How can you get a sinusitis, is there any danger to others?

1 Nature of the ailment

Sinusitis is never a random process. A healthy person often does not notice the development of a viral form of the disease against the background of an active stage of acute respiratory infections. If the immunity of an adult or a child next to the carrier of infection is weakened, then the calamity can not be avoided. There are more than a dozen types of microorganisms that provoke the disease of the upper respiratory tract. Even in the body of a healthy person there are intestinal sticks, pathogenic staphylococcus, hemophilic rods. With the weakening of the immune system and contact with the patient, they pass into the active stage and provoke the accelerated development of sinusitis.

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Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses causes pathogenic bacteria and so-called pathogens of a conditional species.

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To determine if a sinusitis is contagious, the attending physician should conduct a visual examination of the patient and establish the symptoms of the disease. Only knowing the cause of the development of the disease, you can determine the possibility of its spread to the surrounding people.

There are several types of ailment, depending on its nature:

  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • is "congenital";
  • sinusitis of a different type.

2 Viral etiology

Often, the ailment is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, coughing, runny nose, a feeling of malaise. All this - signs of infection of the body, so the danger of such genyantritis to others is obvious. All kinds of respiratory tract infections that accompany the disease have a viral form. This means that the patient can transmit the infection to people who come into contact with him.

It is important to understand that the patient does not pass on the genyantritis himself, but the bacteria and microorganisms that contribute to the manifestation of the disease.

3 Bacterial, "congenital" and other forms of the disease

Bacterial infections that play a major role in the establishment of a chronic form of the disease in the patient's body can be represented by streptococcus, staphylococcus, chlamydia and mycoplasma. Inflammation occurs with pronounced symptoms of respiratory disease, so bacterial sinusitis by airborne transmission is transmitted, like SARS.

The so-called congenital sinusitis can be observed with the curvature of the septum of the nose. As a result of these processes, the drainage of the upper respiratory tract and the ventilation of the maxillary sinuses are disturbed. In patients, abnormal narrowing of the nasal cavity is observed, so breathing is difficult. On the question, "congenital" antritis is contagious or not, the answer will be negative. This form of the disease is not of an infectious nature, therefore it is not transmitted to others.

Other sinusitis can be caused by various diseases of the teeth, frequent allergies. Among the possible causes of the disease can be identified caries and pulpitis in neglected form. Diseases of the teeth located on the upper jaw are especially dangerous. This is due to the fact that in most patients the roots of the upper teeth grow directly into the sinuses. In this case, the ailment is called odontogenic.

With frequent allergic reactions, the likelihood of developing sinusitis is also great. On the question whether the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, it is possible to give a negative answer. This is due to the lack of inflammatory processes in the patient.

Genyantritis for others is not dangerous, if it is not accompanied by secondary infectious diseases. Establish the root cause of the disease can only be a professional, so at the first signs of ailment you need to go to the doctor.

4 Is the chronic course of the disease

acute? Acute form of sinusitis often flows into a chronic. The disease is provoked by streptococci, fungi, viruses and anaerobes. In the absence of effective and timely treatment of acute inflammation of the maxillary sinuses and inconsistent carrying out of antibiotic therapy of the chronic process can not be avoided.

The main cause of chronic sinusitis is the constant presence of infection in the oral cavity of the patient. Often, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses provokes chronic tonsillitis. As a result of tonsillitis, polyps or cysts are formed in the oral cavity of the patient, which disrupt natural air exchange and outflow of mucus, which causes inflammation of the surface of the mucosa in the nasopharynx.


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Chronic sinusitis is extremely infectious. You can get sick only if a healthy person is in direct contact with the discharge from the nose of a sick patient, containing bacteria and viruses.

5 How is the pathology of

transmitted? So, it is clear that the antritis is contagious. The probability of infection from a sick person is about 30%.In order to avoid this, it is worth to know how this disease can be transmitted.

Since sinusitis is primarily a respiratory disease, it is most often transmitted by the airborne infection.

Less often the disease passes from the patient to a healthy person through a contact and household way.

It should be noted that the disease itself does not pass from person to person. Only the infection that causes it is transmitted. Each organism is individual, and if someone does not even notice the presence of the virus, then a person with weaker immunity can get flu, ARVI or even sinusitis.

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Not the least role is played by the degree of genyantritis in the patient. The most infectious is the illness in acute form. It has the most pronounced symptoms, so it is quite easy to detect it.

The organism of young children is most susceptible to the pathogens of various viruses and infections. Most often in children, this disease occurs against the background of a previous infection: scarlet fever, measles, flu, or disease of the posterior upper teeth.

There are a lot of folk recipes from sinusitis, which are primarily aimed at cleaning the sinuses of the nose from mucus, which can not only alleviate the general condition of the patient, but also reduce the likelihood of infection with the genyantritis for others. Use of folk remedies is possible only after consultation with a doctor and only as an adjunct to drug treatment.

6 Prevention measures

Knowing the answer to the question whether sinusitis is transmitted by airborne droplets, you can easily avoid infection if there is a patient in your environment.

To prevent the appearance of sinusitis, you need to implement the following recommendations:

  • maximum strengthening of immunity;
  • hygiene compliance;
  • reception of vitamins;
  • exclusion of contacts with the patient;
  • get rid of the habit of touching your face, rub eyes, nose;
  • when in the same room as the patient, use an oxolin ointment or mask.

To protect yourself from the disease, you can by practicing preventive measures that are commonly used in the period of massive seasonal epidemics. The most vulnerable to infection with sinusitis are small children and elderly people. This category of patients should be extremely cautious: do not appear in places of large crowds during epidemics, use disposable masks to protect the respiratory tract as needed, regularly flush the nasal cavity and monitor the overall well-being. It is equally important to treat respiratory diseases in a timely manner so that they do not develop into a chronic form and have no serious consequences.

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