What does the doctor of medical sciences Irina Chazova say about hypertension?

1 Causes of the disease

Every year, the disease "younger", involving in its ranks, young generations. The most offensive is that hypertension at the initial stage does not make itself felt. It all starts with blood pressure, the source of our life. Arterial pressure serves as a blood supply to our important organs: the heart, kidneys, brain, myocardium. In response to our health, not physicians, but more so ourselves.

The main causes of hypertension:

  • stress;
  • excess excess weight;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excessive salt intake.

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Our pressure may increase excessively - in stressful situations. Having fled or being overwhelmed, we feel a jump in pressure - this is a normal condition of increase. But there are situations when the indicator goes off scale, then it is urgent to take measures to stabilize it to the normal value. Normal, or, as they say, cosmic, is the pressure of 120 to 80 mm Hg. Art. In the distant non-existence the concept of working pressure left.

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Arterial hypertension is divided into two types:

  • primary hypertension;
  • secondary hypertension.

Primary occurs without particular clear reasons. The main factor of the disease is stress. Endocrine diseases, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, kidneys entail secondary hypertension. According to Professor Chazovoy, in this case it is important to identify the underlying disease and prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

Periodically monitor your pressure. Noticing that the tonometer is not the first time the numbers show more than 140 by 90 mm, sound the alarm. Urgent deal with your health - you have hypertension! Measure the pressure daily twice a day, at the same time. It is preferable to use a tonometer measuring pressure on the brachial artery.

2 How to measure pressure?

The following points must be observed: The

  • cuff is sized;
  • 30 minutes prior to measurement, do not drink coffee;
  • sit straight, feet on the floor, one hand supports the second;
  • will be tracked by the recorded measurement results.

Hypertension is divided into:

  1. Systolic. There is an increase in the upper pressure. There is more in the elderly.
  2. Diastolic. The lower arterial pressure is overestimated from the index of 80 mm. This species is common in the younger generation.

3 Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms initially seem insignificant, but the cardiologist Chazova advises paying attention to them. Preventing a disease is always easier than treating it in a state of neglect. These are common signs of fatigue: headache, high blood pressure, tinnitus. Without measuring blood pressure, many are trying in any way to save their worsened condition.


  • frequent headache;
  • slight dizziness;
  • throws something in the heat, then in the cold;
  • memory degrades;
  • fly flies before your eyes;
  • swelling of the hands;
  • numb fingers;
  • unreasonable alarm;
  • irritability;
  • tachycardia.

These symptoms may occasionally remind you of themselves, and after a rest in general retreat. But it is not recommended to leave them without attention. Insidious hypertension affects selected target organs. The way of life should be adjusted so that the disease does not progress, worn out by the body. Do not put your health at risk.

4 How to treat the pathology of

It is very important to gradually reduce the pressure. With a sharp decrease in blood pressure, the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction increases. Our market is oversaturated with medicines from hypertension. Modern drugs for treatment contain a combination of components in a single capsule. Versatile mechanism of action is more effective. There are drugs with a long-term effect, a single use of which reduces blood pressure during the day.

Treatment rules:

  1. Do not reduce pressure in a short time.
  2. After the improvement, do not stop taking the prescribed medication.
  3. Do not administer the dose yourself.

On the advice of Chazovoy along with the drugs prescribed by a doctor, be sure to try to spend more time outdoors.


A simple but effective way to get rid of HYPERTENSION 100%!

Jump pressure? ! The result will not be long in coming! Leo Bokeria told how to bring the pressure back to normal, there is a simple tool. ..

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Yoga, observance of the work regime, i.e.need full relaxation. It is worth revising your diet, significantly reducing the amount of salt and fatty foods. The diet requires the presence of dairy products, cereals, legumes, beef, fish, poultry. Give up fast food and fast food. Healthy diet is not a diet, but a balanced balanced diet. Keep your body weight as normal. Limit the serving size. Try to cook food in a double boiler. Completely abandon bad habits, increasing physical activity. Sign in the gym, swimming pool, dancing, cycling, rollerblading. Is there no way to go on active rest? Just move more, climb the stairs, not the elevator. After each meal, you need to be a little bit like. Walk every day before going to bed. When you hear the music, do not be shy, move in rhythm. And no stressful situations!

Blood pressure lowering products:

  • Dikul: Orthopedists deceive people! Joints are treated simply "Strong joints and back pains are needed 3 times a day. .."
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  • skimmed milk, in which there is a lot of calcium and vitamin D;
  • spinach high in fiber, potassium, magnesium and folic acid;
  • seeds are a source of magnesium;
  • beans with fiber, potassium, magnesium;
  • baked potatoes;
  • bananas containing potassium;
  • bitter chocolate, not less than 80% cocoa in the composition;
  • use olive oil, lemon, herbs in your dishes.

The most important rule in the fight against hypertension is a benevolent inner spirit. And here everything depends on you. Follow the recommendations of doctors, apply volitional efforts and will certainly be healthy!

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