Treatment of laryngitis in the home

With laryngitis, the mucous membrane of the larynx, the vocal cords, become inflamed. This leads to a hoarseness of the voice or to its disappearance. Viral, bacterial infections affect healthy cells, causing disease. The causes of laryngitis can be: colds, inflammation of the respiratory organs, damage to the larynx by hot air, overstrain of the ligaments of the vocal, allergic reactions of the body. Treatment of laryngitis in the home can be done with the help of traditional medicine.

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  • Treatment for loss of voice with laryngitis
  • Preparations for inhalation with laryngitis nebulizer
  • Symptoms and treatment of acute laryngitis
  • Symptoms and treatment of laryngitis in adults
  • Which doctor treats laryngitis?

The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • coughing up phlegm with a dry cough;
  • throat swelling;
  • pain while swallowing;
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  • high body temperature;
  • difficult breathing;
  • hoarseness of the voice, its loss.

Treatment of laryngitis with folk remedies in adults and children

When choosing a method of treatment, it is necessary to establish the causes of the disease in adults, children. Adhere to the basic rules during the treatment process. Eliminate the main disease from which laryngitis developed. If it is influenza, cold, it is recommended to treat such symptoms with appropriate medications. Observe the voice mode. Do not strain your voice. It is advisable not to talk for a week.


The procedure is carried out daily. The daily dose of 5-8 times. During inhalation, sputum goes away, the inflammatory process is eliminated. For such treatment are suitable decoctions of chamomile, oregano, coltsfoot, sage, eucalyptus, fir. In the water for inhalation, pour a few drops of menthol, eucalyptus, mint. Such infusions give the effect of calming, healing wounds, killing bacteria.

An easy form of the disease is to take propolis( 40 g), pour olive oil( 100 g).Infuse for a week at room temperature. Shake the mixture every day, drain. The course of treatment is a month.

Take the teapot to place in it 2 tbsp.l.seeds of dill, pour boiling water. Twist the tubule out of cardboard paper, attach it to the spout of the dishes, breathe with your mouth until it cools.

Caution: After inhalation, take the food in an hour.

Drinking warm abundant

Treatment of laryngitis in children by folk remedies can be carried out with the help of abundant drinking. For a day you need to drink at least ten glasses of various herbal teas, morses, mineral water. To soften the inflammation of the vocal cords, drink warm milk, adding butter, honey. Milk can not be drunk hot.

The lost voice will return if you drink a drink made of cognac, honey, lemon juice. To cognac( 50 g) add a few teaspoons of honey, 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Cognac is mixed with two proteins, whipped with three tablespoons of sugar. Sip the drink with water. Drink the medicine before going to bed. Flesh the figs of dry pour milk, warm, do not bring to a boil. Drink hot three times a day.


This method can be used to treat laryngitis in adolescents and adults. A simple method of treatment is gargling. Soda is diluted with water. Rinse often. No soda, replace with sea salt. Carrots cook in milk, drain. Suitable beet and potato juices, diluted with water at room temperature. A teaspoon of starch is mixed with a glass of water, add a pharmacy glycerin, a few drops of iodine. To rinse, rinse the throat 4 - 5 times a day.

Caution: The rinse aid must be freshly prepared.

Heating compressors

Make a compress for the neck, chest with the addition of medical alcohol, vodka, fat nutria, fat badger, warm vegetable oil.

Caution: Do not apply compresses that warm baths to patients who have high body temperature.

Therapeutic baths

You can treat the laryngitis at home with the help of medical baths. Baths chamomile, saline give the body warmth, inhalation. It is necessary to soak your feet with hot water with dry mustard, soda. During treatment, exclude food seasonings with spicy, spicy, cigarettes. Nothing should irritate the mucous surface of the larynx. The patient's room should be regularly moistened with cleaning.

In the same way, laryngitis is treated in infants. Pre-check the water temperature with your elbow, and lower the child into it. Water it with your hand until it breaks up and turns slightly red. Wrap the baby in a warm blanket.

Folk treatment

Carrot, lemon, cranberry juice with honey

  • drink one spoon per day;
  • to blend plantain, honey;
  • half an hour steamed in a water bath.

Take in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening according to the art.spoon. This method can be most effectively used in the treatment of laryngitis in pregnant women. It is completely safe for the health of the future mummy.


Grind, mix with milk, bring to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes, warm to drink in small sips. Raisins pour water, boil 10 - 15 minutes, pour in the juice of onions. Drink 50 ml of the drink throughout the day.

If chronic form:

  1. Art.a spoonful of peeled onions, St. John's wort, the leaves of plantain mixed.
  2. Boil, insist, strain.
  3. Take half a cup before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Tincture of oregano( steaming a glass of boiling water, two tablespoons) will improve expectoration. The decoction from the mother-and-stepmother will speed up the healing process. Grind the leaves of the plant, soak half a glass of boiling water, insist an hour, drain. Eliminates the inflammatory process, removes cough, sputum. Drink four times a day in a spoonful. The broth should be used as inhalation.

Return the voice will help drink from the seeds of anise

Half a cup of aniseed seeds pour boiling water, boil for 15 minutes over a small fire. Cool, strain, add one-fourth of a glass of honey from a linden, a spoonful of cognac. Take every half hour for 1 tbsp.l.

Aloe and honey

Mix the aloe juice with honey in an equal amount. Keep refrigerated. Before use, heat the medicine before the temperature of the room. Drink four times a day. Cocktail gogol-mogol: beat egg yolks with sugar, mix a little melted butter. He will restore his voice in five days.

From 1 tsp.seeds and crushed sunflower leaves pour a liter of water, boil for an hour and a half, drain, report honey. Three drops in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Prepare a decoction of 2 tbsp.l.dried white grapes from 1 tbsp.water. In the prepared mixture, pour onion juice or honey. Take inside 1/4 of a glass 3 times a day. The whispering will recede.

Horsetail broth

If a chronic disease is to make a decoction of the grass of the horsetail, the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother, the hawthorn, the elecampane root. Collect the pour cold water, soak in boiling water for 7 minutes, insist for about an hour. Take the medication for half a glass 4 times a day. In a thermos to fill the berries of a dogrose, pour boiling water, insist the night, drink the whole broth for a day.

Attention: During the preparation of herbal decoctions, pay attention to their composition. Do not use herbs with poisonous properties.


Under their influence, the pain in the throat ceases, the inflammatory process passes, attacks of dry cough. To put a mustard plaster on the front part of the neck, the heel, the thorax. Hold for 20 minutes. The cough will decrease. After the procedure, wipe dry skin with a dry towel, apply cream, cover with a blanket, and avoid drafts.

Caution: Do not put mustard plasters on the heart area of ​​the body.

Treatment during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women are not allowed to take medicines and physiotherapy. People's remedies are allowed, which do not affect the fetus. Rinse throat with soda solution, inhalation daisy, mint. Abundant drink, brewing tea from hips of wild rose, lemon, adding honey, cranberry fruit, cranberries.

Laryngitis in infants

In acute illness, the risk of dangers to life in infants up to one year is increased. If the child has a headache, an attack of coughing has intensified and breathing is difficult, one can not rely on traditional medicine, you need to call an ambulance immediately. Such signs in the child say that there is a swelling of the tissues and a narrowing of the larynx lumen. This can lead to suffocation. Before the ambulance arrives, in the absence of temperature in the patient, place the handles in the hot water up to the elbow joints and the legs to the knees. This procedure will make breathing easier. Give a child a drink of a solution of soda in a warm form or mineral alkaline water without gas.

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