Treatment of conjunctivitis in pregnancy at home

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1 Traditional therapies for

Regardless of the type of infection that caused the disease, hygiene rules are required. Do not rub or scratch your eyes with your hands. This will only complicate the situation, since it is possible to re-infect the infection in the eye. Be sure to thoroughly wash your hands with soap. Have to change the towel every day. It is recommended to change the pillowcase every day. All bedding should be washed more often. Do not use cosmetics in any way. She will be infected, and when the woman after recovering again decides to use cosmetics, then there will be a re-infection. It is necessary to throw away all cosmetics, which the woman used earlier. The same applies to contact lenses - they can not be used by a woman while she is sick. In addition, it is necessary to place the lenses after wearing in a special solution for disinfection.

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Not all drugs are allowed to women in position, so usually doctors advise to use lotions and compresses. For example, a pregnant woman can use a warm compress. This will help get rid of the pain, itching, burning and irritation, so that the discomfort in the eyes will not be so strong. It should be remembered that if the conjunctivitis is viral or bacterial in nature, then the lotions should be warm, but if the disease is caused by allergic reactions, then you need to use cool compresses.

Otherwise, the treatment should be under constant medical supervision. Do not use drugs without permission. Usually, you can not use systemic medicines, so you only have to deal with drugs with local effects: these are eye drops and ointments. Only a doctor can choose them, taking into account the special position of a woman. Drugs should be completely safe for both women and her child. Doctors recommend taking several courses of vitamin therapy. This will help strengthen the body, so that the immune system can easily deal with infections and other problems. However, the use of drugs from the group of immunostimulants is required to begin only after the permission of the gynecologist, since for each pregnancy period it is necessary to take certain vitamins.

It is very important to follow the doctor's recommendations. It is imperative that you wash your eyes. To do this, apply a solution of potassium permanganate, but you can use a solution of furatsilina. The liquid should have a very weak concentration, so as not to damage the mucous layers. This procedure should be carried out 3 times a day. If the discharge from the eyes became too abundant, then you can use Levomycetin. These are eye drops. Suitable and a drop of sodium sulfacil. The concentration should be approximately 0.25%.Gradually, mucus and pus will cease to appear from the eyes. These funds are very effective. In addition, they do not harm during pregnancy.

It is very important to monitor food. In the daily diet must necessarily include fresh fruits, vegetables and berries. It is also recommended to drink freshly squeezed juices. They must be diluted with water.

2 Eye hygiene and treatment features for expectant mothers

It should always be remembered that with conjunctivitis it is necessary to wash the eyes. Especially if crusts are formed. They must be deleted. For washing, solutions with antiseptic agents are used. If the disease is caused by an allergic reaction, then it is recommended to use drugs with antihistamine properties. With the right dosage, they do not harm a pregnant woman and her baby. In no case can not contact the allergen. It is always necessary to maintain the hygiene of the eyes and skin. For washing, use only clean water.

It is very important to establish the cause of the disease and from this to start from when choosing a therapy. In general, the treatment of conjunctivitis in a pregnant woman practically does not differ from usual therapy. However, all drugs should be used with a lower concentration of active ingredients. Through the mucous layers absorbed the minimum amount of substances, so that for the fetus they are not dangerous.


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3 Traditional medicine

In general, traditional medicine in the presence of infection in the eyes is not as effective as medicine. But on the other hand, many drugs are strictly prohibited to a pregnant woman. In this case, it is required to combine ointments and eye drops using the recipes of traditional medicine. However, a ban is imposed on certain medicinal herbal remedies. For example, taking them inside is strictly forbidden. But you can use medicinal infusions and herbs for lotions, applications and compresses. However, before using medicinal plants, you need to consult a doctor.

There are many recipes for various infusions and decoctions for external use.

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  1. Aloe. You can use the juice of aloe. It is required to squeeze it out of the leaf. The plant should be at least 2-3 years old. Then the juice should be mixed with water: 1 part of the juice is supposed to be 10 parts of pure boiled water. You can also use dried leaves. They are simply poured with boiling water, and then wait until the agent is infused.
  2. Altey. Pregnant women can use an alteum. It is necessary to pour 4 tablespoons of dried roots with boiled water, and it should be cool. Then it is recommended that you wait a day for the remedy to stay. You can use and boiling water. Then a glass of water is recommended for 2 spoons of inflorescences and leaves. Already in half an hour, the remedy will work. It is used for normal eye washing. The more often a woman repeats the procedure, the faster the conjunctivitis will pass.
  3. Rose. Rose petals are also allowed to pregnant women. It is necessary to pour them with boiling water. After 30-40 minutes, the infusion will be ready. It is used for rubbing the eyes. Before going to bed, you can do half an hour compresses. If pus or mucus is released from the eyes when conjunctivitis, it is strictly forbidden to apply bandages. Otherwise, the risk of re-infection increases dramatically. In addition, other tissues, such as the cornea, can also be affected. First you need to remove these excretions and formed crusts, and only then you can do compresses.
  4. Cornflower. Inflorescences of cornflower are also suitable for the treatment of pregnant women. They are brewed in boiling water, and after half an hour the liquid must be filtered. Such an infusion is washed with the eyes. It is recommended to repeat this every hour.

4 Useful recommendations

Pregnancy in women should be safe.

You can not hurt at all. However, the woman's body spends all efforts to support the development of the fetus and its protection, because of this the woman's immune system can significantly weaken. As a result, any wrong step can cause the development of the disease.

This also applies to infection on the mucous membranes of the eye. Conjunctivitis is required to be treated very carefully in a pregnant woman. Many drugs will be banned, so it will have to be limited to simple means. You can also use traditional medicine. But in any case, before using the funds that are prescribed by an ophthalmologist, you need to consult a gynecologist.

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