

For the majority of patients with colon polyposis, localization of neoplasms in the left part of this organ is characteristic. Having a mushroom shape( with a thick or thin stem), they can reach six centimeters, provoking the development of colitis and colon diseases.

A characteristic symptom indicative of polyposis of the large intestine is the presence of longitudinal slimes of mucus and blood on fecal masses( the lower the localization of the polyp, the brighter the color of the blood and less the degree of its mixing with feces).

Every second patient who has polyps in the colon, constipation alternates with diarrhea and combines with painful tenesmus. In addition, the diseased suffer from abdominal pain, burning and itching in the anal canal and rectum.

Constant diarrhea and bleeding worsen the general condition of patients, provoking the appearance of physical weakness, dizziness, pallor of the skin and severe exhaustion.

  • Polyposis of the rectum , which for years does not manifest itself, is most often detected during endoscopic examinations in patients over 50 years of age. With inflammation or damage to the integrity of these neoplasms, the clinical picture changes dramatically. In patients, there are abundant discharge of mucus and blood. In this case, you should immediately contact a proctologist.
  • Polyps localized in the sigmoid colon , provoke the occurrence of regular constipation, followed by attacks of causeless diarrhea. Nonspecific symptomatology of polyposis of the sigmoid colon is the presence of a swollen abdomen, belching, as well as the secretion of blood, pus and mucus during the act of defecation.
  • Polyposis of the small intestine , which occurs extremely rarely, nevertheless, can lead to the development of intestinal obstruction, profuse bleeding, curvature of the intestine, disruption of the integrity of its walls. In both adults and children, one part of the intestine affected by the polyps can occur. The probability of malignancy of such polyps is great.

Initial symptoms of polyposis of the small intestine include flatulence, nausea, heartburn, belching, a feeling of fullness of the stomach, a feeling of pain in the upper abdomen. The patient may be troubled by cramping pains in the abdomen. Polyps located in the primary parts of the small intestine can provoke indomitable vomiting.

  • Polyps that have settled in the duodenum , in 70% of cases nothing has bothered patients for quite some time. When neoplasms reach large sizes, patients develop pain, intestinal obstruction develops;The ulcerated membranes of the polyps begin to bleed.

The nature of the pain can be different;they are usually located in the navel area. In addition to pain, the patient complains of a feeling of overcrowding, persistent nausea and burpiness is rotten.

Nevertheless, it is impossible to diagnose the presence of polyps of the duodenum on the basis of a clinical picture reminiscent of the manifestations of tumors of the bile ducts, small intestine and pyloric part of the stomach.

What is the probability of degeneration into cancer?

The probability of malignancy is 75% of adenomatous polyps localized in the intestine. The tendency towards malignancy of adenomatous polyps is directly dependent on their size and the histological structure of the tissues.

So, in polyps, the size of which does not exceed 1 cm, the probability of malignancy is only 1%.In the presence of tumors that measure from one to two centimeters, this indicator increases tenfold, and at a size exceeding two centimeters, the risk of malignancy is already 40%.

Adenomatous and villous polyps are responsible for the development of colorectal cancer in 95% of cases.

The duration of this process can be from 5 to 15 years. Gamartomatous and hyperplastic polyps are never malignant.

How to detect?

For the detection of polypous neoplasms in the intestine, a whole complex of modern diagnostic procedures is used:

  • Raktromanoskopiya allows you to establish the state of the walls of the sigmoid and rectum with a rectoscope, equipped with a lighting device and a miniature video camera. During the procedure, a biopsy is taken( plucking a small piece from the polyp for further laboratory testing for the content of cancer cells in it).
  • A more informative technique is the procedure of colonoscopy , with which you can examine all parts of the intestine. Since this type of research requires air to be injected into the intestine( manipulation rather painful for the patient), it is carried out only under mild anesthesia. The procedure of colonoscopy is also good because it allows you to remove the detected polyps simultaneously with the examination.
  • Irrigoscopy can be used to detect polyps - X-ray examination, during which the cavity of the intestine is filled with a contrast agent( barium suspension).
  • The finger examination of the rectum is quite effective( a tri-centimetric area adjacent to the anal canal is available).
  • Some patients are assigned magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography to identify polyps.

An analysis of feces for latent blood is important for the early detection of polyps in the intestine, although even a negative result of this test is not a 100% guarantee that the polyps in the patient's body are absent. Initial signs of anemia in a general blood test can be an indirect evidence of the presence of polyps in the intestine.

Treatment of intestinal polyps

In case of intestinal polyposis, the only effective method of disposal is surgical intervention. The methods of conservative and traditional medicine in relation to this disease are not able either to eliminate these new formations, nor to reduce their size.


It is impossible to cure polyposis of the intestines with the help of medications, but they are often used to prepare the patient for surgical intervention( for example, to reduce the symptoms of gastritis, which is an essential companion of polyposis).

If the patient refuses the surgery, the attending physician may agree to the use of expectant management with dynamic supervision. In this case, the patient takes medications that help to cope with the main symptoms of the disease.

To improve gastric and intestinal motility, the patient is prescribed motilium, ranitidine and other drugs from this group.


When surgical removal of intestinal polyps can be performed:

  • endoscopic polypectomy( a surgeon's tool in this case is a rectoscope or a colonoscope);
  • colotomy( removal of the polyp through the incision of the wall of the colon);
  • transanal( through rectum) operation of excision of polyps;
  • resection( removal) of the entire intestine site, strewn with numerous polyps, followed by the formation of an anastomosis between the severed parts of the intestine.


Traditional folk medicine can not cope with polyps in the intestines, but in some cases they managed to prevent the emergence of additional tumors with their help.

When polyposis intestines, folk healers recommend taking:

  • decoctions of oak bark, spruce needles, celandine, medicinal collection from chaga, yarrow and St. John's wort;
  • drink from fresh viburnum;
  • kvass from celandine;
  • is a drug from horseradish and honey.

Good results( according to users) gives a course of microclystation, performed on the basis of medicinal collection of tails, calendula and St. John's Wort.


The diet of patients who underwent surgery for the removal of polyps in the intestines should be gentle and provide at least six meals throughout the day. The products used should contain a large amount of plant fibers, antioxidants and vitamins.

The patient is helpful:

  • rubbed soups and cereals;
  • all kinds of fermented milk products;
  • green tea;
  • sea and white cabbage;
  • dishes from pumpkin;
  • fresh carrots, onions, spinach;
  • wheat germ;
  • fruits are not sour varieties;
  • low-fat meat, boiled or cooked in a double boiler.

Contraindicated in use:

  • pickles;
  • smoked meat;
  • fried and fatty foods;
  • dairy products;
  • any canned food;
  • refined products containing a large number of flavors and colorings.

Prevention of

Avoid the formation of polyps in the intestines using:

  • proper nutrition;
  • refusal to consume animal fats and replace them with vegetable oils;
  • include in the diet products containing a large number of coarse plant fibers( they are rich in apples, beets, zucchini, pumpkin);
  • conscious refusal to smoke and drink alcohol;
  • an active way of life and playing sports;
  • prevention of constipation;
  • timely treatment of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • regular( at least once every three years) preventive examination of the intestine;
  • visits to a qualified physician of persons at risk( even if they have no complaints).

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